9 May 2019

House committee votes contempt charge against Trump’s attorney general William Barr

By Patrick Martin, 9 May 2019

The conflict between Congress and the White House represents the breakdown of the institutional framework through which American capitalist politics has operated for more than two centuries.

Trump floats proposal to cancel 2020 elections

“We need to fight capitalism and change the whole system”
Uber and Lyft drivers conduct international strike

By our reporters, 9 May 2019

Thousands of Uber and Lyft drivers in the US and several other countries struck and protested Wednesday in advance of Uber’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange Friday.

Uber drivers to participate in global strike

“I am ready to stay out and not going back in until we get everything we need”
More than 20,0000 participate in Oregon walkouts for public education

By Kayla Costa, 9 May 2019

Teachers were joined by thousands of students, parents and school workers at demonstrations in multiple cities across the state.

Two thousand nurses and support staff strike at Toledo, Ohio hospital

More on the class struggle in the US »

Pompeo lays down the law during UK visit

By Robert Stevens, 9 May 2019

The US secretary of state’s remit was to demand that the UK government toe the line in backing the geo-strategic imperatives of US imperialism… or else.

China to hit back if new US tariff threat goes ahead

By Nick Beams, 9 May 2019

The US is demanding China submit an inventory of laws and regulations it will enact to guarantee compliance with any trade deal—in effect dictating economic policy to Beijing.

Trump issues full pardon to former lieutenant who executed prisoner in Iraq

By Jessica Goldstein, 9 May 2019

The act of clemency for a war criminal was a calculated gesture to ultra-right and fascistic elements inside and outside the US military.

Insys Therapeutics executives, makers of oral fentanyl spray, convicted of racketeering

By Ben Mateus, 9 May 2019

A study published earlier this year found that in 28 states the mortality rate from synthetic opioids had more than doubled every two years.

French pseudo-left politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for alliance with Socialist Party

By Will Morrow, 9 May 2019

Mélenchon is treading the path worn by his fellow European pseudo-left allies, responding to the upsurge of working class struggle by closing ranks with the state.

The extreme right in the European elections

The German ruling class fears the spectre of socialism

Local authority funding cuts worsen poverty and social inequality in Scotland

By Stephen Alexander, 9 May 2019

Scottish local authorities are imposing further cuts and increasing charges on vital services.

Ontario government slashes post-secondary education funding and student aid

By Penny Smith, 9 May 2019

Ford’s cuts are part of a concerted drive to restructure post-secondary education to tailor it even more to the demands of big business.

Papua New Guinea government faces no-confidence vote

By John Braddock, 9 May 2019

The wholesale defections from the government are the most significant in Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s eight years in office.

New in Portuguese

A “mentira na alma” imperialista
Políticos comemoram o “Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa” enquanto Julian Assange definha na prisão

Por David Walsh, 9 Maio 2019

Ninguém associado à UNESCO ou ao “Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa” mencionou a perseguição ao fundador do WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, durante os eventos desta semana.

New in Norwegian

Trump lufter forslag om kansellering av 2020-valget

Eric London, 9. mai 2019

Borgerlig politikk har degenerert i en slik grad at politiske og juridiske normer ansett som fundamentale siden Den amerikanske revolusjon nå utfordres av en presidents tweets.

Valget i India og det revolusjonære programmet for å opponere mot innstramminger, krig og kommunalistisk reaksjon

Keith Jones, 9. mai 2019

BJPs dreining mot militarisme og utilslørt kommunalistisk reaksjon blir fremfor alt animert av partiets frykt for en voksende sosial opposisjon.

«Vi må redde livet hans. Så alvorlig er det.»
Pamela Anderson og WikiLeaks’ sjefredaktør besøkte Julian Assange i fengsel

Laura Tiernan, 9. mai 2019

Anderson fordømte statsforfølgelsen av sin venn som et «lovbrudd på gang».

Valg i Sør-Afrika avholdt under voksende misnøye og en fremmedgjøring fra ANC

Eddie Haywood, 9. mai 2019

Dersom Den afrikanske nasjonalkongressen (ANC), som forventet, sikret seg flertall i onsdagens valg er dét bare vitnesbyrd om de vesentlige opposisjonspartienes politiske forvorpenhet.

Hilsener til kinesiske arbeidere og ungdommer på hundreårsdagen for 4. mai-bevegelsen

Peter Symonds, 9. mai 2019

Vi publiserer her den norske oversettelsen av transkripsjonen av talen Peter Symonds holdt for 2019 Online International May Day Rally.

New in Spanish

Trump sugiere cancelar elecciones de 2020

Por Eric London, 9 mayo 2019

La política burguesa se ha degenerado a tal grado que las normas políticas y legales que se han considerado como fundamentales desde la Revolución estadounidense están siendo desafiadas por un tuit presidencial.

Tras el fracaso de Venezuela, las amenazas militares de Estados Unidos aumentan

Por Bill Van Auken, 9 mayo 2019

Tanto el secretario de Estado Pompeo y el títere estadounidense Juan Guaidó han dicho que las “opciones militares” están bajo consideración.

Elección panameña: una distorsionada expresión de oposición a la austeridad

por Andrea Lobo, 9 mayo 2019

La elección siguió a un año dominado por huelgas, incluyendo de maestros, trabajadores de construcción y una huelga general contra un alza en la tarifa eléctrica.

Saludos a los trabajadores y jóvenes chinos en el centenario del movimiento del 4 de mayo

Por Peter Symonds, 9 mayo 2019

Estamos publicando aquí el texto del discurso para el Mitin Internacional En Línea por el Primero de Mayo de 2019, pronunciado por Peter Symonds.

Las elecciones en la India y el programa revolucionario contra la austeridad, la guerra y la reacción comunalista

Por Keith Jones, 9 mayo 2019

El giro del BJP al militarismo y su reacción comunalista descarada están siendo impulsados ante todo por su temor al aumento de la oposición social.

New in French

Saïd Bouteflika et les anciens chefs du renseignement arrêtés en Algérie

Anthony Torres, 9 mai 2019

Le haut commandement de l’armée tente de canaliser les luttes ouvrières en arrêtant les dirigeants les plus haïs des fractions de l’élite dirigeante qui rivalisent avec lui.

Trump propose d’annuler l’élection de 2020

Eric London, 9 mai 2019

La politique bourgeoise a dégénéré à tel point que les normes politiques et juridiques considérées comme fondamentales depuis la Révolution américaine sont remises en question par un tweet présidentiel.

«Il faut que nous sauvions sa vie. Voilà à quel point c'est sérieux.»
Pamela Anderson et le rédacteur en chef de WikiLeaks rendent visite à Julian Assange en prison

Laura Tiernan, 9 mai 2019

Anderson a condamné la persécution de son ami par l'État comme une « perversion du droit en train de fonctionner ».

L'extrême droite et l’élection européenne

Peter Schwarz, 9 mai 2019

La croissance de l'extrême droite est le résultat du soutien politique, idéologique et organisationnel systématique donné par les médias, les partis politiques et l’État.

Des élections sud-africaines dans un contexte de mécontentement social croissant et d'aliénation vis-à-vis de l'ANC

Eddie Haywood, 9 mai 2019

Si le Congrès national africain obtient comme prévu une majorité cela ne tient qu’à la déliquescence des partis politiques de l’opposition

Le gouvernement libéral du Canada est complice de la tentative de coup d'État parrainée par les États-Unis au Venezuela

Roger Jordan, 9 mai 2019

La semaine dernière le Canada a clamé son soutien au coup d’État manqué de Guaido et a augmenté ses efforts pour porter au pouvoir un régime d’extrême droite et pro-impérialiste à Caracas.

Rapport d'ouverture du Rassemblement international en ligne du 1er mai
La résurgence de la lutte des classes et la lutte pour le socialisme

David North, 9 mai 2019

Nous publions ici le texte du rapport d'ouverture présenté par David North au Rassemblement international en ligne du 1er mai 2019.

Trahir mes principes est «une prison bien pire que ce que le gouvernement peut construire».
Après deux mois de prison, Chelsea Manning lance un puissant appel pour sa libération

Niles Niemuth, 9 mai 2019

Manning a été arrêtée pour outrage au tribunal après avoir refusé de témoigner devant un grand jury chargé de porter des accusations frauduleuses contre Julian Assange, éditeur et journaliste de WikiLeaks.

New in German

Trump bringt Absage der Wahlen 2020 ins Gespräch

Eric London, 9. Mai 2019

Die bürgerliche Politik ist so verkommen, dass politische und rechtliche Normen, die seit der Amerikanischen Revolution als grundlegend galten, nun durch Tweets des Präsidenten in Frage gestellt werden.

„Wir müssen sein Leben retten. So ernst ist die Lage“
Pamela Anderson und WikiLeaks-Chefredakteur besuchen Julian Assange im Gefängnis

Laura Tierman, 9. Mai 2019

Anderson verurteilte die staatliche Verfolgung ihres Freundes als „praktizierte Rechtsbeugung“.

Die Verfolgung von Assange und Manning ist ein Angriff auf die Arbeiterklasse

Oscar Grenfell, 9. Mai 2019

Wir veröffentlichen hier den Text der Rede von Oscar Grenfell bei der Internationalen Online-Maikundgebung 2019.

New in Turkish

ABD İran’ı savaşla tehdit ediyor

Keith Jones, 8 Mayıs 2019

ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı John Bolton, uçak gemisi U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln ile ABD Hava Kuvvetleri’ne ait bombardıman uçaklarının İran’ı tehdit etmek üzere konuşlandırıldığını duyurdu.

Other Languages


The social crisis and the global eruption of US imperialism

9 May 2019

Washington’s brazen and reckless military threats and provocations on a world scale are driven by deep-going social and political crises within the US itself.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

The New York Times and its Uyghur “activist”

By Peter Symonds, 9 May 2019

The promotion of Rushan Abbas by the New York Times is a classic example of its role in pushing the bogus “human rights” issues used by US imperialism to prosecute its interests.

India’s election and the revolutionary program to oppose austerity, war and communal reaction

By Keith Jones, 8 May 2019

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

France’s “yellow vest” protests and the global resurgence of the class struggle

By Alex Lantier, 9 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online rally delivered by Alex Lantier.

The defence of Assange and Manning is the spearhead of the struggle against imperialism

By Chris Marsden, 9 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online Rally delivered by Chris Marsden.

The Christchurch terror attack and the promotion of fascism by the ruling elite

A socialist perspective against the return of fascism in Europe

The persecution of Assange and Manning is an attack on the working class

Greetings to Chinese workers and youth on the centenary of the May 4 movement

May Day 2019: The resurgence of the class struggle and the fight for socialism

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


Financial parasitism and the stock market surge

By Nick Beams, 9 May 2019

In its maniacal drive for higher profits, increasingly generated by the parasitic inflation of stock prices, finance capital and its mouthpieces in politics and the media demand that more cheap money be made available through the slashing of interest rates.

Removal of white educator from African American history class in Michigan sparks widespread outrage

By Phyllis Steele and Nancy Hanover, 9 May 2019

The removal of the high school teacher from an advanced placement course in a Detroit suburb occurred after a group of parents objected to a nationally-developed, comprehensive curriculum for the class.

South African elections held amid rising social discontent and alienation from ANC

By Eddie Haywood, 8 May 2019

US threatens Iran with war

By Keith Jones, 7 May 2019

Boeing continues to whitewash 737 crashes

By Bryan Dyne, 8 May 2019

Why aren’t Boeing executives being prosecuted for the 737 Max 8 crashes?

Former Trump chief of staff John Kelly joins board of migrant detention firm

By Genevieve Leigh, 8 May 2019

Democrats line up behind Trump’s war on immigrants
NY Times demands: “Give Trump his border money”


Canada’s Liberal government abets US-sponsored coup attempt in Venezuela

By Roger Jordan, 8 May 2019

The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders

By Patrick Martin, 6 May 2019

Anti-Muslim witch-hunt after terrorist bombings in Sri Lanka

By our correspondents, 8 May 2019

Australian fascist group tried to recruit Christchurch terrorist

By Tom Peters, 8 May 2019

Free Assange and Manning

Video: Workers at SEP rally in Parramatta denounce persecution of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 9 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party won strong support from workers and youth at its rally demanding the immediate release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and US whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

ICFI supporters in India to hold picket to free Assange

9 May 2019

The protest organised by the Indian Trotskyists is part of the ICFI’s international campaign to defend WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

“We need to save his life. That’s how serious it is”
Pamela Anderson and WikiLeaks editor-in-chief visit Julian Assange in prison

By Laura Tiernan, 8 May 2019

The sentencing of Julian Assange: A legal travesty

Betraying my principles is “a much worse prison than the government can construct”
After nearly two months in jail, Chelsea Manning submits powerful appeal for release

Video: At Sydney rally Assange’s father demands Australian government secure son’s release

7 May 2019

Two days after Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail, protesters rallied in Sydney’s Martin Place.

The imperialist “lie in the soul”
Politicians celebrate “World Press Freedom Day” as Julian Assange languishes in prison

By David Walsh, 4 May 2019

Britain: National Union of Journalists World Press Freedom Day event ignores Julian Assange

Attend Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meeting in London
Free Julian Assange, Free Chelsea Manning!

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Greens offer bogus climate pledges while pleading for another partnership with Labor

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 9 May 2019

The “plan” of the Greens is not about saving the environment and the planet but handing billions of dollars to supposedly “green” companies.

Former Australian PM denounces anti-China witch-hunt of intelligence agencies

By Oscar Grenfell: SEP candidate for Parramatta, 8 May 2019

SEP candidates address election meetings in Australia to defend Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

By our reporters, 8 May 2019

Workers and youth defend Assange and democratic rights at SEP (Australia) meetings

By our reporters, 8 May 2019

SEP election meetings in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Brisbane
Vote Socialist Equality Party! No to War and Austerity! For Socialism and Internationalism!

7 May 2019

The Labor Party tries to “save capitalism”

Victorian Socialists’ fake-left election campaign

Join the fight for international socialism!
To halt climate change, capitalism must be abolished

Liberal and Labor compete in stoking anti-refugee scare-mongering

Support the Socialist Equality Party in the 2019 Australian Federal Election
No to Militarism and War! For Socialism and Internationalism!

The Socialist Equality Party candidates in the 2019 Australian election

European elections

“Join the fight for a united socialist Europe!”
Socialist Equality Party (SGP) publishes campaign video for European Elections

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 April 2019

The European elections and the revival of class struggle

Arts Review

Clergy: An uncompromising film about the hypocrisy and corruption of the Catholic Church in Poland

By Stefan Steinberg, 8 May 2019

Red Joan: A British spy story skirts some issues

By Fred Mazelis, 6 May 2019

Documentary about the brutal 2014 disappearance of teachers’ college students
The 43: A state massacre and cover-up in Mexico

By Rafael Azul and Don Knowland, 4 May 2019


One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part One

By Peter Symonds, 4 May 2019

One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part Two

New York Times column falsifies legacy of Eugene Debs

By Tom Mackaman, 30 April 2019

25 years ago: Channel Tunnel opens, connecting Britain and France

On May 6, 1994, the Channel Tunnel officially opened, connecting for the first time the United Kingdom with the European mainland from Kent, England, to Pas-de-Calais, France.

More »

50 years ago: Battle of Hamburger Hill

On May 10 US forces in Vietnam began a 10-day assault on Hill 937, which was heavily defended by the North Vietnam’s People’s Army of Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: Soviet offensive clears Axis forces from Crimea

During this week in 1944, Soviet military forces completed the destruction of the Axis bastion in Crimea, capturing the key port city of Sevastopol on May 12, 1944.

More »

100 years ago: Race riots and martial law in Charleston, South Carolina

On May 10, 1919, hundreds of white sailors serving in the US Navy rioted in the port of Charleston, South Carolina, attacking African-Americans and destroying property.

More »

Featured Report

UK: Liverpool man dies after being declared fit for work and denied benefits

By Barry Mason, 30 April 2019

“He should never have been found fit to work in a million years!”
UK advice worker Terry Craven speaks on the terrible death of Stephen Smith

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

”Dictatorships as alternative political orders?”—We say no!
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jörg Baberowski’s right-wing think tank

By the IYSSE at the Humboldt University, 30 April 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

Neo-Nazi networks exposed across US military

By Jacob Crosse, 4 May 2019

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It
North and Vandreier conclude US tour at New York University

By our reporters, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

Book Review

Assembly by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: A compendium of pseudo-left and anti-Marxist politics

By Emanuele Saccarelli, 22 April 2019

Assembly is saturated with reactionary postmodern conceptions, recycles worn-out anarchist recipes as innovative and progressive experiments and endorses virtually every political dead end of the recent and not-so-recent past.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018