Kanchan Gupta  Overený účet


Senior Adviser, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India, New Delhi. Member, PM's Committee on Netaji 125th Anniversary.

भारत | India
Na Twitteri od: jún 2009


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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    14. 8.

    Immeasurably grateful to PM for recognising the horrors of Partition in 1947. My father was among Hindu Bengalis who came from East Pakistan and suffered immensely. As a refugee legatee, I am overwhelmed by PM dedicating 14 August as

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    pred 7 hodinami

    India registers 45,083 new cases in the last 24 hours. Top 5 states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

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    pred 20 hodinami
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    pred 17 hodinami

    Why the West Bengal govt is trying to suppress my Freedom of Speech when all I have done is put facts in public domain?

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    pred 7 hodinami
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    Breaking news: Another so called “official sponsor” clarifies their stance. It is NOT Rutgers University, it's only some individuals supporting the “Dismantle Hindtutva” conference! Thanks for clarifying and for not lending institutional support to bigotry.

  7. Yes, of course, India must carry the can and play Casabianca, last man standing on the burning deck.

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    pred 19 hodinami

    A very simple summary of August 4th week: Best. Week. Ever. 49.2 million vaccinations between Aug 22-28. 1/

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    pred 19 hodinami

    In diplomacy… A fortnight is a long time… The ‘T’ word is gone…🤔 Compare the marked portions of Security Council statements issued on 16 August & on 27 August…

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 14 hodinami

    A Marine sergeant who cradled a baby at Kabul airport. A young husband with a child on the way. A Marine who someday hoped to work in law enforcement: Poignant details emerge about some of the 13 U.S. service members slain in an Afghanistan suicide blast.

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    pred 22 hodinami

    Wow! What an entitled so and so. Since 2009, Pakistan has received billions of dollars from the U.S. government in civilian aid. Not to mention the $8 million to fight Covid.

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 18 hodinami

    US readout of Blinken-Jaishankar talks: key focus Afghanistan

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    pred 18 hodinami

    | , Senior Adviser - Ministry of I&B takes note of TIMES NOW newsbreak, hits out at Govt over its stand on surge in the State; says 'typical 'Taliberal' hypocrisy. They won’t dare tell the truth. So they glibly lie'.

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 18 hodinami

    हर राष्ट्र का दायित्व होता है कि वह अपने इतिहास को संजोकर रखे। इतिहास में हुई घटनाएं हमें सिखाती भी हैं और आगे बढ़ने की दिशा भी देती हैं।

  15. After Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Tagore wrote to the Viceroy: “Time has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in their incongruous context of humiliation. I wish to stand, shorn of all special distinctions, by the side of my countrymen.”

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    28. 8.

    Join me as we inaugurate the renovated complex of Jallianwala Bagh Smarak today at 6:25 PM. I also invite you to watch the sound and light show. It would display the horrific massacre of April 1919 and instil a spirit of gratitude and reverence towards the martyrs.

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    pred 18 hodinami

    She said it… listen to ji

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    pred 18 hodinami

    Whale vomit is used in making perfumes? 😳🤢🤮

  19. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 19 hodinami

    CBI files 10 fresh FIRs in West Bengal post-poll violence cases, makes first two arrests in the matter

  20. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 21 hodinami

    Myths churned out by the US information-warfare machine and lapped up by the US (and international) media: Myth 1: ISIS-K sees both Taliban and US as its enemies. In truth, Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS-K are interlinked. Taliban and Pakistani ISI use ISIS-K for plausible deniability.

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  21. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 20 hodinami

    Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has discussed the need for a special leader's level meeting on Afghanistan by G20 grouping with Indian Prime Minister Story by


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