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Labor in Algeria’s Revolt

Millions-strong demonstrations in Algeria have forced authoritarian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika from office. Independent labor unions are fighting to ensure workers — not military officers — decide what happens next.

Antislavery Wasn’t Mainstream, Until It Was

After Republicans lost their first election in 1856, the nineteenth-century Nate Silvers were happy to declare the antislavery movement a radical, fringe idea. Four years later, Abraham Lincoln won on a radical program of change.

Forget Apocalypse Now

It’s the fortieth anniversary of Apocalypse Now’s voyeuristic adventure to the dark side of human nature. But the real victims of the Vietnam War are forgotten in its cheap thrills.

A Video Game Workers’ Walkout

Despite brutal working conditions and massive industry profits, few video game workers have taken collective action on the job. That changed on Monday, when two hundred Riot Games workers walked off the job.