Should Christians Be Masons?

Masonry: a substitute for your church?

Satan has always used two approaches to getting people away from following the Lord:

  • Get them involved in something to replace their relationship with God. Anything is fine, whether a religious system, an old-boys club, or a fast-track to riches. Take up all their time and energy with anything but Jesus.
  • Get them into something where they build a close bond, a comaraderie with unbelievers. It works best if it is a club where any kind of Christian witnessing would be an affront, an offense to the decency of the club.

Masonry meets both requirements.

  • By the time a man spends hours memorizing the complex rituals and meeting with his buddies, he is fully committed, and fully busy.
  • When Masonry becomes central in his life, the man will not violate Masonry's principle that all roads lead to heaven, by daring to witness that Jesus is the Only Way. Soulwinning ends.

The result, over time, is spiritual decay. He loses that first love for God and becomes just another "good old boy" who prospers in business because he is part of the club.

But it doesn't stop there. Because the fathers of Masonry were often satanists or occultists, the whole system is filled with pagan symbolism. The father of the whole system, Satan, just could not resist putting his fingerprints all over it.

If you have a loved one or friend considering Masonry, or even already into it, the articles listed in this section may help you help them. They will certainly answer the question, "Should a Christian be a Mason?"

See list of articles


Southern Baptist Study on Masonry

  • Occult
  • Masonic Teachings
  • Should Christians Be Masons

Southern Baptist Convention found Freemasonry to be 'incompatible with Christianity' but was unwilling (afraid?) to tell Baptists to stay out.

Why No Christian Woman Should Join Order of the Eastern Star

  • Occult
  • Eastern Star

Eastern Star is the women's auxiliary to the occultic Masonic Lodge. Here is what they do, what it means, and why no Christian woman should join.

What Would You Do If .....?

  • Masonic Teachings
  • Should Christians Be Masons

You knew that some of your church leaders belonged to a secret Society with ceremonies derived from pagan, even satanic rituals?


Should Christians Be Masons

Southern Baptist Study on Masonry
Southern Baptist Convention found Freemasonry to be 'incompatible with Christianity' but was unwilling (afraid?) to tell Baptists to stay out.

Should A Christian Become A Mason?
It goes against the spirit of Masonry for a member to take seriously the Great Commission, or to focus on living life as a Bible-believing Christian. Masonry is not concerned with the gospel.

The Masonic Lodge and Presbyterianism
The 1984 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland appointed a committee to make a study of the practices and teachings of Freemasonry and its compatibility with Presbyterian standards.

Can a Christian Be a Mason?
Several years ago this writer witnessed an odd mixture at a funeral of a relative....

What Would You Do If .....?
You knew that some of your church leaders belonged to a secret Society with ceremonies derived from pagan, even satanic rituals?

Masonic Teachings

Do You Know This Organization?
At the heart of Masonry is the unbiblical idea that all religions worship the same god.

Who Is Masonry's God? Just Write Your Own Label
Just write your own label.

The Masonic Lodge and Presbyterianism
The 1984 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland appointed a committee to make a study of the practices and teachings of Freemasonry and its compatibility with Presbyterian standards.

What Would You Do If .....?
You knew that some of your church leaders belonged to a secret Society with ceremonies derived from pagan, even satanic rituals?

Eastern Star

Why No Christian Woman Should Join Order of the Eastern Star
Eastern Star is the women's auxiliary to the occultic Masonic Lodge. Here is what they do, what it means, and why no Christian woman should join.


Four Words That Open the Doorway to Satanism
And they are found in a commonly used Bible!


'Jack the Ripper' Memorial Home For Battered Women?
Naming a boy's order after DeMolay is like naming a shelter for batter women after Jack the Ripper, or a home for unwed mothers after serial killer Ted Bundy!