U$A: Goodbye Walter Bond…

July 27th, 2020

ES | Adiós Walter Bond…

For us, animal liberation and human liberation are two parts of the same struggle, the liberationist struggle is total, and anarchist, or it is nothing.

We want to get word out to animal rights, vegan, animal liberationist and anarchist comrades that recently we both saw on animal liberation sites and received an anonymous call asking for solidarity to Walter Bond, after he got out of prison. Whilst news of Walter Bond, the ‘Lone Wolf’ Animal Liberation Front prisoner getting out was welcome, -we’d followed his case from the very beginning, feeling affinity with the arson attacks he’d been sentenced for-, we received bad news after publishing that was confirmed shortly afterwards through the Anarchist Black Cross.

We were informed that when Walter was getting near to the end of his release date, he had completely reneged anarchy and now appears to have embraced eco-fascism. In September 2019, Walter published an open letter(1) on his support site rejecting the anarchist movement. The themes in this reactionary and despicable letter borrow from eco-fascist criticisms of anarchy, (that hierarchy is ‘natural’*, that anarchism is hypocritical when it comes to issues of power, that it is single-issue obsessed, only concerned with identity politics etc.). Around this same time, Walter wrote letters to various anarchist groups in the U.S. asking for support efforts from and contact with the anarchist movement to cease. Upon our request for any related information, Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross forwarded us a photo of Neo-Nazi propaganda on the back of a letter from Walter. The original photo had been shared by the recipient in an animal liberation group in early 2020.

Reading Walter’s open letter you can see that it’s an ignorant and cowardly distancing from the anarchist movement and at the expense of ten years of international solidarity, it is also an insult to all those who supported him throughout his prison sentence and organised solidarity actions, wrote graffiti, provided financial aid etc. Many direct action sabotages were dedicated to Walter during his time in prison and we also supported him through spreading calls for international solidarity and our own activism.

That this open letter of Walter’s came at the end of his sentence before he got out is the classic trick of the turncoat. Given that animal rights circles are increasingly being infiltrated and recuperated by nationalist, fascist and racist groups, not to mention just plainly stupid, liberal and narrow-minded ideas, it’s urgently needed to get the word out about this issue and restate the fight for an anarchist animal liberation position.
We wrote to Walter’s support group asking about their stance but never received a reply, make of that what you will. We strongly recommend stopping any solidarity with Walter Bond.

Fascist scum get out

Anarchists Worldwide

*Surprisingly, for an ex-anarchist, Walter must not have heard about or read one of the most important and famous anarchist classics, the superb book by P.Kropotkin, ‘Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution’.

Update 27.07.2020: Walter Bond and Camille Marino, a woman with considerable influence within Vegan and animal liberation circles due to having served a prison sentence for threatening a vivisector, have launched a new website to promote their so-called new ‘movement’ that they are calling ‘Vegan Final Solution’(2). The content of this website not only confirms that Walter Bond has fully embraced eco-fascism, it also shows that he is now attempting to indoctrinate and recruit people within the Vegan and animal liberation milieu to his poisonous, hate-filled, fascist ideology. From the information published on this website, we can see that ‘Vegan Final Solution’ are openly advocating third-positionist fascism as well as killing people that they have deemed as being either ‘useless’ humans or traitors to the animal liberation movement. The website also contains a link to a PDF document that they are describing as their manifesto that is titled ‘A Declaration of War – Killing People to Save the Animals and the Environment’. We predicted that Walter would use his position of influence in Vegan and animal liberation circles to attempt eco-fascist entryism, so this was no surprise to us, however it is alarming to see how quickly he has embarked upon this project, which makes it all the more urgent to alert comrades to this situation so that Walter Bond and his associates are unable to gain either a voice or a foothold within any of our movements.

1: http://supportwalter.org/SW/index.php/2019/09/11/the-end-of-anarchy/

2: https://veganfinalsolution.com/about/

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

U$A: Correct postal address from imprisoned comrade Xinachtli’s current assigned unit in Texas

July 25th, 2020

Received from comrades in Amerikkka, the correspondence address for anarchist comrade Xinachtli’s current assigned unit in Texas, find previous posts concerning Xinachtli here.

To: Bro. “Xinachtli”,
(s/n Alvaro Luna Hernandez),

James V. Allred Unit,
2101 F.M. 369 North,
Iowa Park, Texas 76367

From Comite Pro Defensa Xinachtli
Central Texas ABC

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Responsibility claim – Solidarity for squats, attack against LIDL supermarket (Greece)

July 25th, 2020

In the night of July 23rd we sprayed slogans in solidarity to the squats Liebig34 and Rigaer94 in Berlin on the LIDL supermarket in Neos Cosmos / Athens. After we destroyed all windows with hammers.

Every eviction has its price. This is a message do all those responsible for the aggressive gentrification of many European cities, which always goes on with the eviction of squats, the state terror against the radical movement and the rising of rents. We noticed the eviction thread against Liebig34 in Berlin and the attack by so called owners and their companies together with the cops against Rigaer94. With the eviction of Dervenion56 in Exarchia the government of ND continues its operations against the combative and solidarity resistance, which we always will be – with squats or without.

One of many answers to an evicted squat is the destruction of a consumer symbol the capitalist system offers to the inmates of the prisons called the Metropolis. To support the struggle of our comrades in Berlin we found a German company, but it can be also real estate agencies or luxury cars or tourism.

The LIDL supermarket chain was targeted already some time ago in Germany because of its bad working conditions for their employees. This action is an offering of solidarity to this aggressive campaign against the working conditions in LIDL WORLDWIDE. 8 to 10 hours per day with a fake smile for pity money, sitting in front of hundreds of products, in a cashier, becoming a robot which just counts and counts. Or lifting big weights destroying your back. Why all these? What is the role of supermarkets ?

Supermarket are big financial mechanisms which seem very innocent to the majority of the people. The truth is, they are not.


Supermarket are colonizing the economies of local societies in all the earth. All the small markets, grocery stores and other kind of shops are shutting down whenever a new supermarket is opening. There is no need for a new supermarket in most of the areas, its just matter of expanding and absorbing. Also, is reducing the use of local products and producers. Slowly slowly, the residents of an area are becoming workers, mainly women, of this industry, losing all their independence (even in liberal terms)


The opening of chain supermarkets, local or multinational, is also increasing importing of products. This is happening because the production companies are
exploiting people in a cheaper way in other countries, or because they make better offers to a multinational company because of the massive consumption. What is happening at the end is a big consumption of petrol by the ships to transfer products all around the world. The paradox of capitalism, the fact that a product from 2000 miles far is cheaper than the local, is killing faster the nature.

Food Control

All these brings us to the bigger problem. Supermarkets are the greatest tool for multinational food companies to takeover all of our nutrition process. We eat shit, we don‘t produce anything, we need money to buy everything, we need to work for them for ever to be able to buy them and cure our selves from the sickness their food is creating

Do we smash supermarket?

Yes we do. But we have to know that most of the people will not understand why. So we must do more propaganda against this mechanism. And for sure it is better to smash without people being inside. Our target is to spread fear to the side of the bosses not to the side of the random population. But if somebody break a supermarket with people inside without putting someone in danger, its okay, we can overpass it.

Solidarity to Liebig34 and Rigaer 94
We hit the German interests in solidarity with the resistance in the German controlled territory
Solidarity to Dervenion 56 and all the evicted and the still resisting squats in Greece
Support to the workers that suffer in the food and product industry worldwide

(source https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1606472/)


As a note, we place a link here for a poster we made years ago, concerning supermarkets, one of the core nodes of ‘everyday life’ – Against Society & Culture

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Posted in Direct Action |

Three updates from Indonesia

July 25th, 2020

Received from our comrades in Indonesia:

Solidarity actions for Rojava from Indonesia:

Trial update of the anarchist prisoners of Tangerang and Bekasi (Indonesia):

Update about Paypal address to support Tangerang anarchist prisoners (Indonesia):

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Posted in Autonomy |

Solidarity T-Shirt for Anarchist Comrades in the Philippines

July 25th, 2020

Received from our comrades in the Philippines:

We are propagating against the existence of police authority and calling to build a much better community. In this pandemic era, we experienced the harsh condition, the neglect and the incapability of the government to handle health crisis. They’ve given much support on deploying police in uniform to fight the spread of Covid 19 virus and passed Anti-Terrorism Law which we see is inappropriate in this kind of situation.

We are calling to abolish police.
Build a just and better community without authority.

Please help us to share this and support our cause.


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Concepción, Chile: Burning Barricades for Mapuche Prisoners, Subversive Prisoners & Prisoners of the Revolt

July 25th, 2020

[Con barricadas amanece el Gran Concepción por la libertad de los presos políticos mapuche y no mapuche.]

Received and translated on 23.07.2020:

Today, July 14, 2020, as part of a day of protest for the release of Mapuche and non-Mapuche political prisoners, roadblocks were reported in Hualpen, Lorenzo Arenas, Chiguayante and Talcahuano.

The following communiqué is about these events:

Today, Tuesday July 14, various individuals from the Bio Bio region dominated by the Chilean state, have decided to interrupt the depressing capitalist daily life, through simultaneous propaganda actions, to break the media siege and in combative solidarity with all those who have taken the decision to confront the bourgeois state in the city as well as in the countryside, in Chile and throughout the world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar arrested (Chile)

July 25th, 2020

Arrestati gli anarchici Mónica Caballero e Francisco Solar (Cile)

I compagni sono indagati per il collocamento e la spedizione di quattro ordigni esplosivi a Santiago; uno dei quali è stato inviato il 25 luglio 2019 all’ufficio di Quiñenco dell’ex ministro degli Interni Rodrigo Hinzpeter, un altro che è esploso il 27 febbraio alla stazione di polizia di Huechuraba lasciando diversi agenti di polizia feriti, e i restanti due bombe nell’edificio Tánica situato a Vitacura.

Che le mura della prigione cadano insieme alla loro società punitiva.
Libertà per Mónica e Francisco!


Anarchist Comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar Arrested (Chile)

The comrades are being investigated for the placement of four explosive devices in Santiago, one of which was sent on July 25, 2019 to the Quiñenco office of former Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, another that exploded on February 27 at the Huechuraba police station leaving several police officers injured and for the placement of two bombs in the Tánica building located in Vitacura.

May the walls of the prison fall along with their punitive society.
Freedom for Mónica and Francisco!



Detienen a lxs compañerxs Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar (Chile)

A los compas se los investiga por la colocación de cuatro artefactos explosivos en Santiago, uno de los cuales fue enviado el 25 de julio del 2019 a la oficina en Quiñenco del ex ministro del Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter, otro que estalló el pasado 27 de febrero en la Comisaría de Huechuraba dejando a varios policías heridos y por la colocación de dos bombas en el edificio Tánica ubicado en Vitacura.

Que los muros de las cárceles caigan junto a su sociedad punitiva.
¡Libertad para Mónica y Francisco!


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Posted in Social Control |

Estado español: Amenaza desalojo puestos Tirso de Molina en Madrid

July 22nd, 2020

El pasado domingo 19 de julio, como se venía haciendo desde hace décadas, los puestos políticos del Rastro han vuelto a colocar de forma colectiva sus mesas en la plaza de Tirso de Molina en Madrid. A las once de la mañana hemos recibido la visita de unos agentes de la policía municipal, con órdenes de levantar los puestos y sancionarnos si nos negábamos a ello, diciéndonos en primer lugar que carecíamos de licencia y que además el Rastro estaba cerrado por ordenes del Ayuntamiento. Ante nuestras insistentes peticiones de explicaciones dado que no entendemos por que el Ayuntamiento procede ahora de esta manera solicitándonos unas licencias que saben de sobra que no tenemos han respondido llamando a más refuerzos de policía municipal, mientras trataban inútilmente de excusar, aludiendo a reales decretos, la realidad de esta decisión del equipo de gobierno de Almeida: los puestos políticos molestan en la
plaza de Tirso de Molina. Nada han comentado sobre aforos, medidas de seguridad sanitaria, o algo que tuviera que ver con la salud pública como motivo por el que nos impiden montar los puestos: la pandemia es una excusa perfecta para arrebatarnos para siempre nuestro espacio los domingos sin generar demasiada oposición. O eso creen.

Una compañera que se ha negado a recoger su puesto ha sido sancionada y su material requisado, mientras los compañeros del sindicato CNT, que tiene reconocido por el Ayuntamiento el derecho a montar puesto tras un pleito judicial derivado del intento de desalojo de los puestos en el año 1992 han decidido recogerlo en solidaridad con los demás puestos de la plaza. Hay que decir además que los puestos estábamos cumpliendo escrupulosamente la normativa al respecto de las medidas sanitarias: separación de dos metros entre los puestos, geles desinfectantes para las manos, mascarillas, etc. y que no se estaba produciendo en la plaza ningún tipo de aglomeración hasta que ha llegado la policía. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Athens, Greece: Incendiary attack to a Ford car dealership

July 20th, 2020

Besieged bodies among the concrete, between the cameras eyes, crossing daily life with careful but daring steps, moved by an ethic forged by negations.

We are folks that woke up from the social lethargy, having as weapon our solidarity to the fighting individuals towards the world. We want to be the crack that will join the others, destroying a system that represents injustice and “deadly injuries”.

So, at the night of 7/7/2020, we chose to plant four incendiary devices to the Ford car dealership of Sfakianakis company, resulting to three burnt-down vehicles and a destroyed showcase. Our target was totally not random, as this specific company equips the state apparatus with vehicles, and also the moment of our attack coincides the uprising in USA, the homeland of Ford.

By that we choose to be the aroma of night-flower that bungs the nostrils of the decay, and we want this smell to break every authoritarian nose, to close every mouth that pukes shit, to cut every hand that points at our bodies full of racism, homophobia and sexism.

Carmine Night-Flowers

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Chile: Spreading Ideas Against Power and Their Society

July 20th, 2020


From autonomous initiative as ungovernable individuals we spread anarchy without expecting the progress of the “social struggles” that leads to an illusory future state of “welfare and progress.”

The images and feelings of thousands of people fighting in the streets of Chile before the COVID-19 pandemic are still fresh in our memories. Also fresh is the conviction that our lives have been in revolt since long before October 18, 2019, and that in our wild journey we have wielded a theoretical and practical arsenal that has long since ceased to be determined by levels of social and citizen acceptance of violent protest.

We are no longer lost in the absurd idea of considering any person just for the fact of living in society and we are always happy that more people are rebelling against normality by vandalizing buildings state and corporate, looting or attacking the police. However, this does not mean that we are willing to let the revolts, our ideas and practices mingle in the midst of mass discourses, humanitarians or reformists who do not represent us.

This is why we deny all typecasting: we are not the people, we are not a class, we are not a vanguard, we do not proclaim ourselves part of a “glorious front line” or any other fictitious social or idealized category to homogenize individuals in the midst of the revolt.

We rebel against all social norms and impositions, aiming at the formation of associations that are free and consistent with our essence: individuals in struggle living the revolt as a continuous present that forges its own evolution in the destruction of the existent, in constant conflict with authority and hierarchical ways of relating, and for the permanent construction of anarchic links of autonomy and horizontality in the here and now.

Nothing more, but also nothing less.

We open this space of communication and dissemination to connect with other like-minded people, collectivizing ideas, tensions and proposals that move us away from comfort and stagnation.

For the permanent tension against the State, power and the society that gives it life.

Against all forms of authority, we constantly strive to bring Anarchy to life.

Introduction to Estallido Antisocial / Antisocial Outburst, a new anarchist publication from Chile.

Translation: anarchistsworldwide.noblogs.org

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24-27 Sept – International Gathering for Animal Liberation – Hambach Forest (Germany)

July 19th, 2020



24-27 SEPTEMBER 2020

After months of dystopian weirdness and unprecedented state-repression imposed on the basis of corona, borders are opening up and rage is exploding around the world. But with potentially no radical anti-speciesist gatherings in Europe this summer to contribute to the clash, we felt the need to set a rallying point!

The Hambacher Forest is an ongoing focal point for anti-capitalism and radical ecology on the continent – let’s find each other there and take the opportunity to share skills and perspectives on how to confront human supremacy in the current context. In continuation with the anarchist animal liberation gatherings which took place in Marseille (2016), Bristol (2017), Bilbao (2018) and Rome (2019), we aim to connect those who incorporate the fight alongside other animals and their habitats into a broader struggle against all hierarchies – a struggle for total liberation.

A list of workshops – both hands-on and more theoretical – is soon to be announced. We also want to invite you to propose your own, whether over the coming weeks or more spontaneously once the event begins. Other contributions in the form of literature, stalls and whatever else are also warmly invited.

Remember, this event is:
– FREE, including vegan food for the duration of the event
– SELF-ORGANISED, so if you see a job it’s yours!
– SQUATTED, taking place in an illegal land occupation
– ANTI-OPPRESSION, so fuck right off if you have racist/sexist/heterosexist/cissexist/speciesist or otherwise bigoted views + behaviour
– IN A FOREST, so be ready to camp and respect the ecosystem

More info about what to expect and how to get there will be released on the following website later on. You can also find translations of this callout there, soon to include German, French, Italian, Spanish, and more: www.forestantispedays.noblogs.org

Feel free to contact us with questions or whatever here:
forestantispedays (at) riseup.net

Spread the world and stay wild!!!

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Lucio Urtubia: An Anarchist Life

July 19th, 2020

From Enough 14.

Social rebel, counterfeiter, bandit, modern Robin Hood – the list of titles with which our anarchist comrade Lucio Urtubia was honoured is long. His life, which sounds like an adventure novel, is a mirror of the revolutionary movements in Europe in the second half of the 20th century. Lucio Urtuba passed away today. Rest In Power Lucio!

Lucio Urtubia was born in 1931 in a small village in Navarre and grew up in poor conditions. When he was called up for military service, he deserted to France shortly afterwards, where he worked as a bricklayer from then on. He came into contact with anarchist groups and met his political foster father: the legendary Sabaté, who organized the armed resistance against the Franco dictatorship from France. Forging documents, hiding underground fighters and illegal fundraising activities play a major role in his life from then on. Numerous resistance organisations, which have a base of operations in France or are looking for a place to retreat, benefit from his skills: Black Panthers, Tupamaros, European guerrillas. Lucio’s solidarity is with every act of revolt aimed at a more just social order. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: Memoria viva por el compañero Pablo Muñoz Moya

July 19th, 2020


Recordando al compañero Pablo Muñoz Moya. Su historia en Guerra (como la de todxs lxs combatientes muertxs en tiempos de Dictadura y Democracia) alimenta la Memoria Viva y la Acción Directa Violenta contra el Poder y sus sicarixs polícias y militares en el aquí y ahora en momentos de pandemia, explotación, hambre y miseria -pero también- de combate en los barrios y poblaciones en varias regiones a lo largo y ancho de $hile.

A 28 años exactos de la muerte en combate del Guerrillero Urbano Pablo Muñoz Moya. Él está presente en el kaos, en la revuelta y en la lucha callejera. Porque no hay olvido, no hay resignación, no hay perdón: SOLO LUCHA!!!

-Compartimos un afiche y un dibujo para la difusión.

* Para conocer más sobre Pablo Muñoz Moya -El Guatón Feña- difundimos el siguiente texto desde la prisión escrito por el kompañero Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda el 16/07/2019.


Nuestrxs muertxs kaminan en la guerra social tan vivxs komo la inkonmensurable fuerza de nuestras konvixiones. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Prison letters – Support people behind the bars!

July 19th, 2020

All around the world people are getting locked up because of their political or social struggles. Those people in many cases are left alone inside of the prison system that tries to crash them with all the power it has. However writing letters to the prisoners might be one of those small straws that will be able to pull the person out of repressive apparatus of the state.

We urge you to write letters to prisoners to help them survive hardships of prison!

This video is a result of collaborative work between Anarchist Black Cross Dresden and Anarchist Black Cross Umeå groups. It was created as a mobilization for the 2020 Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23-30 August).

No rights reserved.

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