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9 May 2019

The police were the ‘surprise guests’ at a fundraiser at Budapest's Aurora community center

Community center managers say the local municipality has been trying to shut Auróra down for years.

8 May 2019

Mauritanian blogger escaped the death penalty, but remains behind bars


Ould Mkhaitir was prosecuted for writing an article in which he criticised the role of religion in Mauritania’s caste system.

Mozambican journalists are released pending trial, after months in detention


Amade Abubacar and Germano Adriano were in detention since January, but were only formally charged on 16 April. Now they must await trial on probation.

7 May 2019

New Russian documentary brings the horrors of the Gulag to the YouTube generation

RuNet Echo

Despite the best efforts of Yuri Dud, alongside those of countless other civic activists, Russia will probably remain deeply conflicted over Stalin’s legacy many years from now.

The Brumadinho dam tragedy in Brazil has caused alarm in São Paulo, a state with over 7,000 dams

A district in the city of São Paulo adjacent to two dams urges authorities to draw a contingency plan.

6 May 2019

Do you really need to learn Japanese to live in Japan?

The Bridge

The more hard-won the lessons we learn about the country, the more some of us realize how mundane life in Japan actually is.

Ugandan regulators order 13 media outlets to suspend staff over coverage of opposition figure


The Ugandan regulator says media houses that fail to comply with their directive could have their licenses revoked.

5 May 2019

As Cyclone Fani hits India's eastern coast, preparedness saves thousands of lives

Many lives were saved from the devastations of the extremely severe Cyclone Fani because of a planned evacuation carried by the local administration with support from thousands of volunteers.

4 May 2019

Too big to be anonymous? Russian journalists unmask a famous anti-Kremlin blogger, sparking ethical debate

RuNet EchoAdvox

StalinGulag’s posts are usually acerbic, profanity-laden critiques of Russia's political system, generating thousands of likes and retweets.

3 May 2019

Why is Twitter blocking state accounts in Venezuela?


The unique public value of accounts like these -- even if they are spewing hateful or partisan vitriol -- is worth considering.

A mixed welcome for Trinidad and Tobago's plan to regularise Venezuelan migrants

From exploitation of refugees to an increase in violent crime, Trinidad and Tobago has its hands full as streams of Venezuelan migrants continue to arrive.

Ethnic Albanian votes will decide presidential elections in North Macedonia

North Macedonia will vote on the second round of the presidential elections on Sunday, May 5, amid uncertainties about the turnout and the outcome.

Running counter: An interview with a French publisher of Turkish literature

"Kontr is a publishing house, and a home where one invites the ones he likes, it is not a factory aimed at producing goods, labels or at making money."

The Sri Lanka Niqab ban and the politics of distraction

The Bridge

Ever since the identification of the all-male group of bombers behind the massacre as members of militant group ISIS, Muslim women have borne the brunt.

2 May 2019

Ugandan pop star politician Bobi Wine pens song on police brutality during house arrest

Ugandan musician and MP Bobi Wine's new song "Afande" critiques police brutality with a message of love and unity. "Why beat me? There is no difference between me and you!"

Venezuela's political crisis is intensifying and censorship is on the rise


Food, water and electricity are increasingly scarce, as is access to communication networks.

1 May 2019

‘Envision a new war': the Syrian Archive, corporate censorship and the struggle to preserve public history online

AdvoxThe Bridge

Social media companies are censoring images of war. The Syrian Archive is working to preserve them.

Common leopard gecko found in Nepal for the first time

Common Leopard Geckos remained undetected in Nepal until now. Researchers found and recorded it, which becomes the 11th gecko species for Nepal.

White flags: Sri Lankans in mourning

Sri Lankans are still coming to terms with the death of hundreds during the terrorist attacks on April 21, 2019. The colour white is used to symbolise mourning in Sri...

Announcing the Global Voices Asia Pacific Citizen Media Summit: Join us in Taipei, Taiwan on June 2!

The Summit will address new techno-political challenges and their implications for internet rights and activism, digital security and privacy, digital inclusion and development.

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