SGSA Finances

What We Spend

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

2018-19 Annual Report and Accounts

See our previous Annual Reports.

Capital programme

The SGSA does not have a capital programme.

Spending reviews

The SGSA receives funding from DCMS in line with the Government Spending Review process, which sets the SGSA’s funding settlement.

Financial audit reports

Details of audit reports can be found in the Annual Report.

Staff and Board Members’ allowances and expenses

Board Members receive a daily fee of £265. Board members and SGSA staff are reimbursed necessary expenses in line with the rates and procedures set by the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sport.

Pay received by the Board Members and the Chief Executive is detailed in our Annual Report.

Pay and grading structures

The pay and grading structure of the SGSA mirrors that of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Procurement and tendering procedures

The SGSA complies with current Government guidelines.

List of contracts awarded and their value

The SGSA currently has no contracts of significant value.

Financial statements for projects and events

The SGSA currently has no financial statements for projects or events to declare.

Internal financial regulation

The SGSA complies with all internal financial regulations set by HM Treasury.