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End of year party!

Saturday 16th December from 4pm till about 8pm, at Jura

Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, Noam Chomsky, and Voltairine de Cleyre – all in party hats.
Jura's final event celebrating our 40th anniversary will be a relaxed end-of-year party. Food, drinks, books and chats will be available. All Jura friends and comrades are very welcome! Feel free to invite people / share the Facebook event.

*Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, Noam Chomsky and Voltairine de Cleyre may not be present, but we're sure they'll be there in spirit, wearing party hats.

Special opening hours!

Jura will be open every day from 14th to 24th December

In the lead up to the end of the year, Jura will be open every afternoon from 14th to 24th December. Come and get great last minute presents! Give the gift of awesome radical books / posters / t-shirts etc to your friends and family, and support your local activist space at the same time! We'd also love you to invite your friends to the event on Facebook.
Opening hours are 2-7pm on weekdays and 12-5pm on weekends.
Jura gift vouchers
Thursday 14th: 2-7pm
Friday 15th: 2-7pm
Saturday 16th: 12-5pm
Sunday 17th: 12-5pm
Monday 18th: 2-7pm
Tuesday 19th: 2-7pm
Wednesday 20th: 2-7pm
Thursday 21st: 2-7pm
Friday 22nd: 2-7pm
Saturday 23rd: 12-5pm
Sunday 24th: 12-5pm
If you're stuck for gift ideas, you could get a gift voucher! Or check out Anthropocene or Capitalocene? edited by Jason Moore, keynote speaker at last week's Historical Materialism conference (where Jura did a stall).
Anthropocene or capitalocene, edited by Jason Moore
"The Earth has reached a tipping point. Runaway climate change, the sixth great extinction of planetary life, the acidification of the oceans—all point toward an era of unprecedented turbulence in humanity’s relationship within the web of life. But just what is that relationship, and how do we make sense of this extraordinary transition? Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers answers to these questions from a dynamic group of leading critical scholars... a series of provocative essays on nature and power, humanity, and capitalism."

Holiday closure

Jura will be closed for a holiday from 25th December 2017 to 19th January 2018. We will reopen as normal (Thurs-Sun) on Saturday 20th January at 12pm.

Gig! FRUIT, Willowy, Slow Ships, Spindles, NAIF

FRUIT EP launch plus friends, 6pm Saturday 20th Jan, at Jura

FRUIT will be launching their EP in Sydney at Jura on 20th January 2018, joined by Willowy, Slow Ships, Spindles and NAIF. Check the Jura website or Facebook event for more info closer to the event.

Jura's accessibility

Call for input

We would like to invite contributions (online or in person) from comrades about how to make Jura more accessible.

Jura is committed to making our shop, library and events as accessible as possible, to as wide a range of people as possible, including people with disabilities. We try to have an intersectional approach to anarchism, and this means working towards ending all forms of oppression, both in our own space and in the broader society.

As most of you probably know, Jura is not very accessible to people with mobility impairments. The downstairs shop area is fairly accessible to a person using a wheelchair, but the rest of the building (including the library and toilets) are up one or two flights of steep stairs. When Jura moved into the current building (over 20 years ago), collective members did work on the entrance to the shop to make it more accessible. At that time, the rest of the building was not used for public meetings or events. This was partly because the upstairs area was rented out as a living area so that Jura could afford repayments on the mortgage for the building. Gradually, this situation has changed over the years, and a significant proportion of events have been happening upstairs in the library. A few years ago, a Jura collective member made and installed a rail on the stairs to make the library more accessible to people who are able to climb stairs, but have some difficulty doing so. However the library remains fairly inaccessible – certainly it is not accessible to anyone who uses a wheelchair. Some years ago, after discussions about accessibility, we decided on a policy that ‘most meetings and events can be moved downstairs on request’. However it has recently been pointed out that this is not a very good solution because it puts the onus on people with disabilities to ask for the event to be made accessible.

In future years we would like to dramatically improve Jura's accessibility. We would like to do extensive renovations (such as installing a lift) or move to a new, accessible location. However, in the short-term we do not have enough money to do these things. (We barely have enough money for our rates and bills, which are paid through donations.) So we are trying to develop some better immediate solutions to making Jura more accessible to people with disabilities – including mobility disabilities, sensory disabilities and others. We intend to do our own research and planning about this, but we would also like to invite input from any comrades who are interested in providing it. We are happy to accept this input online (preferably by email to or in person. We also hope to schedule an open discussion early in 2018.

Recent radical articles online

The right to march MUST be defended

Collective Action

Great cut-through analysis from our comrades in Melbourne.

“It is not good enough for refugee advocates to simply 'bear witness,' to confine ourselves to politely asking the government to stop being so evil please, or to moan on about how the government doesn’t act 'in our name.' The crisis on Manus Island must become a political crisis in Australia. However, Manus Island will not become a crisis in Australia unless the forces who purport to act in solidarity with refugees are prepared to take the action needed to make it a crisis...

The crisis on Manus demands disruptive protest; sit-ins, lock-ons, barricades, rallies, blockades, and yes, even marches. We are seeing signs of this movement emerging, but we are also seeing challenges and push back from the state.

All too often, social movements in Australia forget that the “right to protest” is not derived from some piece of legislation nor is it handed down from on high by a benevolent government. The methods, types and extent of “acceptable” protest are defined through a process of conflict. The space of protest is a contested space, and the only rights we ever have in that space are the ones we successfully demand, defend and exercise.”

Milo Has A Platform Because He Upholds The Status Quo

Michael Brull, New Matilda

This article does a good job of exposing the bigotry of the mainstream media and the power structures it serves.

"There will always be rewards for those who uphold and serve existing hierarchies, because those hierarchies are fundamentally skewed towards those with wealth and power... This is what is so gross about the various reactionary creeps who make a living by flattering rich benefactors. They somehow present themselves as brave heretics challenging the stifling grip of political correctness, whilst being showered with accolades and wealth for their supposedly brave stances."

The Radical Left’s Top 10 Objections to Veganism (And Why They Suck)

Dan Kidby

Veganism is growing as a movement and as a politics, although it’s not without its problems. It is the subject of plenty of debate within the anarchist and radical communities. This article gives responses to some of the most common criticisms made of veganism by radicals.

The Russian Revolution 1917: Reading Guide

Compiled by Libcom

This is an excellent collection of online readings on the Russian Revolution – good for dipping into or for working your way through.
Jura website
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Street address: 440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham, 2049.
Mailing address: PO Box 3032, Petersham North LPO, NSW, 2049, Australia.
Phone: 02 9550 9931

Jura's end-of-year opening hours
Thursday 14th: 2-7pm
Friday 15th: 2-7pm
Saturday 16th: 12-5pm
Sunday 17th: 12-5pm
Monday 18th: 2-7pm
Tuesday 19th: 2-7pm
Wednesday 20th: 2-7pm
Thursday 21st: 2-7pm
Friday 22nd: 2-7pm
Saturday 23rd: 12-5pm
Sunday 24th: 12-5pm

If you're making a special trip to visit us, it's a good idea to call beforehand to double-check that we're open. As we're all volunteers, occasionally we can't open as planned.

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