Showing posts with label March for England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March for England. Show all posts

22 April 2013

Major Victory for anti-Fascists in Brighton Again

The Fascists' Idea of a 'Family Day Out'

No doubt lynching is also part of a 'family day out' for March for England.  These were the people that our 'diversity' Police were protecting when they spent £1 protecting 50 boneheads
The poster says it all

March for England allegedly began as a ‘family fun day’ out.  Today it was quite clear that it has become nothing more than an English Defence League group.  Not a woman or child went anywhere near the overweight thugs, racists, drunks and fascists who participated in celebrating St. George’s Day, who was Greek not British anyway!

The real face of Brighton

As can be seen from the photographs, the fascist idea of a day-out at the seaside differs markedly from anyone else.
Another example of all the fund of a 'family day out' for the EDL
The day itself began with a victory.  The Police wouldn’t countenance a march through Brighton from the railway station after last year’s debacle in which they got less than half way before being diverted down side streets.  Fascists are no longer able to march at whim through town and had to be content with shouting at the piers.
without the heavy protection of the Police, the EDL would have been lynched

Anti-fascists also have lessons to learn in terms of combating roving bands of fascists looking for the vulnerable to beat up.
50 fascists set off on their mobile kettle.  No-one could hear or see them (apart from the seagulls who used them as a convenient toilet)
But what amazed me, on the seafront, where I confined myself to taking pictures because I am convalescing, was how every single comment from ordinary passers-by was hostile to the fascists, such as one elderly women remarking to her friend that you can’t blame a whole people (Muslims) for the actions of one individual.  The EDL are a dying force and I counted between 50 and 60 on the march at the maximum.  For this Sussex Police, who are always complaining of lack of resources, spent close to £1 million to impose a march that no one wants on the town.

A new tactic - the Police are now physically sealing off roads using metal plate.  This was done right up to West Street and must have cost a fortune.  It seems that the Police will spare no effort to protect the fascists

Credit is due in particular to the anarchists who played a major part in the counter-organisation whilst realising that not everyone is able or willing to engage in physical confrontation.  The idea of big, fluorescent posters proclaiming things like ‘Racism not wanted here’ worked wonderfully.
EDL attack a lone anti-fascist.  We trust that now the Police have clear evidence they will be making arrests and prosecuting!

As it is the EDL held a short march between the piers inside what was effect a mobile police kettle.  As people shouted at them, ‘no one can hear you anyway’ and that was true.  All you could see is them gesticulating.  It is alleged that a bottle was thrown at them.  This blog, of course, doesn’t condone wanton violence but I’m glad to report that the bottle is making a full recovery though the skull it hit is beyond repair.

Instead of bringing contingents down from Surrey, the Met, City of London Police, Hampshire and no doubt elsewhere, the Police should tell the EDL if they want to mach then that’s fine, but don’t expect us to protect you.  But then, at the end of the day, the fascists' message is one that large numbers of Police share.

To those who say we should ignore them, that is always the best way to help fascism grow.  19 people were arrested, we don’t know how many will be charged and if they are all anti-fascists but it is essential that people ensure that the cost of any fines is carried by the movement and not individuals.

The Argus estimated there were over 1,000 counter-demonstrators compared to 150 fascists.  My estimate, including EDL not on the march, is 70 fascists maximum and between one and a half and two thousand anti-fascists, many of whom were locals who joined on the spot.

Surprise, surprise.  The Zionists who make such as fuss about 'anti-Semitism' every Saturday outside  Sodastream were nowhere to be seen!  Fighting fascism isn't part of opposing anti-Semitism.
It's easy to be brave behind a police kettle

Tony Greenstein


two police spies

the fat one has difficulty with his camera

On the left and right are 2 suspected EDL supporters
These three characters were part of a roaming band of EDL supporters

a moronic EDL member pleads with the police to be let through to join his mates (in vain)

Another EDLer

The EDL march gets underway late as usual
a few photos of the master race
the one on the right shows his fear of what would happen if the Police weren't there.  Not the traditional role of fascism.
Spot a Nazi 1
spot a nazi 2
One of the saner members of the EDL - raging at being caged in
A sea of police and anti-fascists.  The EDL aren't even visible
You do sometimes wonder whether the fascists really do conform to their own racial theories - with fascist numbskulls at the bottom of the ladder
The other side of the new street metal sealers
Celebrating in the way they know best - behind the appropriately named  'bar rogue'!


The real face of Brighton as an estimated 1,500 pack the Old Steine
The reaction of ordinary townsmen and women to the fascist filth
Local Green MP Carolyn Lucas shows her support for the anti-fascists.  Tory Mike Weatherly, personally responsible for the freezing to death of 2 homeless persons who were threatened with arrest if they broke in to a building to sleep, had nothing to say about the EDL and merely congratulated the Police
looking worried, as well they might

28 January 2013

Sodastream – 5th month of protests

Julie Burchill - the Anti-Transgender Bigot - Participates in the Zionist Counter-Demonstration

In the past 7 weeks, for various reasons, as readers of this blog may have noticed, I haven’t been able to attend the picket of Sodastream on Saturday.  This week was the first time I could get there.
The latest recruit to the Zionist counter-demonstration - Julie Burchill whose online version of her column attracted more than 2,000 comments. Photograph: Gary Calton for the Guardian
At the beginning of December the shop seems to have told the Zionist counter-demonstrators that they were adding to the impact of what was already an effective demonstration and should go across the road and demonstrate there.  As with Ahava in London, the presence of Zionist counter-demonstrators energised the Palestine Solidarity demonstrators and created such a mayhem outside the shop that even less people were inclined to go inside!  In fact the only people shopping there were Zionist counter-demonstrators!
Zionist and Christian Fundamentalist Demonstration Across the Road
Last week there were just 7 demonstrators, including the racist anti trans-gender bigot, Julie Burchill whose article attacking transgender people was withdrawn from the Observer’s Internet edition.   It also merited an unprecedented protest at the Observer and Guardian premises.    And the Zionist are getting desperate when they rely on the likes of Burchill.  In fact yesterday it would appear that half the Zionists were Christian Fundamentalists who in past years (and in other countries today) are the most vociferous anti-Semites.  In Britain and the USA their pro-imperialism and belief in the return of Jesus leads them to support Zionism as being part of god’s design.  This week there about 10 counter-demonstrators, as the weather was warmer! 
 If All Else Fails - Play the 'Anti-Semitism Card'
 A couple of weeks ago a new group, Sussex Friends of Israel was formed.  Ronnie Bloom, who chaired the group, was quoted as saying that “With the unparalleled level of antisemitism in the town, we feel our organisation will be able to make people understand the truth about Israel.” Strange that.   Anyone at all familiar with the time when there was indeed a great deal of anti-Semitism, or who has read accounts of that time, will know that Jews were afraid to go out of their homes at nightThere there were certain areas like Ridley Road in the East End of London where Jews would never venture and attacks were frequent.  
Some of the people we have been abusing!
 I’m not aware of any upsurge in what most people understand as anti-Semitism.  Instead the Zionists deliberately confuse and conflate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism.  Apparently ‘understanding the truth about Israel’ (i.e. accepting its propaganda) has something to do with ‘the unparalleled level of antisemitism in the town.’  Strange then that the leaders of the fascist EDL, whom Simon Cobb is believed to be close to, deny the holocaust but march with Israeli flags!  Clearly they understand the linkage.

Even stranger is the fact that none of the Zionists prominent in the campaign to support Sodastream has any record of having ever taken part in anti-fascist demonstrations or actions.  When the National Front held a march against Shechita, (Jewish Ritual Slaughter) in Hove and Brighton nearly 20 years ago, there was no participation from the Jewish community or its leaders.  Some young Jews participated but that was despite being told not to.  When I went to Ralli House, at the height of the Anti-Nazi League, some 30+ years ago, I was told that if I wanted to combat anti-Semitism I should go to Israel! And no, we couldn’t put a poster up.
Empty apart from the odd Zionist demonstrator
Likewise in the magnificent victory that we had over the EDL/March for England last April, there was no visible presence from any section of the Jewish community, still less the Zionists, although many secular Jews of course took part.
Sodastream have a new bouncer - rumoured to be from the Community Security Trust.  It must be the only shop in Brighton with its own doorman!
The real problem the Zionist counter-demonstrators face is that people now know the truth about how Sodastream operates on stolen land from which the Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed.  Most people have ethics and principles and don't like buying stolen goods.  Knowing the weakness of their case, Cobb and co. have resorted to outright lying.

In an article Brighton MP Lucas challenges IDF at pro-Israel lobby Cobb bleated that “Her constituents, the people who get spat at and abused from members of the PSC for supporting EcoStream, should be her priority.”  The suggestion that the Zionists have been spat at is absurd.   Even the Police, who have been pro-Zionist in their sympathies, haven't made that allegation.  Indeed most of the abuse has been from passers-by, incensed at their support for Israel. Yet 'After people told the Green Party MP of the antisemitic abuse they suffered from PSC protestors outside the environmentally-friendly shop, Dr Lucas said she would need “real hard evidence” of the abuse.  “If I get evidence of it, then I am more than delighted to completely oppose it,” she said.
Since the incidents alleged have never happened, it will be impossible to secure any evidence.  Indeed the only anti-Semitism has come from Cobb himself, who thought it a wonderful ‘joke’ to start shouting ‘Jews Out’.  Caroline Lucas was told ‘Dr Lucas rejected claims that if the protests did not move from directly outside EcoStream, the store would close.’  This is, indeed, good news.
The desultory ranks of the Zionist counter-demonstrators.  Most of those shown are Christian fundamentalists who believe that only a massacre of Jews at Armageddon will ensure the return of Jesus!
The mad Christian in the blue jacket has found a new role in life
The Zionists managed to bring along one Roman Fox, ‘a gay Jewish member of SFI’ who told Ms Lucas of the ‘antisemitic and homophobic abuse.’ he had suffered.  Of course even gays can lie about what they experience and Fox is one of those liars.  Indeed there has been homophobic abuse, but it has been of gay PSC members.  Caroline Lucas said that she “would be happy to come and stand with you and see what abuse you face,” She’ll be having a very long wait if that’s the case!

Tony Greenstein