Extreme Energy
As easier to extract energy resources are depleted by unsustainable consumption the system is resorting to more extreme methods.
These more extreme energy extraction methods are much more environmentally damaging, dangerous and expensive.
See Extreme Energy: The Road to Nowhere, Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road and Defining Extreme Energy: A Process not a Category for more details.
- Shale Oil & GasExtracting oil/gas from impermeable rock
- Coal Bed Methane (CBM)Extraction of methane from coal seams
- Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)Setting fire to coal underground
- Tar SandsExtracting oil from tar, sand and clay
- Bio-EnergyBurning anything that grows to get energy
- Deepwater and Arctic DrillingGoing to extremes to drill for oil/gas
- Oil ShaleCooking immature shale rock to make oil
- Methane HydratesExtracting methane trapped inside ice