SFZero is a Collaborative Production Game. Players build characters by completing tasks for their groups and increasing their Score. The goals of play include meeting new people, exploring the city, and participating in non-consumer leisure activities. We are still in beta, any and all feedback is appreciated...more about the game
Newest Task:
During the current era, a new task becomes available every day.
Journey To The End Of The Night: San Francisco 2013 1 completed50 points
The city spreads out before you. Rushing from point to point, lit by the slow strobe of fluorescent buses and dark streets. Stumbling into situations for a stranger's signature. Fleeing unknown pursuers, breathing hard, admiring the landscape and the multitude of worlds hidden in it.
For one night, drop your relations, your work and leisure activities, and all your usual motives for movement and action, and let yourself be drawn by the attractions of the chase and the encounters you find there.
More info can be found at IChaseYou.com.
Saturday November 9, 2013 6pm, Everett Middle School
How did you survive for as long as you did? Was your chasing technique irresistible? What's the story you were already telling even before it was over? Do you think that's going to heal? Tell us.
50 points suggested
completions by: Sam Archer