Freedom Socialist Party


The Freedom Socialist Party is the longest-standing socialist feminist party in the US. Our bimonthly newspaper features analysis from around the globe.

United States
加入于 2013年11月


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  1. 置顶推文

    We need swift action to address the crisis. Today we call for: • Universal healthcare 👩‍⚕️ • Free testing and treatment 🏥 • Unlimited paid sick leave 🤒 And much more. Read our full statement on coronavirus:

  2. 17小时前

    Tomorrow: Join with community members and activists to kick off a coalition that will call on the San Francisco City government to make major cuts to the police budget! July 16, 6-8pm PDT

  3. 7月14日

    BREAKING -- Here's the order text confirming the Trump administration has fully rescinded its international student policy h/t

  4. 7月14日

    We ALL need to speak out against Trump’s dangerous new asylum rule before the comment deadline at midnight Wednesday 7/15. Make your voice heard!

  5. 7月14日

    When Australia’s Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton contracted Coronavirus, he got the very best of care. However, Dutton’s experience is a far cry from that of refugees, First Nations people and immigrants in Australia.

  6. 7月13日

    Now is the time to turn appreciation of essential workers into large-scale labor solidarity and put the brakes on corporate impunity.

  7. 7月13日

    Both the AIDS and Covid-19 epidemics expose the fault lines of our make-a-buck system. The have-nots are doomed not just to misery but to infectious disease as well.

  8. 7月10日

    The logic of replacing capitalism with socialism–a new system based on meeting the needs of the world’s majority–has become more obvious and urgent since the Covid crisis began.

  9. 7月9日

    The expulsion of SPOG from the King County Labor Council was a momentous victory for an alliance of rank-and-file labor activists and progressive union locals, which came together over a two-week period to win the majority vote.

  10. 7月8日

    Around the world, people are rebelling against police brutality. What do their demands mean and what would they accomplish? Join the discussion on 6/10 and add your thoughts on how to achieve accountability and organize for reforms. Hosted by

  11. 7月7日

    The United States government preaches that economic sanctions are the humane, non-military way to enforce its imperial power. That’s a lie.

  12. 7月6日

    Our demands are simple: Seattle Mayor Durkan and Police Chief Best must resign, and the city must establish an elected civilian review board with firing power over police.

  13. 7月2日

    When the most oppressed people in the U.S. rise up within the most violent and heavily armed country in the world, oppressed people join the fight and make it their own.

  14. 7月1日

    The failure of left populism to hold any ground against rapacious international capital is heightening the awareness that this system is totally bankrupt.

  15. 6月30日

    Without breaking with the IMF and declaring the non-payment of the foreign debt, there will never be decent healthcare, adequate wages, pensions or education in Argentina.

  16. 6月30日

    Support Metro transit workers and other King County employees in demanding an end to racism and bigotry on the job site! Please sign and share their petition.

  17. 6月29日

    TODAY! Over 50 organizations have endorsed a mass rally and march from Washington Square Park to City Hall, demanding the following. JOIN US! 5 pm @ Washington Square Park

    和另外 6 人
  18. 6月29日

    The irrational and destructive competition among states, hospitals and the federal government for ventilators, protective gear and now safe and effective immunity testing shows there is no “invisible hand of the market” guiding society for the common good.

  19. 6月26日

    The devastation caused by the coronavirus is the result of the neoliberal capitalist offensive against the conquests by workers and the people.

  20. 6月26日

    Now more than ever, it is true that none of us is free until all of us are free.

  21. 6月25日

    Both major capitalist parties push the myth that anything good for the stock market and the economy of the rich is good for ordinary people.



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