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  1. Tweet Fixado
    11 de dez. de 2019

    If you're not a Hindu refugee from East Pakistan/Bangladesh, you'd never understand the deprivation, the dehumanisation and the degradation we faced. My grandmother left me a crumbling document: the refugee certificate that gave her, a widow, and her 5 children refuge in .

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  2. há 6 horas

    How I wish Govt would actively dissuade farmers from growing sugarcane.

  3. há 6 horas

    Why you should think before you speak: Certain Smart Alecs were rooting for the Swedish model while criticising PM Modi for lockdown. They should be loudly called out.

  4. retweetou
    há 8 horas

    Some of us have longer memory. Rajiv Gandhi never denied that he had had Ram Janmabhoomi gate unlocked in 1986, and that it was done through Arun Nehru. In 1989 he allowed shilanyas and launched Congress's poll campaign from Faizabad, dist HQ of .

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  5. retweetou
    17 de ago.

    "When Land Comes in the Way: India's Infrastructure Connectivity in Nepal" surveys impediments leading to delays in land acquisition of East-West Postal Road, and Jogbani-Biratnagar cross-border railway line.

  6. retweetou
    há 17 horas

    Problem is that no-one will call Nasir out as a sexist. And therein lies the rub.

  7. retweetou
    há 9 horas

    The Chinese ambassador walking on the backs of locals in Kiribati & trying to pass it off as a local custom is emblematic of what China does with debtors. As Xi Jinping launches the biggest purge since Mao,we bring details of secret offshore accounts of Beijing’s political elite

  8. retweetou
    há 7 horas

    What is so special about Bhushan's FoE when the same rights can't be given to a Kamlesh Tiwari or Naveen or Ramalingam? Two of them killed and the third is in jail for an FB post which could have been ignored.

  9. retweetou
    17 de ago.

    AND THAT’S THE WAY IT IS... Thousands of Seattle Democrats gather to demand mail-in voting because it’s too dangerous to vote in-person.

  10. retweetou
    há 7 horas

    Kangana's reply on Naseeruddin Shah's statement.

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    há 7 horas
  12. há 7 horas

    For the record, I have been tracking the Ayodhya story since 1984 and was among the first, very few journalists to hit the ground in 1986-87.

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  13. há 7 horas

    Such is the viciousness of haters that an identical twin is denied an existence of her own, her life, her choice and her politics. puts the record straight and exposes the deceit we have seen in recent days.

  14. retweetou
    18 de ago.

    It's been almost a week since locked 's account for his tweet quoting a Quranic verse. Anand's tweet does not constitute an offence under Indian (or American or European or for that matter any democracy's) law. This is an outrageous woke assault on .

  15. há 8 horas

    There is no call to give a 'clean chit' to Rajiv Gandhi. He was a smart politician who had learned politics well from his mother. 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom, banning of 'Satanic Verses', subversion of Shah Bano, Ayodhya, etc will not vanish into thin air because a Doon buddy says so.

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  16. há 8 horas

    The many 'whys' he did what he did are not for Twitter. Story begins with VHP Ekatmata Yatra in 1983 followed by Ram Janki Rath Yatras in 1984. Indira Gandhi supported both (some say for cynical reasons). 1986 unlocking and 1989 shilanyas were a planned, calculated continuation.

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  17. há 8 horas

    Some of us have longer memory. Rajiv Gandhi never denied that he had had Ram Janmabhoomi gate unlocked in 1986, and that it was done through Arun Nehru. In 1989 he allowed shilanyas and launched Congress's poll campaign from Faizabad, dist HQ of .

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  18. retweetou
    há 13 horas

    Why Those Rallying For Bhushan Are Not Standing Up For Free Speech But For Special Treatment Of An Individual via

  19. retweetou
    há 11 horas

    Expectations vs Reality

  20. há 10 horas

    As 's Air Force and 's Luftwaffe planes fly over Dachau Concentration Camp, the Israeli commander sends out a powerful message: "Flying together above the Valley of Darkness, making room for only the light ahead, as we vow: Never Again." then and now.

  21. retweetou
    há 12 horas

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