Justin Podur


Ecology. Anticolonialism. Teach at YorkU. Author: Haiti's New Dictatorship & The Demands of the Dead. IMI Writing Fellow + ZNet, TeleSUR, Ricochet, AlterNet...

نومبر 2009 کو شامل ہوئے


آپ نے @justinpodur کو بلاک کردیا

کیا آپ واقعی یہ ٹویٹس دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں؟ ٹویٹس دیکھنے سے @justinpodur ان بلاک نہیں ہوگا

  1. پن کردہ ٹویٹ
    12 جون

    My latest article for IMI Globetrotter is in and . A throwback to the 1990s when we had antiwar campaigns against sanctions. Today, we have more sanctions than ever.

  2. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    5 گھنٹے پہلے

    Most spy vs spy stories make America the overwhelmed underdog in the fight against an inscrutable eastern enemy out to undermine our way of life — even when they describe extensive US ops.

    یہ تھریڈ دکھائیں
  3. 8 گھنٹے پہلے

    I think you forgot the "again", as in "make our country great again"

  4. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    9 گھنٹے پہلے
    کو جواب دیا جا رہا ہے

    Grift but based on assumption US threats plus traitors within Maduro government would do the heavy lifting to put them in power

  5. 9 گھنٹے پہلے

    so was it a sincere attempt at regime change or a grift operation to steal from their own sponsors?

  6. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    18 گھنٹے پہلے

    This tweet alone completely separates Corbyn from the rest of the warmongering UK political system. Support almost anyone else and you're supporting mass murder of the kind inflicted on Iraq, Libya and Syria.

  7. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    11 گھنٹے پہلے

    This attack poses real dangers to and the right to . However, itself reflects a growing awareness of the reality of that can't be contained with administrative measures and slander.

  8. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    11 گھنٹے پہلے

    It's amazing how the guys who are so quick to scaremonger about the onerous, kafkaesque nightmare of socialist bureaucracy also think that everyone loves dealing with the health insurance industry

  9. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    23 گھنٹے پہلے

    Among many other cases of persecution, Moreno also appears to be squeezing Assange's friend, Ola Bini, on behalf of the Trump admin to see if it will hep them against Assange. Rampant abuses of power made possible by the changes cheers

    یہ تھریڈ دکھائیں
  10. 9 گھنٹے پہلے

    the system is broken, exhibit #946424

  11. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    11 گھنٹے پہلے

    Can everyone be successful? My new essay, just published in the NY Times, asks why excellence, in education & elsewhere, is so often construed a scarce commodity: (Please ignore the Times’s cringe-worthy headline)

  12. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    10 گھنٹے پہلے

    With his usual unassuming selflessness, decides he doesn't want to be booed and jeered by thousands of sports fans.

  13. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    On this morning breaking down the outrageous war-mongering of & the administration against Iran - . Prevent a war on Iran. Stand up and be counted.

  14. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    I was in court for Julian 's extradition hearing before a judge whose husband was a Tory defence minister. "My life is at stake," said a fragile Julian by video link from prison. Denied a computer, he is prevented from preparing his own defence. Such is British "justice".

  15. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    21 ستمبر، 2018

    Anyone who implies that money/influence of Saudi, Israel or any other client state is making US & UK sacrifice their values is deluded or lying. The US & UK have no values that can be subverted or sacrificed in the first place & it’s ahistorical & offensive to imply otherwise.

    یہ تھریڈ دکھائیں
  16. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    Someone is telling us that he's using his platform to operate in deliberate bad faith here, and it isn't David Sirota.

    یہ تھریڈ دکھائیں
  17. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    As the US points the finger at Iran for attacks on two ships in the Gulf of Oman, Caitlin Johnstone notes: 'Sometimes the things put out by the US State Department feel like they’re conducting experiments on us, just to test the limits of our stupidity'

  18. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    13 جون

    Daily Mail forced to pay £120,000 in damages to pro-Palestinian charity over false antisemitism and terrorism allegations via Politics

  19. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    Advocates of "justice and accountability" in relation to Syria should read this from on SNHR, the supposedly impartial information source on Syria - including for the UN's controversial "International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism".

    یہ تھریڈ دکھائیں
  20. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    14 جون

    * *Offer not valid for Palestinians caged in the Gaza ghetto, who may be murdered with total impunity by EU-backed Israeli snipers, or used as guinea pigs for weapons testing by -funded firms. Other restrictions may apply.

  21. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    12 جون

    How public humiliation works: On 11 April was mocked for his beard throughout the world. During my visit, he explained to us that his shaving kit had been deliberately taken away three months earlier.


لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر گنجائش سے زیادہ بوجھ یا ایک وقتی مشکل سے دوچار ہے۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا مزید معلومات کے لیے ">ٹوئٹر اسٹیٹس پر جائیں۔

    آپ کو بھی پسند ہو
