To spend or not to spend: Testing assets thresholds

To spend or not to spend: Testing assets thresholds

The present asset thresholds for eligibility of a part-aged pension are $567,250 for a single homeowner and $853,300 for a homeowner couple. Given the range of benefits currently available to part pensioners, it is likely financial advisors of those close to these thresholds would suggest they to do a bit of spending. It would certainly seem unwise to be just a dollar or two over these respective amounts. Adding the effect of a part-pensioner’s exemption for cash refunds for franking credits and the disparity between being just over and just under becomes potentially profound. At 65, I am approaching aged-pension eligibility age. With a lifelong habit of saving, rather than splurging, I am wondering whether my old habits are still a good idea. I concede there would be lots of variables but could you advise, for a typical retiree, at what level above the thresholds their asset savings would need to be, before they constitute a viable income source rather than a financial liability?

There is no simple answer but, as assets increase, a pensioner is almost certainly going to be assessed under the assets test, not the income test.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

An exception could be if they are receiving a substantial private pension, which could have them tested under the incomes test.

Every $100,000 of assets that you dispose of will increase your pension under the assets test by $7800 a year.


Therefore, it would take you almost 13 years to make up for every $100,000 disposed of to qualify for a pension, or an increase in pension.

Of course, if Labor is elected and its franking credit legislation is passed into law, the figures could be quite different for a person who is just over the assets test cut-off point and receives substantial franking credits.

However, there is no point worrying about that unless it happens.

I think the big picture is that welfare will continue to be tightened and I believe that pension eligibility will eventually become much tougher.

Therefore, my advice to anybody in your situation is to spend normally and treat the pension as a safety net.

If your assets never drop below the cut-off point you should have a prosperous retirement

My wife and I are both aged 40. We have a combined total of $360,000 in super and would like to create a Self-Managed Super Fund to invest directly into property, which we would access at the age of retirement. Could you clarify whether or not $360,000 is a sufficient amount to consider creating an SMSF and what would be the benefits or problems/issues with starting an SMSF with this amount?

You would need to talk to your chosen fund administrator to determine what fees they intend to charge you.

I must say, my belief is that you are better off to invest in property outside superannuation.

That way, you can borrow to a level that suits you and you can claim a tax deduction at your current marginal rate.

The cream on the cake is that you make yourself immune to future changes to superannuation.

Can you please advise what happens when a family home is sold due to the death of one partner (husband) and the other partner (mother) is already in a nursing home (pre 2014)?The house is tenants in common and would be worth about $1.6 million. Mum will receive about $650,000, due to a reverse mortgage taking 18.2 per cent of the sale price. She has $55,000 in the bank. Will my mother loose her pension and, if so, how much will her care cost?

Age Care Guru Rachel Lane says that people who entered aged care prior to July 1, 2014 are know as “pre-reform” residents.

Their financial arrangements are grandfathered, unless they choose to move to a new facility and opt in to new arrangements.

Assuming your mother stays where she is, the only thing that can change is her income-tested fee, which will be based on how much income she earns (or is deemed to earn) on the money she gets from the sale of the home, plus her pension.

From a pension point of view, she will be classified as a non-homeowner and her share of the home will be included in her assets.

She should still receive a small pension of about $208 per fortnight.

The combination of your mother’s reduced pension and deemed income will not be enough to cause an income-tested fee.

This is basically a “do nothing” scenario, which may be perfectly acceptable, but you could possibly achieve a better result by obtaining some advice.

Noel Whittaker, AM, is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

Noel Whittaker, AM, is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

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