ChiefExecutiveWomenConta verificada


Chief Executive Women represents Australia’s most senior women leaders whose mission is to support future leaders & inform the debate.

Participa desde maio de 2014


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  1. há 13 horas

    This year is in the midst of a pandemic that’s disproportionately harming women, especially women with young children. Catalyst CEO Lorraine Hariton is calling on leaders to take two KEY actions. WATCH, learn, share.

  2. há 20 horas

    Like so many parents, our Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway wondered how she was going to balance work with her new role as a mother. Join us in calling for paid parental leave on ! 💙

  3. há 13 horas
  4. 8 de mai.

    Women in leadership: Lessons from Australian companies leading the way via

  5. 7 de mai.
  6. 7 de mai.

    Happy Mother's Day, here is the perfect gift for the whole family🎁. Flexible work for women - and men via

  7. 6 de mai.

    The pandemic has highlighted the critical but undervalued nature of female-dominated industries. Pay equity: Valuing our essential services

  8. 6 de mai.

    “For women, improved practices around flex time could be a real game-changer, helping to accelerate work satisfaction, growth opportunities, and advancement.” How to Make Flexible Work the Way of the Future | Catalyst via

  9. 6 de mai.

    Women bear biggest job losses from COVID-19, according to latest data. Snapshot; jobs worked by women decreased by 8.1% vs 6.2% of jobs worked by men. Note however that wages for men fell 8.9% versus 7% for women.

  10. 6 de mai.

    JobKeeper: who gets it, who doesn’t, and what that means for women

  11. 30 de abr.

    "It is time for us to rise as women leaders taking action to conquer the pandemic." - Deputy Secretary-General, is a global advocacy effort that supports the new UN Framework & Fund for recovery. v

  12. 1 de mai.

    What we thought was important was to bring together how to look after your business and your health in one site, and My Business Health does just that.

  13. 1 de mai.

    Sharing some good news! Congratulations Member Cant recognised for her work in government, winning the Telstra Business Woman of the Year Award (WA).

  14. 30 de abr.

    Congratulations Member; Air Vice-Marshal Margaret Staib AM CSC on your latest appointment.

  15. 25 de abr.
  16. 28 de abr.

    Over 20 years, there has been a proliferation of parliamentary bodies across the world with a mandate. Australia is not one of them.

  17. 27 de abr.

    Jane Halton AO is leading on an international coalition to create and fairly distribute a COVID-19 vaccine. She's also on the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission.

  18. 28 de abr.

    Permanently raising the Child Care Subsidy is an economic opportunity too good to miss

  19. 28 de abr.

    On BroadAgenda : 89 national parliaments have parliamentary committees to promote in policy. WHY NOT Australia? Read

  20. 27 de abr.

    Women are being disproportionately affected by the social impact of the crisis, which continues to exacerbate existing gender inequalities. We need a gender-responsive crisis response around the world.


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