Wool is the textile fiber obtained from sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids.
Wool has several qualities that distinguish it from hair or fur: it is crimped, it is elastic, and it grows in staples (clusters).
Wool's scaling and crimp make it easier to spin the fleece by helping the individual fibers attach to each other, so they stay together. Because of the crimp, wool fabrics have greater bulk than other textiles, and they hold air, which causes the fabric to retain heat. Wool has a high specific heat coefficient, so it impedes heat transfer in general. This effect has benefited desert peoples, as Bedouins and Tuaregs use wool clothes for insulation.
Felting of wool occurs upon hammering or other mechanical agitation as the microscopic barbs on the surface of wool fibers hook together.
The amount of crimp corresponds to the fineness of the wool fibers. A fine wool like Merino may have up to 100 crimps per inch, while the coarser wools like karakul may have as few as one or two. In contrast, hair has little if any scale and no crimp, and little ability to bind into yarn. On sheep, the hair part of the fleece is called kemp. The relative amounts of kemp to wool vary from breed to breed and make some fleeces more desirable for spinning, felting, or carding into batts for quilts or other insulating products, including the famous tweed cloth of Scotland.
Wool is the fibre commonly produced from sheep
Wool (the fiber) refers to one of the following:
Actors: Tom Beasley (actor), Simon Bedasie (actor), Patrick Bergin (actor), Marston Bloom (actor), Niall Buggy (actor), Kirk Collins (actor), Azard Daniel (actor), Damien Farah (actor), Joseph Gilbert (actor), Bret Kenny (actor), Shane D. Lyons (actor), Perry Polar (actor), Sunil Y. Ramjitsingh (actor), Roger Roberts (actor), Charles Applewaite (actor),
Genres: Drama,Wakker om half vijf, weer nen halven dag voorbij
(fucking houten kop)
De kater zit vooral opzij
Lange nachten, waarschijnlijk was ik behoorlijk scheef
Misschien was het plezant, maar mijn geheugen is een zeef
Ik heb mijn oude gewoonte weeral volledig terug
En mensen merken het, ze praten achter mijne rug
'K ben als ne gokker die den helft al verloren heeft
(blijven gaan)
Precies alsof ik morgen nie meer leef
Alsof ik nie meer aan u denk ik mis u pokkehard
Da single-zijn heeft mij genekt vanaf de fucking start
Ik weet nie waarom ik feest, waarom ik niks stuur
Waarom ik uitgezogen naar een volle ?
En ik hoor de stemmen terug van gisterennacht
"Hij is zo irritant, hij is weer iets te zat"
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
En vanavond ben ik fris, dan doen ik het weer
Party all night, drie uur en ik lig al neer
Ik fuck het op...
Zonder een noodkreet, zonder een teken
Ik heb u plots in een bevlieging weggesmeten
En 'k heb u laten liggen da was weeral heel stoer
Maar toen de deur dicht sloeg kneep het mijn keel toe
Nu heb ik tegenslag, stroppen zien ik heel den dag
Nu zen ik het die zit te sturen of ik toesteken mag
Ik krijg ne "fuck you, nu komd'op de proppen"
En die shit is zo waar maar toch kan ik het nie verkroppen
Ik lig te stinken in mijn bed, ik kom voor niks deruit
Ik zien gebouwen en bruggen als ik mijn ogen sluit
En 't is nie meer dan redelijk da 'k in de hel ben
Maar ik wil iemand slagen precies alsof ik het zelf ben
En ik kan nummers vol zagen maar het is te laat
Ge moet van u af bijten, 't was mijn eigen raad
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
Waarschijnlijk slaan ik morgen door en dan bel ik u weer
Vier keer voicemail en dan leg ik neer
Wool is the textile fiber obtained from sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids.
Wool has several qualities that distinguish it from hair or fur: it is crimped, it is elastic, and it grows in staples (clusters).
Wool's scaling and crimp make it easier to spin the fleece by helping the individual fibers attach to each other, so they stay together. Because of the crimp, wool fabrics have greater bulk than other textiles, and they hold air, which causes the fabric to retain heat. Wool has a high specific heat coefficient, so it impedes heat transfer in general. This effect has benefited desert peoples, as Bedouins and Tuaregs use wool clothes for insulation.
Felting of wool occurs upon hammering or other mechanical agitation as the microscopic barbs on the surface of wool fibers hook together.
The amount of crimp corresponds to the fineness of the wool fibers. A fine wool like Merino may have up to 100 crimps per inch, while the coarser wools like karakul may have as few as one or two. In contrast, hair has little if any scale and no crimp, and little ability to bind into yarn. On sheep, the hair part of the fleece is called kemp. The relative amounts of kemp to wool vary from breed to breed and make some fleeces more desirable for spinning, felting, or carding into batts for quilts or other insulating products, including the famous tweed cloth of Scotland.
WorldNews.com | 29 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 30 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 30 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 29 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 29 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 30 May 2019
WorldNews.com | 29 May 2019