Chowkidar Sushma Swarajחשבון מאומת


Minister of External affairs, Government of India,

New Delhi, India
כאן מאז נובמבר 2010


חסמת את @SushmaSwaraj

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @SushmaSwaraj

  1. 7 במאי

    ममता जी - आज आपने सारी हदें पार कर दीं. आप प्रदेश की मुख्यमंत्री हैं और मोदी जी देश के प्रधान मंत्री हैं. कल आपको उन्हीं से बात करनी है. इसलिए बशीर बद्र का एक शेर याद दिला रही हूँ : दुश्मनी जम कर करो लेकिन ये गुंजाइश रहे, जब कभी हम दोस्त हो जाएँ तो शर्मिंदा न हों.

  2. 7 במאי

    प्रियंका जी - आज आपने अहंकार की बात की. मैं आपको याद दिला दूँ की अहंकार की पराकाष्ठा तो उस दिन हुई थी जिस दिन राहुल जी ने अपने ही प्रधान मंत्री डाक्टर मनमोहन सिंह जी का अपमान करते हुए राष्ट्रपति द्वारा जारी अध्यादेश को फाड़ कर फेंका था. कौन किसको सुना रहा है ?

  3. 7 במאי

    I have seen news reports about abduction of five Indian sailors by pirates in Nigeria. I am asking Indian High Commissioner to take this up at the highest level with Government of Nigeria for their release. Abhay - Please take this up and send me a report.

  4. צייץ מחדש
    1 במאי

    Today is a day that would make every Indian proud! I thank the global community and all those who believe in humanitarian values for their support. India’s fight against terror will continue. We will work towards peace and brotherhood in our planet.

  5. צייץ מחדש
    1 במאי

    We welcome the decision of the 1267 Sanctions Committee to designate the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammad, Masood Azhar, as a UN proscribed terrorist.

  6. צייץ מחדש
    1 במאי

    Syed Akbaruddin, India’s Ambassador & Permanent Representative to the United Nations on designation of Masood Azhar as global terrorist says 'This is a significant outcome, we have been at it for several years, today the goal stands achieved'

  7. צייץ מחדש
    1 במאי

    EAM attended the celebrations at the Embassy of Japan, to commemorate the Imperial Succession. In the book of celebrations, EAM remarked that India looked forward to the Reiwa era ushering in a new chapter of “beautiful harmony” in our bilateral relationship

  8. 30 באפר׳

    Harsh - Here is an Indian national in difficulty. He wants to come to India. Please see if we can help him.

  9. 30 באפר׳

    The matter is under investigation by the Police but it is not a hate crime. Our Consul General in New York is coordinating with the concerned authorities and will keep me informed me on this. /2

  10. 30 באפר׳

    Indian Ambassador in United States has informed me about the killing of four persons in Cincinnati on Sunday evening. One of them was an Indian national on a visit to US while others were persons of Indian origin. /1

  11. 28 באפר׳

    I got the report next day. I think you know the facts. I do not wish to share them here. You may visit my office and we will share the facts with you. My report is that your husband is not in jail. He is in a hotel. Our Embassy is in constant touch with him and giving all help.

  12. צייץ מחדש
    28 באפר׳

    Please do not trust any recruiting agent who promises you a job in Qatar on a business/visit visa. Always ask for a copy of the agent's Qatar ID and save it carefully, so that the Embassy can help you better, in the event of any fraud.

  13. 28 באפר׳
    ציוץ זה לא זמין.
  14. 28 באפר׳
  15. 28 באפר׳

    Vikas - I appreciate the efforts of the Indian High Commission and the Consulate. Thank you for setting the record straight. /4

  16. 28 באפר׳

    She is now better and wants the cremation in Canada itself. Indian mission is organising the last rites as per her wishes. Her 10 year old son who was rescued while drowning is recovering in the hospital. /3

  17. 28 באפר׳

    The mortal remains were held up because Canadian rules require consent of the family to release the bodies from hospital. Mrs. Mishra was in a state of shock and was not able to give her consent. /2

  18. 28 באפר׳

    I have received the report from Indian High Commissioner in Canada regarding the mortal remains of Mr.Mishra and his son. The news reports were not correct. The funds were never an issue. /1

  19. צייץ מחדש
    25 באפר׳

    Hello ji. Regarding passport issue at Switzerland. My Mom Dad ( Mr. Sanjay and Mrs. Madhu Pugalia) were traveling from Zurich airport to interlanken by train in which a lady picked up there bag with a intention of theft and left off the train.

    הצג שרשור זה
  20. 26 באפר׳

    Vikas - I am not happy to read this. The mortal remains of Indian nationals should not wait for want of money. Please send them to India without delay.


מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
