Legacy is a 2000 American documentary film directed by Tod Lending. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
The film tracks three different generations (over five years) of a family in Chicago that lives in the Henry Horner Homes public housing. Their lives change, however, after a life-altering event - the murder of a family member - slowly changes them to have a more positive outlook on life.
Laugh at me as much as you can
Laugh at me and ignore that pain´s not well defined
We may remain uneducated or hope for a new system of ethics
This moral is part of the production
A corrupting influence that remains like an incurable virus
Take a look around, it´s industrialized opression
This culture allows us to admire the masters justify themselves
I would like to break up this tradition that keeps us away from compassion
But it seems that institutionalized exploitation shapes the approach we have to new beliefs
And once again, I feel guilty for exposing all the crimes commited against the animal kingdom
But you´ll never understand this
To demoralize rather than realize
It´s how i see things go now
That is a vicious circle, a killer agent intentionally introduced in today´s way of living
No one knows that the action of walking is in fact the action of falling
And i watch this scene everyday in your publicities, your TV shows, your teaching
Legacy is a 2000 American documentary film directed by Tod Lending. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
The film tracks three different generations (over five years) of a family in Chicago that lives in the Henry Horner Homes public housing. Their lives change, however, after a life-altering event - the murder of a family member - slowly changes them to have a more positive outlook on life.