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God and Mammon at Loyola

At Loyola University, graduate workers aren’t just fighting for better conditions. They’re challenging the neoliberalization of one of Chicago’s leading Catholic institutions.

Sanctions Are Murder

As media and political figures cheer on regime change for the sake of the Venezuelan people, they say nothing about the sanctions that are killing ordinary Venezuelans.

Tech Workers Are Workers, Too

Tech workers in China and the US recently united in the largest display of tech worker solidarity we’ve ever seen. It’s exactly what we need to prevent a global race to the bottom in tech.

Issue No. 32 Out Now!

  • Issue No. 32
  • Winter 2019

A True Story of the Future

In This Issue


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
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1 Year | 4 Issues
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Knock It Down

Rachel Lears’ electric new documentary about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three fellow working-class political insurgents is now in theaters. It tells the story of four ordinary people confronting a corrupt Democratic establishment.

Art for the 99 Percent

Rich kids are way more likely to grow up to be artists. And that’s because capitalism doesn’t give us all the freedom to reach our creative potentials.

A Feminist Movement for Us All

Spain’s right has declared feminism Enemy Number 1. To defeat the backlash, feminism can’t just be one side in a culture war. It must be about providing everyone with the material basis for autonomy over their own lives.

Stick With Bernie

Forget all the other Democratic candidates: the primary will come down to Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. If we want to beat Trump, we should stick with Bernie.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
Digital Subscription
1 Year | 4 Issues
Print + Digital Subscription