
TEFL Workers Union launched in London

IWW members in London are building a union for all workers in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) industry. If you work in a language school anywhere in the UK and would like to get involved, please contact us at or through our facebook page.

Brazil: How things have (and haven't) changed

From the management of June 2013 uprising to Bolsonaro’s ordered revolt.

Striking the Gig: Why Uber and Lyft Drivers Are Calling For a National Strike on May 8th

On May 8th, workers are organizing a national single day strike against rideshare firms like Uber and Lyft. They’re calling on app users to join them by refusing to request rides for the duration of the 24 hour action.
Salvo investigates what set the stage for this clash, how gig workers in precarious states of employment are organizing, and how we all may soon be in a similar position to them.

March Against Racism- SUN. 5/5/2019 Limassol Cyprus

Void Network expresses solidarity for all comrades and friends fighting against fascism in Cyprus and invites all to participate in the march at 5/5/2019 at Limassol as also all other antiracist and antifa actions in Cyprus.
Following the tragic events of the recent murders of 7 immigrant women in Cyprus we are calling for a March on Sunday 5th of May 14:00 starting from GSO Molos to the centre of the town in order to demonstrate our rage and disbelief to the State that let those women in despair. Domestic workers have Human Rights and those should be respected.

What does “climate emergency” mean? Let’s define that OUTSIDE parliament

The UK parliament declares a "climate emergency" while supporting Heathrow airport expansion, fracking, and fossil fuel subsidies. We need to make our own decisions about what the emergency is and how to deal with it

What was the purpose of the ISO?

With the recent dissolution of the International Socialist Organization (US), a former member asks, what exactly did it build for forty years?

Climate change must be a thing: it's on prime time TV

XR protest on Waterloo Bridge, London

The political establishment will try co-opting new climate protest movements, such as Extinction Rebellion and the school strikes. Let's stop that happening

Yevgeny Karakashev is sentenced to 6 years in prison

On April 19, the North Caucasian District Military Court in
Rostov-on-Don convicted an anarchist from Evpatoria Yevgeny Karakashev
in the case of Calls for Committing of Terrorist Activity in the Russian
social network "Vkontakte".