  1. 42 秒前

    Fellas! Have you every been out with a woman, & woke up feeling strange or violated? Gay men have you every woke up with your anus burning & don't know why, and who the strange guy is next to you? You've been subjected 2 a Cardi B moment. Today hashtag after all your post

  2. 12 時間前

    Will face a uprising? Not saying that should happen. But we need to acknowledge that both men & women are capable of cruelty & destruction. Let’s use gender neutral standards and allow everyone a path to redemption and forgiveness.

  3. 13 時間前

    Shots fired, here comes the movement. Betcha a beer.

  4. 14 時間前
    返信先: さん

    I hope these men have the courage to speak up and come forward.

  5. 21 時間前
    返信先: さん

    PART 2. talks about being DRUGGED with date rape and how she almost died. Anyone who think drugging a Man or Woman is ok is SICK IN THE HEAD!

  6. 24 時間前

    Remove Amber Heard as a L’Oréal spokesperson. Sign the petition. Stop protecting abusers in positions of power.

  7. 3月26日

    If girls think that guys shouldn't hit them, then they shouldn't hit them too.... Thanks to feminism, this is where we are today. ..... Want equality? Careful what you ask for, because this is what equality looks like.....

  8. 3月26日

    I'm still tripping on how said she would lure men to hotel rooms to have sex, then drug the guys, then rob them? lmfao! And folks supposed to just listen to her music like it's all good? I know ya'll crazy!!!

  9. 3月25日

    Great job scientists. It will save many men from unwanted children, child support extortion etc. Male birth control pill reduces sperm without killing sex drive

  10. 3月25日

    Women act, talk, and especially dress way too sexy. Why? For male attention, a job, promotion etc. When males respond in like manner - Time for sexual harassment charges. Men should have the same right against being sexually harassed, bring charges and ruin lives.

  11. 3月25日

    Every 14.6 seconds a MAN is abused by his significant other. Kick out of movies, give coverage to this incident like the other movements

  12. 3月24日

    When will Lifetime make a “Surviving Cardi B” documentary?

  13. 3月24日

    This is not me, however this describes my situation completely! How many others are out there???

  14. 3月24日

    Venkat Mohan Rao bro... We are with you.. Please support him for Noble cause. Please let me know if anyone from Secunderabad Constituency.

  15. 3月24日

    40%?? And yet we are made to believe DV only affects women. And organisations out there still continue to support Amber Heard. What kind of a message is that to send?

  16. 3月23日

    AH fasley accused Johnny of beating her, and when there's evidence she was the abusive one, people switch it up with "They were mutually abusive towards each other" like , NO!! THE WHOLE POINT IN THE LAWSUIT IS TO PROVE HE WAS NEVER THE ABUSIVE SPOUSE!

  17. 3月23日

    もうすぐ五千人に手が届く。 もっと伸びれ! ジョニーのキャリアと人生を壊したこの人に活躍するチャンスが二度と来ませんように。

  18. 3月21日

    All Male Victims of Domestic Violence, This is some great advise from the person who himself suffered from it and overcoming it day by day. Putting himself back together after being broken into pieces by his abusive Girl Friend Credits to 1/n

  19. 3月21日

    Judiciary should update themselves with the changes in the society. 498a once a shield is used as nuclear weapon by women now is harassing men to the verge of committing suicide.

  20. 3月20日

    Every hour 15 men are killing themselves due to harassment faced by their female partners (Reported by NCRB 2018).

