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Showing posts with label BDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BDS. Show all posts

Monday, 29 January 2018

Israel bans Quaker American Friends Service Committee, the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize winners for Rescuing Jews from Nazi Germany

However Israel Extends a Welcoming Hand to Neo-Nazi & Far Right Leaders

It is one of life’s ironies that if you are a neo-Nazi and you deny that the Holocaust occurred, then you are more than welcome to enter Israel, pay homage to the dead you deny at Yad Vashem, meet government ministers and profess your joint hatred of Muslims.  However if you are Jewish and believe that Boycotting Israel is the best way to change its Apartheid economic and society then you are banned.

This is what Israel has come to.  Anti-racists are banned but racists, fascists and neo-Nazis are more than welcome.  People like Heinz Christian-Strache of Austria, who was a guest of Likud recently.  Or Geert Wilders, the Dutch bigot and parliamentarian or even Richard ‘White Zionist’ Spencer the neo-Nazi alt-Right leader. 

All of the above are welcome in Israel BUT Rebecca Vilkomerson, the leader of Jewish Voices for Peace in the United States is NOT welcome.
Israel is one of the few countries in the world who ban people not for what they do but what they think.  It is ironic that it must be the only country in the world to welcome neo-Nazis but ban the ‘wrong sort of Jews’ from entering.  I guess that is why it calls itself a ‘Jewish’ state.

Here is the list of 20 groups that have been banned – two – Palestine Solidarity Campaign and War on Want are from Britain.

Tony Greenstein 
Rebecca Vilkomerson (right) Director of Jewish Voices for Peace is now banned from Israel
Banned Groups
  • AFPS (France-Palestine Solidarity Association)
  • BDS France
  • BDS Italy
  • ECCP (The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine)
  • FOA (Friends of al-Aqsa)
  • IPSC (Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
  • Norge Palestinakomitee (The Palestine Committee of Norway)
  • Palestinagrupperna i Sverige (PGS-Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden)
  • PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
  • War on Want
  • BDS Kampagne
United States
  • AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)
  • AMP (American Muslims for Palestine)
  • Code Pink
  • JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace)
  • NSJP (National Students for Justice in Palestine)
  • USCPR (U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights)
Other groups
  • BDS Chile
  • BDS South Africa
  • BDS National Committee
Not banned - Herr Strache of the Austrian   Freedom Party visits  Yad Vashem
Philip Weiss on January 8, 2018

AFSC logo
One of the special ironies of the weekend’s news that Israel is barring 20 international organizations from entry because they support BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) is the appearance on that list of the venerable American Friends Service Committee, or AFSC, which was founded 101 years ago as an antiwar organization.

AFSC earned distinction and a Nobel Prize for helping Jews and other refugees escape the Holocaust. Now it is on that list because it is helping Palestinians!

AFSC is honored at Israel’s Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem. From Yad Vashem’s portrait of the American Friends Service Committee:

Relief organization established in 1917 by the Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, as a forum for doing service to humanity in a moral fashion. The Quakers make up one of the smallest religious groups in the United States.
The Foreign Service Section of the AFSC did even more than the Refugee Division. Cooperating with Jewish relief agencies, in 1939 the organization sent a delegation to Germany to check on the situation of Jews and Christians and provide relief if necessary. They mainly assisted Christian refugees, but they also helped Jews. Among other activities, they fed and saved children in France, assisted Jews who had reached Portugal, and organized the activities of relief agencies in Spain.

In 1947 the AFSC won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping refugees during and after World War II.

Mike Merryman-Lotze of the AFSC was quoted today by IMEU on the move by Israel:
Geert Vilders, Dutch Fascist leader lived in Tel Aviv
“We will continue to stand up for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine regardless of the recent Israeli announcement that staff from AFSC and 19 other organizations may be denied entry to Israel because of our support for the grassroots Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement for Palestinian human rights. 
“Our response to the Palestinian BDS call is in line with our similar support for divestment from apartheid South Africa and boycotts during the civil rights era. Our work is motivated by Quaker belief in the worth and dignity of all people, and it is that belief that has led us to support and join in nonviolent resistance to violence and oppression around the world, including the Palestinian BDS call, for a hundred years.”
Thanks to Ofer Neiman and Eitan Diamond. Oh and Haaretz also did the story. And thanks to Mondo’s co-editor Adam Horowitz– who used to do Palestinian work at AFSC.
Yad Vashem page on the American Friends Services Committee role during the War
P.S. This story feeds my spiritual understanding that Palestinians are being forced by Israel to recapitulate the history of the Jews. What we experienced in Europe, Palestinians must experience in Israel and Palestine. This time around we play the guys with the jack boots! Of course there is a big arc in that story; the group goes from being humiliated outsiders to people granted prestige by the world for their suffering. Palestinians are gaining prestige by the moment. AFSC is surely proud of being named.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

How NOT to defeat Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

This is an Older Post From 2013 Which Has Been Updated

Amir Sagie’s of Israel's Foreign Office has some novel advice – shoot the messenger not the message

Update at Sussex University

A magnificent victory at Sussex University for the BDS campaign.   The significance of this vote isn’t simply in the massive majorities, but the fact that students today are tomorrow’s decision makers.  Everything points in one direction – that the Zionists have lost the propaganda war and it is but the last lap to ensure that that translates into action.

Those who argue for the ‘piss process’ (as Israelis call it) are really trying to put off the day of judgement.  When asked what they mean by ‘peace’ they have nothing but the status quo to defend. 

Below is an interesting article from our enemies on how they think they can defeat BDS.  One thing is for sure; notwithstanding defeatists like Norman Finkelstein, BDS is the only show in town.  Notice how the racism oozes into Sagie's speech – ‘Muslim money pouring into Academia’ now if a supporter of Hamas were to speak of ‘Jewish money pouring into Academia’ there would be the inevitable cries of ‘anti-Semitism’.  But Muslims are fair game.

You can see the essential  weakness of the Zionist argument by the fact that their main defence is not 'expropriations are justified' but 'why pick on us when there's Syria and China etc.'.  Their only resort now is that of South Africa in its dying days of Apartheid - to say they may be bad but there are others who are worse!

The results were:

Should the University of Sussex Students' Union lobby the University to end its contract with Veolia Environmental Services?
Total valid votes -  1467
Yes - 1111 - 76%
No - 356 - 24%

Should the University of Sussex Students’ Union continue to boycott Israeli goods?
Total valid votes - 1639
Yes - 1179 - 72%
No - 460 - 28%

The anti-Veolia referendum result was   won by over 3-1!!

And the specific motion calling for a boycott of Israeli goods was won by over 2.5-1 or 44%.  Let's see how the Zionists turn that into a victory!!

Tony Greenstein

Israel’s top anti-BDS man

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 04:33

Trends to expect from BDS & how to klap them


Amir Sagie, the director, civil society affairs department, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the Keynote Guest speaker at Sunday’s overwhelmingly successful Israel Advocacy Seminar in Joburg.

This speech, by the man at the forefront of combatting the global BDS movement, was extremely informative and useful to all present – given that it was an Israel advocacy seminar.

MyShtetl took a complete transcript of the speech. However, the information has been edited to exclude strategically sensitive information from the eyes of anti-Israel forces who are becoming increasingly common users of the website.  [now I wonder what ‘strategically sensitive information’ might be?  Surely these democrats don’t have anything to hide?!! - TG]

“Combating BDS Internationally”

The issue of Settlements is increasingly becoming more of the core campaign in fighting BDS.

OVERVIEW – there are seven eminent issues in the current phenomena of the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement globally:

Labelling of goods is becoming a bigger issue

Labelling of goods – which has been a major issue in SA but which is also of much concern in EU and, most recently, within the UN.
South Africa's Jewish community distinguished itself by its support of Apartheid - it is the most pro-Zionist Jewish community in the world
In recent weeks in the EU, political will was translated into operational activity with legislators trying to find the legislative mechanisms to label goods from occupied territories.

They have found that they only have an existing legal framework covering labelling of agricultural products. But even there concerns about discrimination have been raised by Denmark, Holland, the UK and others. We are watching the situation closely.

The workers most affected by any such changes will be the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are working in the Jordan Valley and other areas.

Boycotting international cultural exchanges

Attempts to boycott international cultural exchanges are another growing phenomenon. The UK is a major problem area which is growing. It has targeted Madonna and other leading musicians.

In the UK Israeli culture has been a huge success, the critics and the public liked the Israeli culture.

But one of the recent consequences has been that the increased investment in security and keeping order in and around venues is of concern to promoters and local authorities. Now this additional cost is scaring event organisers off.

BDS hasn’t been able to scare any major performers from coming to Israel. Even though artists have been getting threats (even on their lives) but they keep coming.
[presumably being Black, Stevie Wonder isn’t a major artist, nor Roger Waters nor Santana to name but 3]

Researching the legal frameworks

Legal sphere: various ministries have been investing heavily in this area – in research, mainly in key countries in the EU. For us to challenge BDS initiatives we need to understand the legal environment. Over the last six months Israel has taken on two (court) cases in partnership with UK Jewry. We are trying wherever possible to challenge BDS morally and legally. But some legal systems are not geared to this. France’s legal system (provides ways to challenge boycotts) while the UK (legal) system is not (similarly geared).
[a pity then that one of those legal challenges, against the Universities College Union] was described by a spokesman for Lawyers for Israel as an ‘act of epic folly’!!]

Problems on university campuses

Academics and campuses are another area of concern. Most of our work is around North American campuses and we have to apologise if we are not spending enough time here. The good news is that most US campuses are not infected by BDS - but we have found that students are ambivalent about Israel.

In reality we have 10 West Coast campuses, most in California, that have been troublesome.

Apartheid Week is declining in its support and numbers of participants. We are not making too much fuss over this. Sometimes it is better to not add traction (to these initiatives).

We have found that we have bigger problems with faculty members. The newer faculty members are informed by the growing anti-Israel environment that exists today.

We are following developments closely and we have had issues over the last few days at a Brooklyn College.

We are trying to restrain the pro-Israel groups from lashing out at BDS-ers. We would prefer not to give traction to (their initiatives) and focus our enrgy to use more productively and proactively.

Muslim money pouring into Academia [substitute ‘Jewish’ for ‘Muslim’ to get a racist flavour of the comment]

Money is being poured into North American universities by wealthy countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.

There is a proliferation of increasingly strong faculties of Islamic Studies adding strength to both students and faculty.

Civil society groups being infiltrated by BDS

Certain civil society groups are increasingly being infiltrated by BDS. The most noteworthy areas of their influence are:

Churches – we are trying to build partnerships but this has become a bigger challenge recently.

Labour unions – national unions, and more particularly international union groups, are areas we are addressing.

Boycott, divest & sanction campaigns

The boycott, divest and sanction campaigns have been concentrated on two popular product ranges - Ahava and Sodastream. Their impact has been negligible.

Sodastream have appointed lobbyists – an initiative that is paying dividends.  [how interesting! and also given journalists all-expense paid trips, like John Keenan of Brighton's Argus, to come and visit]

Of more concern and a bigger potential threat to Israel is the multinationals who are being accused of being active in occupied territories. There is a concern that a number of international companies who are under pressure may come to us and tell us they have to leave as their activities in Israel are standing in the way of their global operations.

Challenges and threats

Hard-core BDS-ers are in the minority – but we are increasingly seeing ‘spill-over’ into some sensitive constituencies – mainly liberals.

We accept that we won’t be able to change the minds of BDS-ers. We are more concerned about trying to fine tune our strategy to target the spill-over.

We need to reclaim the narrative. For too many years we have left it for the Palestinians to build the narrative – even domestically in Israel.

What is now important is the need to develop a more provocative message with regard to explaining the reality about the peace process and settlement development.

Dispelling the Myths

The Palestinian-driven narrative has resulted in numerous myths having taken hold over recent years. These can be grouped into three major groups of myths:

1. Israel is jeopardising Palestinian statehood by doing everything it can to frustrate their efforts;

2. New settlements and expansion – by building relentlessly Israel is making sure there will never be the possibility of a viable state; and

3. Israel is opposed to reconciliation and is working pro-actively against the reunification of PA and Hamas.

Let’s debunk these three common myths:

MYTH #1: Frustrating Palestinian Statehood

In recent years the number of checkpoints has been reduced to the minimum required to make it easier for Palestinians to move around. The economic growth rate is incredible in Palestine: building of homes and malls, the proliferation of cars – Israel is fully supportive in every way it can be (of this growth).

We have been working with the Palestinian Authority on all aspects of preparing for their Statehood. This is happening in respect of security – with a lot of help from the US mainly, and the Europeans.

In the past year not one single Israeli was killed in the West Bank.

Israelis is doing everything we can to help build a strong economy in Palestine, to build strong institutions that will be required for Statehood, building new towns and cities.

Some Palestinians talk about boycotting Israeli goods. But the two economies are so interconnected that there is no viable possibility of an economic boycott. Palestinians even use Israeli currency.

MYTH #2: New settlement development

No new settlements have been added in the West bank in at least four years. The (geographic) footprint hasn’t changed at all. We have only added buildings within the existing (settlement) borders.

Netanyahu’s 10-month freeze was (absolute) – residents couldn’t even enclose a balcony.

MYTH #3: Frustrating reconciliation between parties

This is nonsense. Israel is opening its arms for the PA to return to the (negotiating) table with no preconditions whatsoever.

A large part of this myth is that the population in Israel has been moving to the right! We need to put these facts right. The (political position that) was the main claim of the left parties 20 years ago, is now supported by 60 to 70 percent of Israelis.

Support of Israelis for a two-State solution is at 80 percent. But not on terms that (creates a risk that) there will be no Israel!

Public opinion has moved to the left and that is where it is today.

The UN Human Rights Council report that follows trends suggests a process (whereby) Israel will remove 100 percent of its citizens from the West Bank.

This can never be. They are building the ladder higher and higher (to the extent that) it cannot be climbed.

How Israel can deal with these issues

How we deal with things – here are some of our conceptual strategies:

We as Civil Society Affairs have to build partnerships. We are not just there to fight against BDS – we need to keep working on this as you are doing here.

When the time comes for a resolution to be tabled anywhere, you can’t (simply) call on someone the night before and lobby (them for their vote). We have learned that these relationships have to be built over time.

Importantly, we need to reclaim the narrative – for many years we have left it for the Palestinians to build the narrative – both globally and in Israel.

Let me give you an example: How many Jews (never mind others) are aware of the role of the Palestinians played in Holocaust? They were actively promoting it. [a complete fabrication which exonerates the Nazis.  If anyone were guilty of such a role it is the Zionist leadership under Ben-Gurion which actively opposed the rescue of Jews to any other country bar Palestine which they knew was barred.  The Zionist leaders not only abandoned their own chaverim (comrades) but the masses of European Jewry who they considered anti-Zionist and not the kind of Jew they wanted].

The Palestinians have been tempted (to link up with anti-Jewish forces) three times over the years.

First there was the collaboration with the Nazis to annihilate the Jews in both Europe and in Palestine. [this myth is based on the pro-Nazi views of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj-al-Amin Husseini. But Husseini came fourth in elections to the post of Mufti and it was the British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel who nonetheless appointed this reactionary buffoon.  If anyone was responsible for the Mufti’s act ions it was the Zionists themselves – Samuel had been an ardent member of the Asquith government and had long lobbied for the equivalent of the Balfour Declaration.  It should also be pointed out that the SS battallions he did form in the Balkans did not take part in the deportation of Jews, with the exception of 300 from Kosovo.  So ‘bad’ was their attitude to Jews that they were sent for ‘retraining’ to France where they promptly mutinied and joined the French resistance.  The only known instance of an SS group rebelling].This was followed by a similar collaboration with the communists. More recently, after the fall of communism, they have collaborated with Jihadists and radical Islamists (with a view) to annihilate the Jews.

We have to remember these things and we must tell (people) about it.

We have to reframe the Middle East, to contextualise it. And we have to be very frank with ourselves.

There is a belief that that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is the core problem of Middle East. It isn’t! Although settlement seems to be (seen as) the biggest obstacle of peace, it isn’t.

For example, in respect of Syria and the consequences of the aftermath (of their civil war) – we can’t simply sit back and believe it will all be okay.

We are facing huge strategic weapons, the largest chemical weapons stockpiles in the world are in Syria. They are shipping these weapons to their neighbours.

[It is noteworthy that the morning after Amir Sagie made this statement in Joburg Israel acted against shipments to Lebanon -ED]

Pillar of Defence (Israel’s attack to stop Palestinian rockets in November 2012) put a lot of wind into the sails of BDS. They have been trying their hardest to build energy out of it.

Unfortunately for them, the paradox is that there are no more missiles being fired at Israel.

SA Zionist Organisations and Israel

We appreciate the (valuable) work you are doing (to counter BDS) here in South Africa. And it is not taken for granted. We wish you and us all the best (in our endeavours).

Seminar convener and FairPlay chair Ben Swartz said after Amir Sagie had spoken that there were “two significant take-aways” for him from the speech, which were:

1. That BDS are more obsessed with punishing Israel than they are about helping the Palestinians – making resolution that much harder; and

2. The importance of our driving our own narrative.

Both Agie and Swartz paid tribute to Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein who had introduced the subject of the historical lack of driving the real narrative to wide applause in the morning session – see: LIVE-BLOG 11h44 post!

Amir Sagie has been involved with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) since 1998. During his time there he has served as the Spokesman and head of the Public Diplomacy department in the Israeli Embassy in Beijing, China; he supervised the China, South Korea and Mongolia Desk in the North-Asia Department; he worked as the Deputy Director of the Information and Internet Department. He managed the MFA’s main website as well as Israel’s missions’ website infrastructure; he served as DCM of the Israeli Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal; and he worked as Deputy Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Policy Department, the Strategic Affairs Division.

Currently Amir holds the position of Director of the Civil Society Affairs Department in the Public Diplomacy Directorate.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

BDS VICTORY - Rag'n'Bone Man Says No to Apartheid and No to Israel

Hats off to that intrepid group of campaigners in Inminds who picketed a gig of the Rag’n’Bone Man at the O2, Brixton.  As a result they drew his attention to the nature of the Israeli state and what playing there would mean.

Although most of people’s attention is on BDS and the economic boycott of Israel, it is the Cultural Boycott that has the greatest impact on Israel’s psyche.  Just as in South Africa it shows to Israelis themselves that their country is unique.  Whilst they may be able to make friends with corrupt and repressive Arab regimes such as Saudi Arabia they will never be accepted by opponents of racism or supporters of human rights.

For those who, like me, are not up on the Rag’n’Bone Man or Rory Charles Graham you can read up on him here.  In 2017, Rag'n'Bone Man won the British Breakthrough Act and Choice Award at the 2017 Brit Awards.  He also won International Newcomer and International Male Artist at the 2017 Echo Awards in Germany and was nominated for Best New Artist and Best Push Artist at the MTV European Music Awards 2017 and Révélation Internationale de l'année (International Breakthrough Act) at the NRJ Music Awards France in November 2017

25 November 2017

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

During a vigil outside his performance at the O2 Academy in Brixton on 24th November 2017, the award winning English musician songwriter Rag'n'Bone Man (Rory Charles Graham), after talking to the protestors via his manager, publicly announced cancellation of his scheduled performance in Tel Aviv next May.

Inminds human rights group's vigil outside the O2 Academy in Brixton urging Rag'n'Bone Man to respect the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of apartheid Israel and cancel his scheduled performance in Tel Aviv on 16th May 2018, was met by incredible support from both the fans and passers-by with hundreds of leaflets being snapped up in no time and people hugging and congratulating us for being there.

It was less than 30 minutes into the vigil, when a person from Rag'n'Bone Man's team came out holding a mobile phone with Rag'n'Bone Man's manager on the line. Rather than ignore us Rag'n'Bone Man had graciously decided to engage with the protestors. We explained why we were protesting. The manager told us that we were all on the same side on this one, he explained that they had tried to find a venue to also perform for Palestinians but due to the occupation that was not possible so would no longer be performing in Israel.
Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton
We felt that with the noisy background it was perhaps not the best time to explain that performing for both audiences wouldn't have made it ok, any more than it would be ok to perform for the Third Reich by balancing it with a performance for the besieged Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. It draws equivalence between oppressor and oppressed, between occupier and occupied, and as such normalises the oppression of the Palestinian people.

We thanked him for his decision, but with great respect, we insisted on a public statement of his decision to cancel his performance in apartheid Israel, and then we would happily end the protest. In the past, performers have made private statements of intent, only later to renege under pressure, and end up in Tel Aviv.
Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton
15 minutes later the person from Rag'n'Bone Man's team returned, again holding a mobile phone. He told us that Rag'n'Bone Man had agreed, and showed us on the mobile phone a public tweet Rag'n'Bone Man had just sent (6:44pm): "Unfortunately the show scheduled to take place on the 16th May 2018 in Tel Aviv has been cancelled." The Israel gig date was also removed from his website.
We thanked Rag'n'Bone Man over the PA system for his principled stand for justice in support of the oppressed Palestinians and urged other performers to learn from Rag'n'Bone Man's integrity. There was a roar of applause and cheers from the fans.

Inminds chair Abbas Ali said "We have been holding cultural boycott protests for over 5 years, it is very rare to come across an artist like Rag'n'Bone Man who lives by his principles and genuinely puts humanity before profit. Respect!"

Inminds Human Rights Group

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Inminds 'Cancel Apartheid Israel' vigil outside Rag'n'Bone Man performance O2 Academy Brixton

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Why Norman Finkelstein is wrong to support a Two State ‘solution’

Norman Finkelstein [NF] is an enigma.  On the one hand he is a brilliant analyst of Zionist attempts to rewrite history.  He has no difficulty deconstructing Zionist attempts to paint themselves as the victims but on the other hand he has a blind spot when it comes to a solution to the crisis.
For years he has been pleading the case of the 2 State Solution (2SS) and, as my quote below demonstrates, he sincerely believed that the 2SS was about to be realised during the Obama reign.  It is always a haphazard and dangerous process to draw conclusions from an individual but it would appear that the reason for the schizophrenic divide between NF’s analysis of Zionism and his solutions are based on his Maoist background and in particular his lack of any class analysis.

It is the lack of a class analysis internationally which results in NF seeing the world as one big ‘international community’ rather than a set of imperialist states, led by the United States and the rest of the world which is subject to the manipulation and at times violent interference by those same Western states.  NF doesn’t see that when the West is unable to impose its rule via client rulers and puppets and when, on occasion, radical leaders like Hugo Chavez come to the fore, then the United States and its European lackeys have no hesitation in destabilising and if necessary invading that state.

It is the lack of any class analysis which results in NF believing that ‘international law’ and its agencies will somehow impose their will on a recalcitrant Israel rather than that international law itself is a consequence of the imperialist order, which is only enforced when the powerful want it to be enforced.  I reprinted the The End of Palestine? in order to show that if anyone doubts what I am saying then they should revisit NF’s interview with the Left Project to see how he got it so disastrously wrong in believing that Zionism could ever concede a Palestinian state.  I also published Norman Finkelstein –A Wasted Opportunity & Self-Indulgence after his 2011 lecture.
A subsidiary  problem with the 2SS that NF endorses is that it leaves in place a Zionist Israel.  To NF this seems to be no problem and at his 2011 talk at the Institute of Education he dismissed Israel’s racism against its own Palestinian citizens as no worse than that in Europe or America.
I have written a number of polemics against NF not least when he attacked BDS as a ‘cult’.  They include The End of Palestine or the End of Norman Finkelstein? and my The Tragedy of Norman Finkelstein – Time to Say Goodbye which Ilan Pappe described as 'a brilliant refutation of Norman's position', e- mail 18.2.12.

Reprinted from Mondoweiss
Tony Greenstein on September 8, 2017 
 Finkelstein being arrested in New York during a protest against Israel's assault on Gaza. (Photo: Eamon Murphy)
In an article last month, ‘Lessons from Finkelstein: International Law and equal rights should be the focus for Palestine solidarity,’ Seth Anderson maps out a strategy for the Palestine solidarity movement by drawing on the analysis and prescriptions of Norman Finkelstein.

There is no doubt that the movement owes Finkelstein an enormous debt of gratitude for his incisive polemics and analysis.  There is no one who did a better job in deconstructing and destroying Joan Peter’s fraudulent From Time Immemorial, which claimed that the Zionists colonised an empty Palestine.[1]

When Daniel Goldhagen wrote his execrable book Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, which argued that the Germans, not Nazis, killed Jews because they were a sadistic and cruel nation that had imbibed eliminationist anti-Semitism with its mother’s milk, Finkelstein took him apart. So devastating was Finkelstein’s criticism, that Goldhagen threatened to sue him for libel initially rather than reply to the substance of the criticism.

The problem with Finkelstein’s analysis of Zionism and his proffered solutions is that they exist in intellectually watertight compartments, ne’er the twain shall meet.  Finkelstein’s devotion to the Two State Solution, or 2SS, has entirely distorted his understanding of the relationship of power both inside Palestine/Israel and internationally.
Norman Finkelstein was arguing against BDS and for a 2 State Solution and behind him a banner said the exact opposite
I can remember attending, at the Institute of Education, London University in November 2011, a two-hour lecture from Finkelstein on how a 2SS was around the corner.[2] Over two years later and he was even more certain that the solution to the Palestine question was about to be resolved. In an interview for the New Left Project Finkelstein declared that:

A “framework agreement” will shortly be reached, and a final settlement will probably be signed in the last six months or so of President Obama’s term in office. When the Kerry process was first announced I was virtually alone in predicting that it would actually go somewhere; now, it’s widely assumed. Many respected Israeli commentators now take for granted that an agreement is just a matter of time.[3]

By way of contrast I wrote, after the 1993 Oslo Accords that:

this agreement will lead not to an independent state but to further misery and defeat. The one concession, recognition of the PLO by Israel, means little when all that the PLO symbolised is now forsaken. Maybe a biblical analogy is most appropriate: Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage.[4]

Finkelstein’s repeated prediction of a settlement cannot be divorced from his basic premises.  Finkelstein fails to understand not only the dynamics of Zionism but the world’s power relationships and the political order.

Seth Anderson asks, “Who are we talking to?”.  The answer to that is simple. We are talking to all those who can be won to support for the Palestinians and the struggle against Zionism.  We are campaigning against Israeli Apartheid and its practical application.
Zionism might be the name of a hairspray or cologne “for most people,” Finkelstein has said, but it isn’t for Palestinians or Israeli Jews. Zionism is a political movement and ideology, based on the doctrine of racial supremacy, that functions as the Israeli state’s principal guide. Zionism is the backdrop to the Israeli State’s day to day assumptions and practice.

When Netanyahu urges opposition to the immigration of even a single refugee (or ‘infiltrator’), he does this by appealing to the Zionist axiom of a Jewish majority state and Jewish identity. [5]  When Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s Justice Minister, attacks the Supreme Court for not recognising that universal values and human rights take second place to Jewish nationalism and racism she does it in the name of Zionism. [6]  When the Jewish National Fund responds to a Supreme Court decision that the JNF cannot refuse to allocate land to non-Jews, by saying that “a survey commissioned by… JNF reveals that over 70% of the Jewish population opposes allocating… land to non-Jews, while over ‘over 80% prefer the definition of Israel as a Jewish state, rather than as the state of all its citizens” — this is done in the name of Zionism. [7]

Zionism is not an ideological construct or a perfume. It is a lived reality for the Palestinians.  Our task is to persuade people through our campaigns that Israel is not just another example of human rights abuses.  It is because of Zionism that the Israeli state has developed a unique system of institutionalised discrimination found historically in such countries as apartheid-era South Africa and Nazi Germany.

Seth argues that we should be ‘pragmatic’ in the way we go about creating a ‘broad public opinion in favour of the Palestinian cause’.  I’m not opposed to pragmatism but I don’t believe you should subordinate your principles to it.  We need to argue that Israel cannot be reformed precisely because it is a settler colonial state. Would our task have been easier if we had simply concentrated on South Africa’s human rights abuses and ignored the structural discrimination and racial segregation inherent in Apartheid?

Far from making our job easier, Seth’s and Norman’s answer makes it more difficult. South Africa’s response to criticism was to say ‘what about the Black African states’. Israel’s response is not dissimilar – it points to the gross human rights violations in the surrounding countries. Of course our criticism of Israel must encompass its human rights violations but in arguing for equal rights we cannot avoid the question of Israel as a Jewish state. The Palestinian issue is not fundamentally a human rights one.  It is a political question.

International Law

Seth justifies Finkelstein’s reliance on ‘international law’ by asking us to engage in a false choice. He counterposes ‘feel(ing) good about myself’ to wanting Palestinian children to go to school unharmed. Of course presented like this, who would not choose the latter?  Not content with this rhetorical device, Seth then offers us a non-sequitur. Choosing Palestinian children going to school also means him having to put aside his own moral standards.

I’ll let Seth into a secret.  I am not an anti-Zionist in order that I can assuage my conscience.  If I thought that it was really possible to force Israel to comply with ‘international law’ and grant equality between Israeli Jewish children and Palestinian children, then I wouldn’t have a second thought.  However my anti-Zionist politics tell me that Israel, because it is a Zionist state cannot grant equality to non-Jews.  That is the whole point of a state which defines itself, not as a state of all its own citizens but as a Jewish state.

According to Finkelstein, we have to work ‘within the existing framework’ and ‘the law is the framework’.  But don’t despair, because, as Finkelstein points out, the law is completely on our side. Seth reels off a list of examples – the Occupation, the Siege of Gaza, the Annexation, the Wall.  As regards the Right of Return, Seth disagrees with Norman. This too is guaranteed by UN resolution 194. What could be simpler? How could a Jewish Marxist dogmatist impose his beliefs on the Palestinians and thus delay their day of redemption?

The key here is ‘within the existing framework’.  Given the existing constellation of forces in the Middle East, with Israel as the United States strategic watch-dog and with its de-facto alliance with the most repressive regimes in the region, no solution to the Palestine crisis is possible.  Without a thaw in the political permafrost no change is possible, either for the Arab masses or the Palestinians. When Netanyahu says that no settlements will be removed or Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely states that ‘This land is ours. All of it is ours. We expect as a matter of principle of the international community to recognize Israel’s right to build homes for Jews in their homeland, everywhere.[8] which part of these statements does Seth or Norman not understand?

But I forget ‘the law is completely on our side in this matter. The Palestinians won in every aspect.’ The International Court of Justice voted unanimously in favour of the Palestinian cause. Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, are Palestinian territory under International Law.’

Of course if this was Britain or France or even Donald Trump’s United States, once the highest court in the land had thus ruled one would expect the Wall to crumble along with the settlements.  But here is the rub.  Although ‘international law’ is indeed on the Palestinians’ side, it makes not a blind bit of difference.  True, the Palestinians have a President of the make-believe Palestinian state, but no one is deceived.

International law is a strange beast. There is no one body of law which is accepted by all. It consists of a series of conventions, treaties and UN Security Council resolutions.  There is the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, but they apply primarily to states not individuals.

There is no single Supreme Court and more importantly there is no enforcement mechanism.  In other words International Law only works where the United States is in agreement.  Most people would agree that the pre-emptive attack on Iraq in 2003 was a war crime according to the Nuremberg Trials in Germany.  Yet neither George Bush nor Tony Blair were indicted at The Hague. Who was going to arrest them?  Or prosecute them?  I suspect Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman sleep fairly soundly knowing that they are unlikely to be arrested for defiance of international law.
If within a state the application of the law reflects the class nature of that state, in that it falls most heavily on the poorest and weakest in society, it does at least formally apply to rich and poor alike.  Both rich and poor alike are prosecuted should they steal food, but of course the rich have no need to steal!  It is not surprising that the ICC has only prosecuted African or Serbian dictators.  International law is only enforced against the weakest.

If it is the case that we must work within the existing framework we can never win.  There is an old Zionist saying.  ‘The facts come first and the law comes after.’  Zionist strategy in Palestine operated on the basis of creating facts on the ground.  First establish the settlements and the law will adjust accordingly.

Of course most states, the USA excepted, adhere to the notion that the settlements are illegal.  But the hypocrisy of these same states can be measured in the degree of their opposition to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).  If the European states were at all serious about their opposition to the colonisation of the West Bank or the illegal blockade on Gaza then they would not be granting Israel most-favoured-nation trading status.

Finkelstein is correct that the return of the refugees would mean the end of the Israeli state as it currently exists.  It is arguable whether the UN in 1947 intended for Israel to become an apartheid state via the expulsion of the majority of the Palestinians but that was the effect of the decision. Here however is the conundrum. As long as Israel remains an ethno-religious state then there will be no dismantling of the settlements, nor will there be any equality of rights.  The Right of Return does indeed spell the end to Israel as we know it but that is an essential precondition to a Palestinian/Israeli state of all its citizens.

I disagree with Seth that a 2SS represents the best or indeed any hope for the Palestinians.  Given the disparity of power, a Palestinian state could only be a fiction, not even a Bantustan.  But if Israel were forced to de-Zionise, why would one want to repartition the area?

Seth says that decolonization has to come from within and the idea that it could come from the outside ‘is a colonial idea in itself’.  So presumably when we supported decolonisation in South Africa we were being colonialists?  Or those who supported Indian independence were also colonists in disguise?  This is a mere playing with words.

Finkelstein bases his schema on international world opinion as represented by the United Nations.  He places his faith in the basket of the ‘international community’. It has as much relation to reality as Alice’s Wonderland. The UN is a body whose Human Rights Council was chaired by Saudi Arabia!  It is a gang of thieves and imperialist cut throats.  The Security Council represents the interests of the major powers, no less and no more.  In practice the UN is under the thumb of the United States, as we saw when the UN Secretary General insisted that the Report of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, which defined Israel as an Apartheid state, headed by Professors Virginia Tilley and Richard Falk had to be ditched.[9]

The intellectual edifice that Finkelstein has constructed in support of a 2SS is built on sand.  It fails to comprehend the unique features of the Israeli state and why it is unique. The position of Israeli Palestinians, a population that is seen as a potential fifth column and temporary non-Jewish residents of a Jewish state,  is also unique. Finkelstein sees a rational world order.  I see one in which the United States maintains a world empire through deceit, corruption and military might. Only a mass movement from below will be able to change the political geography of Palestine and the Middle East.

[1]              Norman Finkelstein on Joan Peters legacy (and Dershowitz’s legal troubles).
[2]           Norman Finkelstein –A Wasted Opportunity & Self-Indulgence,
[3]           The End of Palestine? An Interview with Norman G. Finkelstein, by Norman Finkelstein, Jamie Stern-Weiner, 11 January 2014,
[4]           Birthright sold for mess of pottage, Labour Left Briefing, November 1993.
[5]           Israel PM: illegal African immigrants threaten identity of Jewish state
[8]           The Guardian, 22/5/15.