Steven Greenhouse


Former labor reporter for The New York Times. Author of “Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present & Future of American Labor" to be published in August 2019.

New York
Beigetreten März 2011


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  1. hat retweetet

    Our democracy is not for sale. We must stop the flood of dark money from drowning out the voices of everyday citizens. That's why I just introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and restore power to the American people.

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  2. vor 14 Stunden

    Uber drivers went on strike in many cities to protest unfair pay & poor working conditions. The organizers wanted to hijack Uber’s pre-IPO narrative & they’ve been incredibly successful--every news story about Uber's IPO will include mention of the strike

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  3. vor 23 Stunden

    Here's What Teachers Across the U.S. Are Fighting for a Year After the Strikes & Protests: North Carolina—"The lack of respect" Oklahoma—"Teacher pay is better, but still not competitive" Arizona—"Nothing has changed for our students"

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  4. 7. Mai

    The Fight for $15 began small & turned into a huge movement. The teachers' strikes began with a few disgruntled teachers in W. Virginia & grew into a big movement. Tomorrow's strike by Uber drivers might turn into a big new movement as well.

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  5. 7. Mai

    Video Game Developers Protest >> In what many industry insiders believe is a North American first, employees at video game developer Riot Games--the studio that makes League of Legend--walked out of their jobs on Monday to protest treatment at the company.

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  6. 7. Mai

    Researchers say there’s a simple way to reduce suicides: Increase the minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage and the earned-income tax credit by 10% each could prevent about 1,230 suicides annually, researchers found.

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  7. 6. Mai

    Uber & Lyft Drivers Plan Global Strike on May 8 In Anticipation of Uber's IPO. New York Taxi Workers Alliance's Bhairavi Desai says, "Wall St. investors are telling Uber & Lyft to cut down on driver income, stop incentives, & go faster to driverless cars"

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  8. 6. Mai

    More on Trump being a continuation of GOP nastiness >> "Gingrich suggested that a South Carolina woman’s murder of her two sons in 1994 was the result of Democratic policies and called Democrats the 'enemy of normal Americans.'"

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  9. 6. Mai

    Trump's poisonous invective & insults are in many ways a continuation of past GOP nastiness. in 1990, Newt Gingrich encouraged GOP candidates to use words such as “sick,” “traitors” and “pathetic” to describe their Democratic opponents.

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  10. 6. Mai

    Trump would have been charged with obstruction of justice were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors who worked under Republican and Democratic Administrations assert.

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  11. 6. Mai

    Uber drivers in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C, San Francisco and other cities plan to go on strike Wednesday to demand higher pay as Uber prepares IPO worth nearly $100 billion.

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  12. 6. Mai

    Trump talks a good game about wanting a $2 trillion infrastructure plan -- he knows it will be good politically -- but many Republicans as well as Trump's chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, oppose the plan & are working to undermine it.

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  13. 5. Mai

    "About as many Americans now have a criminal record as have a college degree. Mass incarceration shattered America’s family structure, magnified race gaps, left millions of people marginalized — and has been brutally unfair."

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  14. 5. Mai

    .--"America’s biggest mistake over the last half-century arguably..was mass incarceration...The U.S. used to have incarceration rates similar to Europe's & then, beginning in about 1970, we increased the number of people behind bars sevenfold."

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  15. 5. Mai

    Uber Drivers in the U.S. Ready Themselves for "Massive Countrywide Strike" This Wednesday (May 8) Ahead of Uber's IPO. Strike is planned in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco & other major cities.

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  16. 4. Mai

    Many Uber drivers in New York, Los Angeles & San Francisco plan to flex their muscles & go on strike this week ahead of Uber's IPO (with a value of up to $100 billion) "The drivers intend to send a message to Uber—they want livable incomes & job security"

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  17. 4. Mai

    The Trump Administration sticks it to unions by prohibiting states from deducting unions dues from the paychecks of home health-care aides working under Medicaid. Trump Administration officials say unions collect up to $71 million that way.

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  18. 4. Mai

    Trump's business-friendly NLRB deals a big blow to the UAW's push to unionize Volkswagen's plant in Chattanooga by granting VW's request to put the unionization bid on hold.

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  19. 4. Mai

    The jobless rate has continued to fall under Trump, to its lowest level in 50 years. The economy has been goosed somewhat by Trump's huge tax cuts for corporations that pushed the deficit to $1 trillion & by scrapping regulations--moves that will hurt workers & the environment.

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  20. 4. Mai

    As Trump boasts about the strong economy, remember he took office when the economy was on third base & he thinks he hit a triple. Under Obama the jobless rate fell from 10.0% to a very good 4.7%. Since Trump took office it has fallen to an excellent 3.6%.

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