Learning Center

Resources on Cyber-Security and How the Internet Works From Cloudflare. What is Cloudflare?

Learn About DDoS Attacks

In a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, a network of computers work in tandem to overflow an access point and prevent legitimate users from accessing a service.

Learn About CDNs

In a content delivery network (CDN), a set of distributed servers work together to efficiently deliver Internet content, improving loading speed and reliability.

Learn About DNS

The domain name system (DNS) is often referred to as a phone book for the Internet. It's the worldwide network that connects users to web content via domain names.

Learn About Web Application Security

The nature of the Internet makes web applications vulnerable to a number of attacks. Web application security involves using a holistic approach to mitigate attacks.

Learn About Performance

The nature of the Internet makes web applications vulnerable to a number of attacks. Web application security involves using a holistic approach to mitigate attacks.

Learn About Serverless

Serverless computing allows users to write and deploy code without the hassle of worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Learn About SSL

SSL, known today as TLS, is an encryption protocol that runs on top of the HTTP protocol to protect Internet communication between servers and clients.

Learn About Bots

Bots are automated applications that can browse the web. Some bots, such as search engine crawlers, are helpful. But there are also malicious bots which can harm sites and applications in a number of ways.