Tag Archives: syria

‘Give us Eylem Ataş’s body’

IZMIR – United Liberation Forces (BÖG) member Eylem Ataş (nom de guerre Cemre Heval) died when fighting against ISIS within scope of operation to liberate Manbij. Eylem’s family and friends have tried to take her body; however, her body has … Continue reading

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Communiqué from the International Freedom Battalion on the Nice attacks of July 14th

Once again innocent blood has been spilled. Once again the fanatics of ISIS chose to target unarmed women, men, and children. We do not know right now exactly how many have died, but this is not the point. The point … Continue reading

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YPG International goes online!

YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first hand information for everyone who is interested in our struggle, in people’s revolution of Rojava, in Kurdistan and … Continue reading

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Eylem Atas is immortal!

United Freedom Forces (BOG) combatant Eylem Atas gave her life in the struggle for the liberation of Menbiç from Islamic State fascism on 27/6/2016.

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Sevda Çağdaş is immortal!

MLKP militant Sevda Çağdaş gave her life in combat for the liberation of the city of Menbîç from the fascists of Islamic State on 25.6.2016 after a year of service in the defense of Rojava.

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The deployment of a strong NATO naval force with air support in the Aegean “for monitoring the migrant waves”, as is stated in the resolution, constitutes a dangerous and reactionary development for our people as well as the peoples of … Continue reading

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Statement from Rojava Azadi Madrid about the 9 people detained for supporting the Kurdish struggle

  Rojava Azadi Madrid wants to show its total rejection to the recent detentions of activists who support the Kurdish cause within the Spanish State. The detentions of at least 9 activists in Valencia, Bilbao and Madrid, who show solidarity … Continue reading

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Repression against internationalists in Spain

According to social media and wire service reports nine people affiliated with the Spanish Marxist-Leninist organization Reconstrucción Comunista including one individual with Turkish nationality have been arrested in dawn raids at eleven addresses in Madrid, Valencia and Bilbao. The raids … Continue reading

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YPS-Jin to women of the world: ‘struggle is the only way’

Zehra Doğan/JINHA MÊRDÎN – In a world where thousands of women are victims of male violence every year, there is no choice but struggle, according to YPS-Jin (Women’s Civil Defense Units) member Dünya Sterk. She called YPS-Jin’s struggle an “internationalist … Continue reading

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TKP/ML firebombs jihadi den in Istanbul

TIKKO militants in Istanbul firebombed a building used by AKP supporters to hold fund raisers for Sunni sectarian fascist groups in Syria including Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria) and Sham al-Ahrar. The communique noted “We will apply the necessary punishment … Continue reading

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