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Bengaluru South, India
加入于 2010年5月


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  1. . is a global organisation for scientists, researchers, doctors, students & health professionals, who are interested in working for global health, happiness, peace & well being.

  2. Gurudev launched the 'Sri Sri Global Meditating Scientists and Doctors Association' this evening at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru.

  3. Join us on-spot at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru as Gurudev unravels the secret of Chapter 15 - Purushottam Yoga - and guides you to a sharpened inner consciousness leading all your endeavours to perfection.

  4. साधक के जीवन में मैत्री, करुणा, मुदिता और उपेक्षा चार चीज़ें आवश्यक है। - Gurudev now in Satsang

  5. नकारात्मकता तब आती है जब हम चीज़ों को पकड़ते हैं। त्यागने से नकारात्मकता नहीं आती। मन और बुद्धि को अलिप्त रखना ही सार है। - Gurudev now in Satsang

  6. Devotion is your very nature. It's the wave within the ocean. Ocean also moves but it doesn't move somewhere outside. It's moving within itself & that is its very nature. Bhakti is not an external thing, it's just the waves in ones own consciousness. - Gurudev now

  7. गुरु नानक और कबीर आदि कवियों ने जो भी गीत लिखे वो एक अलग स्तर से लिखे। आज के सृजनात्मक लोगों को ध्यान करना चाहिए उस स्तर को पाने के लिए। - Gurudev now in Satsang

  8. Devi Puja with Gurudev this morning at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru.

  9. 13小时前

    Tera May - Exclusive Jyothish & Vastu Consultations !!! Dates : 11 - 14 May 2019 Time : 10:00 am to 12:30 pm & 2:30 to 5:30 pm Please fill up the Google Form below to book appointments: Connect with Us: 8095766657,

  10. 16小时前

    Walk-in Interview at Bangalore Ashram on May 13, Monday

    和另外 5 人
  11. फ़ूल, वाणी, और युक्ति भी अस्त्र हैं। इनका सदुपयोग करें। आयुध, अस्त्र - शस्त्र केवल हिंसा के लिए नहीं बल्कि रक्षा के लिए भी है। इसलिए अस्त्रों को ग़लत नहीं समझना चाहिये। - Gurudev now in Satsang

  12. Don't try to judge someone else feelings for you and if you think that they don't have feelings then you are mistaken. They do have feelings but sometimes it gets covered by their own tension, mind and problems. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  13. If you are still carrying who said what in your head and getting upset over it then this is the time to just evaporate that. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  14. Everything is made up of one energy, one field of energy, that is bramhan, that is truth, that is beauty, that is wisdom. All other things are just a play. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  15. Wisdom is not knowledge that you simply acquire. Wisdom is the state of your being where you see yourself eternal. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  16. Everything is a dream. This is the essence of Vedantas. This whole universe, the whole things that you see around is not true. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  17. One with wisdom will also take life very lightly because there is nothing to achieve, nothing to be worried about and nothing to aspire for because this whole thing is a dream. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  18. We take life too seriously, that's our problem. If you look at the kids, they don't take it too seriously. They are in a state of ignorance. For them life is just a celebration. - Gurudev now in Satsang

  19. Let’s take some dose of wisdom from Gurudev as He will be speaking on - Chapter 15 on 11th - 12th May. Sign up:

  20. Q: Whenever I come to meet you, you don't talk to me. Is something wrong with me? Gurudev : There is no need of words. Our talking is just an icing on the cake. Our communication is more than words. Talking is only a recreation.



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