Chowkidar Amit MalviyaAkun terverifikasi


In-charge of BJP's national Information & Technology, ex-banker and an early stage investor. Interested in politics and economics. Views personal.

Prayagraj, Delhi, Bengaluru
Bergabung Desember 2009


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  1. Tweet Sematan
    19 Apr

    I usually don’t carry TV debates to social media but making an exception to expose ’s janus face. Here is a video where he can be seen bragging his Muslim identity to a largely Muslim audience in Muslim dominated Mewat. If this isn’t cynical politics, then what is?

  2. 1 jam yang lalu

    It strikes me as astonishing but very revealing that the lofty bodies campaigning for electoral reforms haven’t bothered to investigate the widespread election malpractices in W Bengal. How can democracy be strengthened if the right to vote freely is subverted ?

  3. 2 jam yang lalu

    Appeal to the entire national media to descend on West Bengal for the final round of polling on May 19. They should descend in full on Diamond Harbour and Dum Dum which have become super speciality laboratories of rigging & electoral malpractice.

  4. 23 jam yang lalu

    Despite crackdown by the ECI, there is no end to violence and terror unleashed by Mamata Banerjee's goons in Bengal. Now, people belonging to the majority community are being specifically targeted and attacked just because they want to vote for the BJP.

  5. 16 jam yang lalu

    जाकिर नाईक की प्रेरणा से श्रीलंका में भीषण आतंकी हमला हुआ उससे जब किसी ने पूछा कि भारत कब जाओगे तो उसने कहा जब कांग्रेस की सरकार आयेगी तब जाऊँगा। मैं जाकिर नाईक को बता दूँ कि फिर से मोदी सरकार बनने वाली है और हिंदुस्तान में कदम रखा तो उसकी जगह जेल की सलाखों के पीछे होगी।

  6. If lineage and record of that lineage is a person’s calling card and family experience the sparkling point on his CV, then in that same pack will be found by his political rivals other cards which would help them pose a challenge to the dynasty-led party.

  7. गठबंधन की हक़ीक़त...

  8. 14 jam yang lalu

    BJP candidate from Dum Dum Samik Bhattacharya attacked in Nagerbazar. His vehicle completely vandalised. Bhattarcharya claims he was attacked by TMC cadres.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  9. 14 Mei

    Extraordinary that Nehru thought that in much of history, South India was a separate country. With such 'knowledge', is it any wonder that much of Nehruvian thought makes fun of India's past.And why history taught in schools almost has nothing on glorious South kingdoms & rulers.

  10. स्वामी जी की निर्मम हत्या उनके एक सहायक के सामने कर दी गयी। सवाल ये है की क्या उनका सहायक Stockholm Syndrome से ग्रसित था? क्या उसने अपने परिवार जनों का नाम सलीम, मीर जाफर या औरंगज़ेब तो नहीं रख दिया? Because those were different days, as would have us believe...

  11. 17 jam yang lalu

    कर्म ही है धर्म मेरा, धर्म ही है मेरा जीवन, जीवन ही तो देश मेरा, देश ही मेरा तन मन। विकास की लहरें उठीं, धरती हो गई और पावन, मां गंगा को शीश झुकाकर, करने वाला हूं मैं नमन।

  12. 17 jam yang lalu

    मोदी-मोदी के नारों से गूंजा गोरखपुर, फिर एक बार मोदी सरकार।

  13. 19 jam yang lalu

    भगवामय गोरखपुर।

  14. Thank you Mathurapur for the immense love and affection. These scenes clearly show the bond of Bengal with BJP

  15. Batalkan
  16. A memorable moment from this day, 5 years ago. With the blessings of 130 crore Indians, we’ve worked to fulfil aspirations and build a strong, secure & developed India. Today the passion is higher & endeavour greater. We will continue serving people & their realising dreams.

  17. 24 jam yang lalu

    . will distribute 10 lakh post cards today so that people can send a hearty “Jai Shri Ram” and a personalised message to . You can get the postcards from your nearest post office and send your message to her address.

    , , , dan 6 lainnya
  18. 16 Mei

    Hindu families in West Bengal flee their homes after Mosques call for non-Muslims to be killed. [Video].

  19. 16 Mei

    One would think Mamata Banerjee would be embarrassed after: 1. EC invoked Article 324 of Constitution, a first 2. Restricted campaigning, a good 24hrs before schedule 3. Transferred State Principal Secretary and top cop 4. SC questioned illegal detention of Priyanka But hell, NO!

  20. 16 Mei

    कर्म ही है धर्म मेरा, धर्म ही है मेरा जीवन जीवन ही तो देश मेरा, देश ही मेरा तन-मन।

  21. 16 Mei

    कोलकाता में भाई अमित शाह के रोड शो के दौरान TMC के गुंडों ने ईश्वर चंद्र विद्यासागर की मूर्ति को तोड़ दिया। ऐसा करने वालों को कठोर सज़ा दी जानी चाहिए। विद्यासागर जी के विजन के लिए समर्पित हमारी सरकार, उसी जगह पर पंचधातु की एक भव्य मूर्ति की स्थापना करेगी: पीएम


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