Kate J Chase


(NO DMs) .Journalist & author of 20+ books, tech writer/mgr, content /online mgr for Microsoft, AOL, ZDnet, editor. Available for work

Northeast Kingdom, VT
Beigetreten November 2010


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  1. 24. Juli

    You are yet another iteration of Trump scam.

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    24. Juli

    And now we've heard that the president ordered Cory Lewandowski to tell Jeff sessions to limit your invso that he, you, would stop investigating the president. I think a reasonable person looking at these facts could conclude that all three elements of the crime of obstruction

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    - A lawsuit claiming Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl has been refiled in New York

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  4. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    Christians say that Trump was sent by God. Today, Trump cuts FOOD stamps to 3 million people. Sick God?!

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  5. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    My response to the President's latest tweet is that he is defying Congress to take food assistance away from 3 million Americans.

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    The Trump admin’s new “expedited removal” rule should terrify us all. It will allow ICE officers to approach ANYBODY in the U.S. (w/o probable cause) & demand they prove they’re a citizen or have been in the US for 2 years. If they can’t, they’re deported. No trial, no hearing.

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  7. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    My heart is broken. Completely shattered.😭 Moments before ICE broke this family apart. Listen to the whimperings and cries of his wife and young children. Look at how he looked back at his family crying as ICE takes him away from them. So much pain 💔 THIS IS NOT OK RETWEET

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    Please retweet this until your fingers bleed. We need to counter the fraudulent narrative that can't be indicted. No one is above the law.

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  9. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Mueller: -Jim Jordan dying on the Misfud hill shows the Trump/Putin traitor squad has nothing going today -Dems are well prepared to keep the conv rolling when Mueller refers to the report -Gaetz looks cranked on blow & getting schooled -Mueller is settling in -Trump looking bad

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  10. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Everything and everyone Trump touches is poisoned and degraded.

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  11. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    ⚠️IN THIS HEAT!!⚠️Tied to a generator, no shelter, food/water. Scot Lane, Wigan & called but no action taken. This cannot be right?!? Anyone in the area who sees this call the RSPCA till they visit the site. Owners have CCTV & confrontational. PLS HELP🙏

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    Lindsey Graham says Medicare and Social Security are "promises we can't keep," but he just voted for a budget that will add $1 trillion to the deficit. 🧐 He's breaking promises to hard-working Americans like my grandma in order to keep promises to his wealthy donors.

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  13. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    I love Jon Stewart. Just the look on his face as dirty Mitch walks past.

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  14. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    . tells NAACP convention: "Trump may be crazy, he may be a racist, but he is not stupid. He is doing what demagogues have always done.”

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    “Mueller was asked whether or not the investigation was impeded in any way, and he said no.” In other words, there was NO OBSTRUCTION.

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  16. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Using my psychic powers, I already know what you are going to ask. "Who is that jerk?" The answers will be either Collins, Jordan, Gaetz, or Gohmert.

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  17. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Richmond: "So it's fair to say the president tried to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records relevant to an ongoing investigation?" Mueller: "I would say that's generally the summary."

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  18. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Mueller rattles GOPer by saying Trump can be indicted after leaving office: ‘You could charge the president?’: Former special counsel Robert Mueller testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump can be prosecuted after leaving office. At a House…

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