Rationalist Society


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Geregistreerd in juli 2010


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  1. 22 mei

    Three hard lessons from the science of behavioural that Bill Shorten’s Party forgot: 1. People are loss averse; 2. Our ability to pay attention to multiple issues is more limited that we think; 3. "Now" is worth more than "later".

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  2. 21 mei

    By joining the Rationalist Society of Australia, you help us represent a fast-growing number of people with no religious affiliation who want to see governance by evidence-based public policy. Interested? Head to our website & check us out.

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  3. 20 mei

    John Stuart Mill was an extraordinary and influential thinker of the early 19th century in England. One of his big ideas: harsh critics make good thinkers.

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  4. 18 mei

    Food for thought as Australia heads to the polls today.

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  5. 17 mei

    “Ultimately, those who criticise Rugby Australia need to stand in Raelene Castle’s shoes and explain, in detail, what they would have done differently. Please don’t say “talk to him” or “be reasonable”. They tried. Repeatedly.”

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  6. 17 mei

    On election day: many if us are frustrated with The System .. but can we do better? Another thought-provoking piece from RSA Fellow Paul Monk.

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  7. 17 mei
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  8. 17 mei

    The Rationalists are bringing you a screening of "Islam & The Future of Tolerance" on Wed 12 June in Melbourne. We need to sell 42 more tickets for the showing to go ahead, so please help!

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  9. 17 mei

    Step One: Pastor Danny Nalliah's church faces tax bill after charity status revoked. Step Two: ACL?

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  10. 16 mei

    Despite differences in funding commitments between the Coalition, Labor and the Greens, they all say they see science & technology as important to Australia's future prosperity. But that’s not enough!

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  11. 16 mei

    Paul Kelly in The Australian foreshadows seriously divisive rear guard action by faith-based schools wanting to impose their worldview on captive audiences.

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  12. heeft geretweet
    15 mei

    Owned by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Sanitarium is able to claim charitable status for the 'advancement of religion' under the Charities Act to avoid paying company tax -- and it’s not alone. $20bn each year in tax revenue is lost in this way.

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  13. heeft geretweet
    15 mei

    There's no problem in giving tax exemptions to religious organisations that do real charitable work, but it's time to close the loopholes that allow church-owned for-profit business to avoid tax for "advancing religion".

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  14. 15 mei

    In the UK, Paul Lamb is attempting to change the law to legalize assisted dying, before it's too late. Learn his story:

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  15. 14 mei

    "Australia led the world by decades in producing many important reforms and yet for the last almost 100 years it seems that not much has changed. We’ve just been set-and-forget on our system."

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  16. 13 mei

    One of our aims is to "promote the fullest possible use of science for human welfare." So it's appropriate that the RSA recognise Leonardo da Vinci, a scientist who gave so much to humankind.

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  17. 10 mei

    Camille Paglia has been at Philadelphia Uni for 30 years. Student activists are now demanding her firing. There's a difference between holding power to account and attempting to impose new forms of moral blasphemy.

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  18. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    Taxpayers pay millions each year towards discriminatory religious chaplain placement in public schools and the military. A Religious Discrimination Act might actually help prevent this – as long as religious groups aren't granted yet more exemptions!

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  19. 10 mei
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  20. 10 mei

    According to new Vote Compass data, support for assisted dying has risen to nearly 90% across gender, party and religious lines. This further indicates why genuine secularism is so important to liberal democracy.

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