Join the FSF

collage of pics from LibrePlanet 2017 and 2018

Members make the Free Software Foundation's work possible. Will you power up the free software movement by becoming an associate member today?

Membership dues help us defend the freedoms and rights of all computer users, nurture the GNU Project, certify freedom-respecting electronics, and battle the practice of Digital Restrictions Management.

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The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Boston, MA, USA.


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A credit card sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A credit card sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A credit card sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A credit card sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
You must contribute at least $ 5.00 to get this item

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No thanks, I want 100% of my membership dues to go to support the Foundation's work.
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Everyone who donates $500 or more will be thanked on our social media accounts and appear on our list of ThankGNUs. To make a donation "In honor of" or "In memory of" someone, please forward your donation receipt along with the person's name to

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This is the Free Software Foundation's primary mailing list. Subscribers receive a monthly newsletter called the Free Software Supporter, which includes news about FSF activities over that month, as well as other news from around the free software world.