The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) is the peak representative body for over 40,000 undergraduate students
at the University of Sydney.

Student Representation

SRC office bearers and collectives campaign on a range of issues important to students:
Education Action Group •  Wom*n’s • Indigenous • Queer • Environment • International Students’ • Autonomous Collective Against Racism • Student Housing • Global Solidarity • Welfare • Social Justice • Disabilities & Carers • Campus Refugee Action. MORE INFO >

SRC Casework Help

FREE, independent and confidential advice & support for USyd undergraduates including: Academic rights & appeals, Special consideration & special arrangements, HECS & fee refunds, Academic misconduct & dishonesty, Show cause & exclusion appeals, Centrelink, Tenancy & accommodation, Harassment & discrimination, Financial issues, Tax Help (July–October). MORE INFO >

SRC Legal Service

Our solicitors provide FREE legal advice, representation in court where relevant, and a referral service.
Police & court matters, Traffic/transport offences, Immigration law & visas, Consumer rights, Employment law, Personal / domestic violence, Witness / certify documents, Motor vehicle / insurance law. MORE INFO >

SRC Publications

The SRC has published Honi Soit, Australia’s most widely read weekly student newspaper since 1929. News, politics, culture and satire. Pick up a free copy on campus during semester, or read online. The SRC also publishes the Counter Course Handbook, the SRC Orientation Handbook and Growing Strong Wom*n’s Handbook. MORE INFO >

Your 2019 Representatives

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Mobility Access:Please contact the SRC on 9660 5222 if you wish to visit the SRC and have a mobility access enquiry.

SRC Officer Reports

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