Adam BandtCompte certifié


MP for Melbourne. Greens Climate Change, Energy, IR & Science spokesperson. The stripes are Australia:

Melbourne, Victoria. Authorised by Adam Bandt, The Australian Greens, 296 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, 3065.
Inscrit en mars 2009


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  1. a retweeté
    il y a 2 heures

    We can win Brisbane off the Liberals. Can you imagine how great that would be? Vote 1 Green in Brisbane, for our candidate . Here's how:

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 2 heures

    Only 3 HOURS to go. Vote 1 Greens to re-elect for: 😁 Dental into Medicare 💡 Cheap, renewable electricity 📚 Free childcare/uni/TAFE 🚫 Ban on corporate donations 🏡 500,000 social homes 🌏 Strong action on climate change

  3. il y a 2 heures

    Make this dog relaxed. Vote 1 before 6pm to change the government.

  4. a retweeté
    il y a 23 heures

    Is this a greater honour than winning re-election tomorrow? Hard to say. (Vote 1 in the Senate.)

  5. a retweeté
    17 mai

    It might not be super exciting. But the data is spin proof. Directly paying polluters has not cut Australia's total emissions.

  6. 17 mai

    You can deal with the climate emergency or you can frack northern Australia. But you can’t do both.

  7. 17 mai
  8. a retweeté
    16 mai

    Meanwhile on the climate emergency front: ‘Extraordinary thinning’ of ice sheets revealed deep inside Antarctica

  9. a retweeté
    16 mai

    As the first Australian state or territory to declare a climate emergency, we're setting the standard for climate action across Australia, and the world.

  10. 16 mai

    Vale Bob Hawke. Condolences to all his family and those in the labor movement who are grieving his passing.

  11. 16 mai

    Shorten used term climate ‘emergency’. I hope Morrison’s out of a job soon, but Shorten hasn’t twigged that in an emergency, rule number one is not to pour more petrol on the fire. It’s time to: 🔥Stop Adani 🔥Phase out coal 🔥Leave NT&Qld unfracked

  12. a retweeté
    16 mai

    We want a future for all of us, actually

  13. a retweeté
    16 mai

    The Herald Sun has released a poll showing the Liberal vote is collapsing in Higgins and the Greens are the only party with a real shot of beating them this Saturday

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  14. 16 mai

    It’s time to act. The ACT gets it. Australia must be next.

  15. 16 mai
  16. a retweeté
    14 mai

    Here’s another from 1982. It showed how global warming would initially be almost indistinguishable from normal climate fluctuations. But by 2020 there could be no doubt—the old "normal" would be entirely left behind. Welcome to the future 2/

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  17. a retweeté
    16 mai

    "The solutions are all available to address climate change, all that is missing is the political will." 62 Australian scientists and experts have called on politicians to make climate change "a top priority for the 46th parliament of Australia."

  18. a retweeté
    15 mai

    Senator Ted Cruz thinks those of us concerned about climate change are alarmist, but he’s adamant that the nation invest in protection against space pirates

  19. 15 mai

    “Govts around the world must introduce carbon taxes, halt plans for new coal plants and accelerate closure of existing ones if damage to the Pacific from climate change is to be limited, the UN Sec General” has said. At this election, only agree.

  20. a retweeté
    14 mai

    The oil companies knew exactly what they were doing to the planet, so they lied to us and did it anyway. For a profit.

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