Bleeding Afghanistan

Those of you who are near Toronto: I’ll be speaking, along with my good friends Sonali Kolhatkar and James Ingalls, this Thursday September 21 at 7pm at the University of Toronto’s Bahen Centre. The event announcement is below. See you there.

OPIRG – Toronto Presents…

Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence

Book Launch and Public Forum
-Sonali Kolhatkar
-James Ingalls
-Justin Podur

Thursday, September 21st
7 PM
Bahen Centre, Room 1130
40 St. George St (just north of College)
University of Toronto

Books will be available – Bring cash only!

Continue reading “Bleeding Afghanistan”

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

This is an initiative I have been working on (specifically the website but also more generally). I will be writing about it soon. Meanwhile I thought I would call attention to the upcoming conference Oct 6-8 in Toronto. Readers of this blog know I’ve said before this is urgent. Time is not on our side on this one and we need people to move. On the micro scale we need this conference to be big, well-attended, and successful. It is in Toronto, it is going to be solid. Be there.