"The Golden Goose" (German: Die goldene Gans) is a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm (Tale 64).
The hero is the youngest of three brothers, given the nickname Simpleton. His eldest brother is sent into the forest to chop wood, fortified with a rich cake and a bottle of wine. He meets a little gray man who begs a morsel to eat and a swallow of ale but is rebuffed. The eldest brother meets an accident and is taken home. The second brother meets a similar fate. Simpleton, sent out with a biscuit cooked in the ashes of the hearth and soured beer, is generous with the little old man and is rewarded with a golden goose. The goose has been discovered within the roots of the tree chosen by the little gray man and felled by Simpleton.
With the goose under his arm, Simpleton heads for an inn where as soon as his back is turned, the innkeeper's daughter attempts to pluck just one of the feathers of pure gold and is stuck fast. Her sister comes to help her and is stuck fast too. The youngest daughter is determined not to be left out of the riches where she ends up stuck to the second. Simpleton makes his way to the castle and each person who attempts to interfere is joined to the unwilling parade ranging from the parson, his sexton, and two laborers.
If you know how to catch a mouse
The world will beat a pathway to your door
But since the first one's found our house
I can appreciate the saying more
I don't know
What they expect to find
I don't know
I can't make up my mind
They say, he's got a special gift
But I don't envy him at all
They started camping in the yard
They've got their ears pressed up against the wall
I don't know
How long can this go on
I don't know
How did it last this long, yeah
Everybody wants an egg from the golden goose
But no one cares if they're the one who kills the golden goose
Everybody wants an egg from the golden goose
I wonder just how many eggs are in the golden goose?
A paparazzi's at the door
He says, he's here from People Magazine
And there's some lady on the phone
Wants him to advertise designer jeans
Oh, I don't know
How long can this go on
Well, I don't know
How did it last this long, yeah
Everybody wants an egg from the golden goose
But no one cares if they're the one who kills the golden goose
Everybody wants an egg from the golden goose
But no one cares if they're the one who kills the golden goose
Yeah, everybody wants an egg from the golden goose
I wonder, I wonder just how many eggs are in the golden goose?
"The Golden Goose" (German: Die goldene Gans) is a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm (Tale 64).
The hero is the youngest of three brothers, given the nickname Simpleton. His eldest brother is sent into the forest to chop wood, fortified with a rich cake and a bottle of wine. He meets a little gray man who begs a morsel to eat and a swallow of ale but is rebuffed. The eldest brother meets an accident and is taken home. The second brother meets a similar fate. Simpleton, sent out with a biscuit cooked in the ashes of the hearth and soured beer, is generous with the little old man and is rewarded with a golden goose. The goose has been discovered within the roots of the tree chosen by the little gray man and felled by Simpleton.
With the goose under his arm, Simpleton heads for an inn where as soon as his back is turned, the innkeeper's daughter attempts to pluck just one of the feathers of pure gold and is stuck fast. Her sister comes to help her and is stuck fast too. The youngest daughter is determined not to be left out of the riches where she ends up stuck to the second. Simpleton makes his way to the castle and each person who attempts to interfere is joined to the unwilling parade ranging from the parson, his sexton, and two laborers.
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