Workers Struggles

“We need to fight capitalism and change the whole system”

Uber and Lyft drivers conduct international strike

By our reporters, 9 May 2019

Thousands of Uber and Lyft drivers in the US and several other countries struck and protested Wednesday in advance of Uber’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange Friday.

Workers at Airbus’ Montreal facility repudiate union-backed, concessionary contract

Workers Struggles: The Americas

7 May 2019

Some 1,000 workers at Bombardier voted by a 73 percent margin to vote a union-backed concessions deal and then voted overwhelmingly to grant strike authorization.

Polls show growing sentiment for teachers strike in Mississippi

By J. L’Heureau, 4 May 2019

Mississippi educators, seeking to join the international strike wave of teachers, are demanding action against poverty wages and abysmal working conditions.

San Diego Sweetwater Teachers Union begins bargaining as false financial situation reported by district

By Evelyn Rios, 4 May 2019

The union and district are negotiating an austerity contract based on what is most likely fraudulent accounting, amidst allegations of fraud and mismanagement investigations.

Fuel tanker drivers threaten new strike in Portugal

By Paul Mitchell, 4 May 2019

The fuel tankers dispute is the latest manifestation in Portugal of the eruption of the class struggle internationally.

Workers march and protest across Asia on May Day

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

4 May 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK rail union calls off strikes against driver-only-operated trains

By Michael Barnes, 3 May 2019

The Conservative government is behind the plot to impose a huge cost-cutting and de-staffing operation on the railways

Brazilian unions defend reactionary pension “reform” at May Day rally

By Miguel Andrade, 3 May 2019

With economic figures showing no sign of economic recovery, the PT and the unions are working to quell any working class movement against Bolsonaro.

May Day 2019 in Germany: Trade unions call for support for the European Union

By Ulrich Rippert, 2 May 2019

Instead of appealing for the international unity of workers, the German Trade Union Confederation calls for the unity of the government, big business and the European Union against workers.

Trump’s labor department moves to designate gig economy workers as “independent contractors”

By Aaron Murch, 2 May 2019

The Trump administration is backing so-called gig economy companies, which misclassify their employees as “independent contractors” in order to circumvent minimum wage, overtime and other federal labor laws.

One-day general strike in Colombia

Workers Struggles: The Americas

30 April 2019

Workers mobilized in opposition to the National Development plan being proposed by President Ivan Duque that would mean significant attacks on workers.

Strike by 1,400 pilots grounds hundreds of flights at Scandinavian Airlines

By Jordan Shilton, 29 April 2019

While pilots, cabin crew, and ground staff have suffered wage cuts since 2012, SAS chief executive Rickard Gustafson’s total compensation has shot up by 38 percent over the past three years.

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel intervenes to end CSO musicians strike with concessions

By George Marlowe, 29 April 2019

While musicians from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra fought courageously, their seven-week strike was deliberately isolated by the unions.

Indian rail workers protest; Bangladeshi food workers demand pay rise; New Zealand doctors to strike for five days

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

27 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Mayor Emanuel intervenes to shut down Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike

By George Marlowe, 26 April 2019

As part of his final act on behalf of the city’s financial elite, outgoing Mayor Rahm Emanuel has offered to intervene to end the nearly two-month strike by Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) musicians

GM continues tax avoidance schemes while it slashes thousands of jobs

By George Kirby, 26 April 2019

General Motors has received billions of dollars in government tax benefits over the past decade even as it continues to cut jobs and extract concessions from workers.

University of Illinois at Chicago faculty announces deal on eve of strike

By George Gallanis, 26 April 2019

More than 1,100 professors, lecturers, instructors and assistant professors are voting on a concessionary contract being pushed by the UIC United Faculty union, an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers.

Ontario Tory government intensifies assault on workers’ rights

By Penny Smith, 26 April 2019

Ford’s thinly veiled threat to criminalize teachers’ strikes must be taken as a serious warning: emboldened by the unions’ complicity, the Tories are escalating their class-war assault.

Australian construction workers facing massive fines for striking

By Terry Cook, 26 April 2019

The Australian Building and Construction Commission has launched legal action against workers involved in a short work-stoppage last year.

Miners’ union sells out five-month long strike at Sibanye Stillwater in South Africa

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

26 April 2019

The South African Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union agreed to a deal ending the five-month strike by gold miners on the same terms as the “slave labour” agreement signed with three other unions.

As union seeks to end walkout

Polish teachers speak out on why they are striking

By Will Morrow, 25 April 2019

The main teachers’ union has called for the suspension of the powerful strike to allow students to complete their exams.

Rutgers University faculty union blocks strike by professors and teaching assistants

By Owen Mullan, 25 April 2019

The American Federation of Teachers acted to prevent a coordinated fight by educators against the Democrats’ austerity measures.

Industry publication floats idea of UAW calling a “targeted” strike

By Shannon Jones, 24 April 2019

After expressing concerns over the rebelliousness of factory workers, Automotive News suggested that the United Auto Workers call an impotent partial strike if negotiations hit an impasse.

Unions scramble to contain Polish teachers’ strike as 40,000 social workers prepare to stop work

By Clara Weiss, 24 April 2019

The teachers’ strike, the first nationwide walkout since 1993, is one of the largest strikes since the restoration of capitalism in Poland in 1989.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Argentine newspaper and casino workers strike

23 April 2019

Workers at Clarín and sports daily Olé walked off the job April 17 over the firing of 56 of their colleagues while workers struck all Buenos Aires-area casinos for 48 hours over threatened closures.

Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike

Socialism and the defense of culture

By Kristina Betinis, 22 April 2019

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians, now in the seventh week of their strike, require the active support of the entire working class, in the United States and internationally.

“Why did Boeing make it like that? Pure negligence and greed. There is simply no other answer.”

Aviation reporter Rytis Beresnevičius speaks to WSWS on Boeing 737 crashes

By Bryan Dyne, 20 April 2019

Rytis Beresnevičius has closely followed the two recent Boeing 737 Max 8 crashes and the engineering, executive and regulatory decisions that led to these disasters.

US education secretary to gut regulations, seek a “major shift” in higher education—Part 1

By Nancy Hanover, 20 April 2019

A crude assault on educational standards, which hardens the class divide in educational access and spurs the plundering of the “education market,” is being enacted under the cover of “rule-making” by the US Department of Education.

Conflict continues over Peruvian copper mine as peasant blockade is lifted

By Cesar Uco and Armando Cruz, 20 April 2019

The Peruvian government gave in to demands of 1,200 peasants of Fuerabamba who suspended the road blockade that for 66 days paralyzed export of copper concentrate to China

“We’re all in this together. That is how I see it.”

Detroit Fiat Chrysler autoworkers defend Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

By a WSWS reporting team, 20 April 2019

A WSWS Autoworker Newsletter campaign team spoke to workers Thursday at the Warren Stamping plant outside of Detroit about the importance of the defense of whistleblowers Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.

Jet Airways employees demonstrate in India; Pakistan doctors protest privatisation; Queensland bulk haulage train and maintenance workers to strike

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

20 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

South African platinum miners may join gold miners’ strike; German Amazon pay strikes

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

19 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Mexican teachers protest while DHL and Amazon pilots protest stalled talks

Workers Struggles: The Americas

16 April 2019

Workers in a number of towns in Chiapas are protesting education “reforms” under the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador while air cargo pilots protested outside Amazon’s offices in Florence, Kentucky.

Chicago symphony musicians strike defies aristocratic principle

By Kristina Betinis, 13 April 2019

As CSO strike enters sixth week, a right-wing pressure campaign is being mounted to try to force the musicians to make concessions on their pensions.

070 UIC faculty vote to strike

13 April 2019

Police attack teachers in Kolkata; thousands of Bangladesh jute mill workers protest

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Sacramento, California teachers conduct one day strike

By Ben McGrath, 12 April 2019

As the teachers union works to reach a sellout deal with county officials, rank-and-file teachers are striving for a broader struggle in defense of public education.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 April 2019

Gold miners in South Africa voted to continue strike action against Sibanye Stillwater, while Greek teachers planned a 24-hour walkout and Israeli firefighters say they will strike over working conditions.

US independent trucker group calls for shutdown, protests in Argentina against austerity

Workers Struggles: The Americas

9 April 2019

A group of US owner-operator truckers has set April 12 for a protest over rates and regulatory issues, while tens of thousands in Argentina marched to protest the Macri government’s anti-worker economic policies.

Boeing CEO praised “streamlined” oversight of 737 plane that crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia

By Barry Grey, 6 April 2019

Muilenberg’s praise for the gutting of government oversight points to the subordination of safety concerns to profit and the transformation of regulatory agencies into rubber stamps for the corporations.

“Music is too powerful to be silenced by tyranny”

Chicago symphony musicians host packed concerts as strike reaches turning point

By George Marlowe, 6 April 2019

Musicians in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra have continued to host successful, packed concerts as their strike enters its fourth week.

Another steelworker killed at ArcelorMittal in Indiana

By Jessica Goldstein, 6 April 2019

Fleming’s death is the 392nd to occur at the mill, which has operated since 1902.

“We are the future. Give us what we need!”

Thousands of Ontario students walk out to protest school cuts

By our reporters, 6 April 2019

The student-led initiative saw thousands rally across the province against the right-wing government of Doug Ford.

Ontario workers need an international socialist program to defend public education and fight austerity

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 6 April 2019

If public education from kindergarten to university is to be defended, workers and students must launch a political struggle independently of the unions and in opposition to the entire political establishment.

Australia: Tasmanian teachers take strike action

By Frank Gaglioti, 6 April 2019

Teachers in Tasmania are the lowest paid of any state in Australia.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

6 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

5 April 2019

Gold miners have voted to continue their four-month strike after management rejected a deal proposed by mediators.

One-day transport strike paralyses Berlin

By our reporters, 4 April 2019

Berlin public transport workers discussed building action committees and the political issues at stake during the 24-hour strike by thousands of BVG workers on Monday.

University of Illinois-Chicago faculty to vote on strike action as grad student walkout enters third week

By George Gallanis, 4 April 2019

The American Federation of Teachers hopes to block faculty members from joining grad students and escalating the fight against the Democratic Party’s austerity program.

Wisconsin Harley-Davidson workers reject USW-company deal

By Jessica Goldstein, 4 April 2019

This week’s contract rejection comes as the current contract, pushed through by the unions in 2010, is due to expire on April 14.

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?

Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part three

By Andrea Lobo, 3 April 2019

As the wildcat strikes began to spread, the government, companies and unions scrambled to suppress each new struggle and prevent them from uniting and spreading internationally.

As Mexican president calls Mussolini a “great leader”

Companies and police violently attack remaining strikes in Matamoros

By Andrea Lobo, 2 April 2019

The Mexican ruling class and its imperialist patrons in the US and Europe are responding to the largest strike in North America in the last three decades by turning sharply toward authoritarian forms of rule and militarized counterrevolution.

Mexican paper workers strike, demand ousting of company union

Workers Struggles: The Americas

2 April 2019

Paperworkers in the state of Tamaulipas struck March 29 to demand the expulsion of the Fasim union, which they accuse of siding with their employer, Absormex.

Quebec: USW proposes further rollbacks, after locked-out ABI workers reject derisory company offer

By Laurent Lafrance, 30 March 2019

It is the Steelworkers’ systematic isolation of the ABI aluminum workers’ anti-concessions struggle that has emboldened Alcoa to repeatedly escalate its demands.

Build rank-and-file factory committees to fight Honda job losses!

By Steve James, 30 March 2019

Today’s demonstration shows workers are ready to fight and there is widespread support for such a struggle in the car industry in the rest of the UK and internationally.

FCA Canada to cut third shift at Windsor Assembly

By Shannon Jones, 30 March 2019

The global assault on auto jobs is continuing with the announcement by Fiat Chrysler that it is eliminating a full shift, 1,500 jobs, at its plant in Windsor, Ontario.

Engineering department workers strike in India’s Jammu state; Sri Lankan nurses strike; Tasmanian teachers to strike for higher pay

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

30 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

“Music is the language of the world”

Striking Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians hold successful free concerts

By George Marlowe and Michael Walters, 29 March 2019

CSO musicians in the third week of their strike have won widespread public support, including for their defiant free concerts.

“There is widespread interest in classical music."

Musicians, youth and workers speak in support of Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike

By Benjamin Mateus and George Marlowe, 29 March 2019

Striking CSO musicians and young people spoke out about the fight and the importance of the defense of arts, music and culture.

San Diego teachers and parents left in the dark as school district threatens massive budget cuts

By Evelyn Rios, 29 March 2019

The Sweetwater school district and its teachers’ union have begun bargaining on an austerity contract in the aftermath of the announcement of the district’s $68 million shortfall.

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?

Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part two

By Andrea Lobo, 29 March 2019

When workers in Matamoros learned their raise and bonus was being stolen and formed rank-and-file committees to launch a wave of wildcat strikes, Susana Prieto worked to isolate the struggle and chain workers to the unions and to illusions in the ruling party.

Textile workers strike in Ethiopia’s new economic zone; Sibanye miners union ends strike paving way for slave labour deal

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

29 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Strike by University of Illinois at Chicago grad students in danger

By George Gallanis, 28 March 2019

While graduate workers have received broad support from workers and students, their struggle has been isolated by the teachers unions, which are aligned with the state Democrats.

Hundreds of Uber and Lyft drivers strike in Los Angeles

By Dan Conway, 27 March 2019

The strike was triggered by Uber’s recent announcement to cut drivers’ per-mile compensation in Los Angeles and part of nearby Orange County by 25 percent.

UPS workers confront wall of union-company collusion in local supplement fights

By Kayla Costa and Mark Witkowski, 27 March 2019

After the Teamsters unilaterally imposed the national contract last October, workers now confront efforts by union bureaucrats to push through local and regional supplemental agreements.

Goodyear-Dunlop plans 1,100 job cuts in Germany

By Marianne Arens, 27 March 2019

The latest measure will cut over one-third of the workforce at two factories in the state of Hesse.

Thousands of young Moroccan teachers assaulted by anti-riot police

By Nancy Hanover, 26 March 2019

Contract teachers have struck the Northern African country of Morocco since March 3 and mass protests have escalated.

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?

Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

Mexican government intervenes to end Coca-Cola strike in Matamoros

By Alex González, 23 March 2019

The AMLO administration’s action openly shows that the local, state, federal and court systems are jointly operating on behalf of the corporations and against the workers.

Ford announces 5,000 job cuts in Germany

By Marianne Arens, 23 March 2019

The mass lay-offs are a component of Ford’s global onslaught on jobs known as the Fitness Programme, which aims to eliminate 25,000 jobs around the world.

Midday meal workers protest in Telangana, India; Telstra technicians implement work bans across Australia

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

23 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Macron sends the French army against anti-austerity protests

By Alex Lantier, 22 March 2019

The move is a major step toward the implementation of police-state forms of rule in France, as part of a global onslaught against democratic rights.

Unifor announces bogus ‘job saving’ plan as GM moves to close Oshawa plant

By Carl Bronski, 22 March 2019

Unifor will suspend its Save Oshawa GM publicity campaign on the basis of nothing more than the possibility of a slight adjustment in the plant’s closing schedule.

How Norwood Jewell and the UAW pushed through the 2015 contract

By Jerry White, 22 March 2019

Throughout months of supposed negotiations and the campaign to sell the concessions contract to workers, Jewell and other UAW negotiators were on the payroll of Fiat Chrysler.

French public sector strikes; further protests in Algeria; union ends wage strike at South Africa’s Sibanye Gold without an agreement

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

22 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Thousands hold one-day strike at University of California schools and health systems

By Evelyn Rios, 21 March 2019

Yesterday, thousands of the lowest paid workers struck throughout the University of California’s ten campus system, the largest public higher education institution in the world.

Striking musician: “Art is what makes us human”

Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians strike in its second week

By Michael Walters, 21 March 2019

As the strike by CSO musicians in opposition to concessions entered week two, the Democratic Party and the trade unions feigned support for the strike.

University of Illinois at Chicago graduate student workers go on strike

By Andy Thompson, 21 March 2019

Graduate student workers walked out Tuesday to demand increases to pay and benefits and a reduction in fees.

Amid scandal and federal investigations, Nashville, Tennessee charter school closes in the middle of the school year

By Zachary Thorton, 21 March 2019

The largely unregulated charter school edu-business industry took another hit with the sudden closure of the scandal-ridden New Vision Academy in Nashville, Tennessee.

Striking Salta, Argentina teachers mobilize against their union

Workers Struggles: The Americas

19 March 2019

Thousands of striking teachers in Salta protested against their union after rejecting a wage deal negotiated behind their backs

Free the Maruti Suzuki Thirteen!

Two years since Indian court condemned autoworkers to life-in-prison in monstrous frame-up

By Keith Jones, 18 March 2019

The Maruti Suzuki 13 are class war prisoners, who have already had to endure six and a half years in the nightmare that is India’s penal system.

Canada: Train derailment kills three, exposes terrible working conditions

By Penny Smith, 16 March 2019

CP Rail is lobbying Transport Canada to abandon a new rule it introduced following last month’s derailment, calling it too "time-consuming."

Strike looms for University of Illinois at Chicago graduate students

By George Gallanis, 16 March 2019

The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) is determined to avoid a strike at all costs and ram through a sellout agreement.

Socialist Workers Party seeks to derail movement against Algerian regime

By Will Morrow and Alex Lantier, 16 March 2019

Algeria’s Socialist Workers’ Party seeks to tie protests to discredited bourgeois parties and block a revolutionary working class challenge to the regime.

Over 35,000 jute mill workers strike in Bangladesh; 200,000 Sri Lankan teachers and principals walk out for higher pay; Telstra technicians strike in Australia

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

16 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

VW, Ford, GM, Hyundai, Kia

Jobs bloodbath in the global auto industry

By Jerry White, 15 March 2019

Recently announced cuts by VW are part of an ongoing jobs bloodbath in the global auto industry, aimed at satisfying the rapacious appetite of the financial oligarchy.

Auto workers in China face job losses and closures

By Gary Alvernia, 15 March 2019

A slowing Chinese economy and lower car sales, compounded by US trade war measures, has resulted in domestic and foreign auto manufacturers closing factories and laying off workers.

Kohler Company to shut Wisconsin generator plant and eliminate 325 jobs

By Jacob Crosse, 15 March 2019

The United Auto Workers union is complicit in an operation that shifts production from Wisconsin to a low-wage plant in Mississippi.

Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike nears end of first week

By Michael Walters and Kristina Betinis, 15 March 2019

Pensions have emerged as a major issue in the dispute that has pitted musicians at one of the top orchestras in the world against wealthy corporate donors.

São Paulo teachers’ union shuts down one-month strike

By our reporters, 15 March 2019

The union called an end to the strike after a clear majority of teachers voted to continue it.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

15 March 2019

Thousands of teachers strike in Morocco, car workers walkout in Hungary.

Teacher sickouts in Kentucky, protests in Maryland and Texas

By E.P. Milligan, 14 March 2019

Thousands of teachers are fighting for more school funding, higher wages, and an end to attacks on public education.

Guerrero, Mexico educators protest; Argentine garment workers strike

Workers Struggles: The Americas

14 March 2019

Teachers in the state of Guerrero demonstrated Monday against Mexico’s new education reform law, Women’s Day, San Mateo County, Inland boatmen, Amazon.

Thousands of US Stop & Shop workers in New England vote for strike action

By Kate Randall, 13 March 2019

The supermarket giant is seeking to drive down the wages and conditions of workers to the level of their nonunion competitors by cutting take-home pay and attacking health and pension benefits.

The working class enters into struggle in Algeria

By Alex Lantier, 13 March 2019

The eruption of mass workers protests against the Algerian regime vindicate the ICFI’s struggle against Pabloite tendencies that claimed this regime would build socialism.

“This is not just about Tchaikovsky, it’s about culture as a whole”

Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians strike to defend pensions

By Kristina Betinis, 12 March 2019

CSO players and supporters demand funding for the arts, not wars.

Thousands of Sri Lankan teachers protest for higher pay; Pakistan sanitary workers strike over non-payment of wages; Telstra workers to strike in Australia

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

9 March 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UE orders return to work at Erie, Pennsylvania locomotive plant

By Shannon Jones, 8 March 2019

Two weeks after Wabtec unilaterally imposed its concessions terms on 1,700 workers in Erie, Pennsylvania, sparking a walkout, the union has accepted a 90-day agreement that implicitly accepts the abrogation of the old contract.

Cuts to hours for Whole Foods workers exposes fraud of Amazon pay increase

By Tom Hall, 8 March 2019

A report in the Guardian showed that workers at the Amazon-owned grocery chain have had their hours cut back to compensate for last year’s pay increase to $15 per hour.

Jefferson County, Kentucky teachers continue sickouts in defiance of unions

By our reporter, 8 March 2019

As sickouts by teachers in Kentucky’s largest school district continued into the second day, the unions were desperately working with state and local officials to shut down the protest.