Showing posts with label gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaza. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Should we set fire to churches (& mosques)? This is burning religious issue in Israel

Israel destroyed the Notre Dame of Gaza – but there was only silence from the West

As Yossi Gurvitz explained, the fire at Notre Dame has caused an argument within Israeli Orthodox circles.
Rabbi Shlomo Avineir of the Beit El settlement in the West Bank (the one that US Ambassador David Friedman has helped raise funds for) suggested that the fire at Notre Dame was divine punishment for the burning of the Talmud in France in the 13th century! God has, it would seem, a very long memory and clearly is not only a vengeful god but spiteful too as it is not clear what responsibility the French have for what happened 800 years ago.
But what is not in doubt is that since 2009 53 mosques and churches have been vandalised or set fire to in Israel. As is normally the case with attacks on non-Jews, the Israeli Police have not exerted themselves. Only 9 indictments to date have been filed by the police.
What makes this worse is that there are sections of Israeli society who openly justify the destruction of churches and mosques on religious grounds.
The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on fire, April 15, 2019. (Photo: LeLaisserPasserA38/Wikimedia)
Rabbi Benzi Gopstein, the head of the anti-miscegenation organisation Lehava in a panel discussion in 2015, in answer to a question as to whether he supported the burning of churches, referred to the teachings of the famous Spanish Jewish philosopher Maimonedes . Gopstein was asked by Benny Rabinowitz, a writer for an ultra-Orthodox newspaper, "Do you support burning churches in Israel, yes or no?" Gopstein, citing a Maimonides ruling that churches should be burned responded "Are you for Maimonides or against him?"
Gopstein's answershocked the attendees’ who asked "Benzti are you for burning or not?" "Of course I am," Bentzi replied "It’s Maimonides. Simply yes, what is there to question?"

This prompted the Vatican to call for Gopstein’s prosecution and the Police did call him in for interrogation. However Gopstein wasn’t an Arab who had justified the burning down of synagogues.  That would have merited a hefty prison sentence. The Attorney General refused to prosecute because in Israel racial hatred or discrimination on the grounds of religion is not a criminal offence.

FATHER NIKODEMUS SCHNABEL inspects the damage at Capernaum’s Church of the Loaves and Fishes caused by an arson attack. (photo credit: BEN HARTMAN)
However there was no such inhibition when it came to prosecuting Raed Salah, the leader of the Northern Islamic League for allegedly referring to the medieval blood libel about baking bread with the blood of non-Jewish children when opposing Israeli attacks on the worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque. Even though Salah denied having made any such statement and an examination of his remarks confirms that he made no mention of Jews (he maintained he had been referring to the Spanish Inquisition) he was convicted and sentenced to 9 months. For a thorough investigation of the affair see the Sheik Raed Affair and May warned of weak case against Sheikh Raed Salah and Jonathan Cook’s The real preachers of hate: Britain’s arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah
Bentzi Gophstein
Prominent settler Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, ruled that burning churches outside of the Land of Israel “isn’t our job for now”, but in Israel “the issue is more complicated”.
Rabbi Shlomo Aviner (Photo: Wikimedia)
Avineir is a state official and draws a public salary as the rabbi of a major settlement Beit El. He is also the rabbi of a prominent settler Yeshiva (Ateret Yerushaliam, formerly Ateret Cohanim), ‘He  is considered to be one most important rabbis of the religious nationalist sector.’
After the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral, Aviner was asked:
“The great Christian Church in Paris is on fire. Should we feel sorry for that, or should we rejoice, as it [the cathedral] is idolatry, which is a mitzvah to burn?”
Aviner replied:
“This isn’t our job for now. There is no mitzvah [a religious commandment] to seek out churches abroad and burn them down. In our holy land, however, the issue is more complicated. Indeed, the Satmar Rabbi noted one of his arguments against immigrating to Israel, that here it is indeed a mitzvah to burn churches; and by not doing so, those [immigrating to Israel] are committing a sin.’
The problem is further compounded by the fact that if Jews do burn down churches ‘we’ll have to rebuild, and it’s a greater sin to rebuild [a church] than leave it standing.’
Gurvitz commented wryly:
(Oh, yes: American Jewish readers, I probably need to stress this – this is not a parody or a satire. This is actual rabbinical discourse in 2019 Israel.).’
Screenshot of Aviner’s opinion re church fires.
The point however is that many churches (and mosques) have been burnt in Israel in the last few years, and the police have been disinterested in capturing the arsonists. In several cases, the arson was accompanied by slogans familiar from ‘price tag’ attacks in the West Bank (mostly along the lines of Jewish vengeance). 
Gurvitz writes that:
Several immensely important rabbinic rulers, most prominent among them Maimonides, ruled that churches are places of idolatry and ought to be destroyed. The rulings are very clear. However, to support those rulings today would lead to violence, probably to a rise in anti-Semitism, and will jeopardize the alliance between the settler movement and the evangelical movement. There is also a chance of getting prosecuted for incitement for hatred, which is a crime in Israel – but then again, the law has a special exemption for “religious studies”, and the prosecution has been very leery of prosecuting rabbis for hate speech, making “religious discussions” the prime way of legally-protected incitement.’
Below is an article on the deliberate destruction of Gaza’s mosques by the Israeli military in the course of successive attacks on Gaza from 2008-2014 in Operations Protective Edge, Cast Lead and Pillar of Defence and the hypocrisy of Western indifference to this compared to the tears over Notre Dame.
Ramzy Baroud April 25, 2019

Palestinians walk past a mosque which witnesses said was destroyed by an Israel air strike during the offensive, on the second day of a five-day ceasefire, in Gaza City on August 15, 2014. (Photo: Ezz Zanoun/APA Images)

As the 300-foot spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris tragically came tumbling down on live television, my thoughts ventured to Nuseirat Refugee Camp, my childhood home in the Gaza Strip.
Then, also on television, I watched as a small bulldozer hopelessly clawed through the rubble of my neighborhood mosque. I grew up around that mosque. I spent many hours there with my grandfather, Mohammed, a refugee from historic Palestine. Before grandpa became a refugee, he was a young Imam in a small mosque in his long-destroyed village of Beit Daras.
Mohammed and many in his generation took solace in erecting their own mosque in the refugee camp as soon as they arrived to the Gaza Strip in late 1948. The new mosque was first made of hardened mud, but was eventually remade with bricks, and later concrete. He spent much of his time there, and when he died, his old, frail body was taken to the same mosque for a final prayer, before being buried in the adjacent Martyrs Graveyard. When I was still a child, he used to hold my hand as we walked together to the mosque during prayer times. When he aged, and could barely walk, I, in turn, held his hand.
But al-Masjid al-Kabir – the Great Mosque, later renamed al-Omari mosque – was completely pulverized by Israeli missiles during the summer war on Gaza, starting July 8, 2014.
Hundreds of Palestinian houses of worship were targeted by the Israeli military in previous wars, most notably in 2008-9 and 2012. But the 2014 war was the most brutal and most destructive yet. Thousands were killed and more injured. Nothing was immune to Israeli bombs. According to Palestine Liberation Organization records, 63 mosques were completely destroyed and 150 damaged in that war alone, oftentimes with people seeking shelter inside. In the case of my mosque, two bodies were recovered after a long, agonizing search. They had no chance of being rescued. If they survived the deadly explosives, they were crushed by the massive slabs of concrete.
In truth, concrete, cements, bricks and physical structures don’t carry much meaning on their own. We give them meaning. Our collective experiences, our pains, joys, hopes and faith make a house of worship what it is.
Many generations of French Catholics have assigned the Notre Dame Cathedral with its layered meanings and symbolism since the 12th century.
While the fire consumed the oak roof and much of the structure, French citizens and many around the world watched in awe. It is as if the memories, prayers and hopes of a nation that is rooted in time were suddenly revealed, rising, all at once, with the pillars of smoke and fire.
But the very media that covered the news of the Notre Dame fire seemed oblivious to the obliteration of everything we hold sacred in Palestine as, day after day, Israeli war machinery continues to blow up, bulldoze and desecrate.
Palestinians and Palestinian security forces inspect the damage inside a mosque torched and vandalized by arsonists in the West Bank village of Qusra, near Nablus, Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. Arsonists tossed two tires into the first floor study hall of the mosque. (Photo: Wagdi Eshtayah/APA Images)
It is as if our religions are not worthy of respect, despite the fact that Christianity was born in Palestine. It was there that Jesus roamed the hills and valleys of our historic homeland teaching people about peace, love and justice. Palestine is also central to Islam. Haram al-Sharif, where Al-Aqsa mosque and The Dome of the Rock are kept, is the third holiest site for Muslims everywhere. Yet Christian and Muslim holy sites are besieged, often raided and shut down per military diktats. Moreover, the Israeli army-protected messianic Jewish extremists want to demolish Al-Aqsa and the Israeli government has been digging underneath its foundation for many years.
Although none of this is done in secret; international outrage remains muted. In fact, many find Israel’s actions justified. Some have bought into the ridiculous explanation offered by the Israeli military that bombing mosques is a necessary security measure. Others are motivated by dark religious prophecies of their own.
Palestine, though, is only a microcosm of the whole region. Many of us are familiar with the horrific destruction carried out by fringe militant groups against world cultural heritage in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Most memorable among these are the destruction of Palmyra in Syria, Buddhas of Bamyan in Afghanistan and the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul.
Nothing however can possibly be compared to what the invading US army has done to Iraq. Not only did the invaders desecrate a sovereign country and brutalize her people, they also devastated her culture that goes back to the start of human civilization. Just the immediate aftermath of the invasion alone resulted in the looting of over 15,000 Iraqi antiquities, including the Lady of Warka, also known as the Mona Lisa of Mesopotamia, a Sumerian artifact whose history goes back to 3100 BC.
A Palestinian protester holds a cross during a demonstration against acts of vandalism on Christian sites including smashing headstones in a Christian cemetery in Israel and the occupied West Bank, outside Jerusalem’s Old City October 6, 2013. (Photo: Saeed Qaq/APA Images)
I had the privilege of seeing many of these artifacts in a visit to the Iraq Museum only a few years before it was looted when US forces failed to protect the site. At the time, Iraqi curators had thousands of precious pieces hidden in a basement in anticipation of a US bombing campaign. But nothing could prepare the museum for the savagery unleashed by the ground invasion. Since then, Iraqi culture has largely been reduced to items on the black market of the very western invaders that have torn that country apart. The valiant work of Iraqi cultural warriors and their colleagues around the world have managed to restore some of that stolen dignity, but it will take many years for the cradle of human civilization to redeem its vanquished honor.
Every mosque, every church, every graveyard, every piece of art and every artifact is significant because it is laden with meaning, the meaning bestowed on them by those who have built or sought in them an escape, a moment of solace, hope, faith and peace.
On August 2, 2014 the Israeli army bombed the historic al-Omari Mosque in northern Gaza. The ancient mosque dates back to the 7th century and has since served as a symbol of resilience and faith for the people of Gaza.
As Notre Dame burned, I thought of al-Omari too. While the fire at the French cathedral was likely accidental, destroyed Palestinian houses of worship were intentionally targeted. The Israeli culprits are yet to be held accountable.
I also thought of my grandfather, Mohammed, the kindly Imam with the handsome, small white beard. His mosque served as his only escape from a difficult existence, an exile that only ended with his own death.

Monday, 1 April 2019

The Great Return March ‘Celebrates’ Its First Anniversary with hundreds of dead and thousands maimed as we remember Razan al-Najar

Razan is the Symbol of Israel's Murder of the Innocents 

One year ago the Great Return March began in Gaza.  It was born from the despair of the 2 million people in Gaza who refused to accept living in an open air prison with polluted water, little food, destroyed and bombed homes, hospitals barely coping, no electricity and Israel's shooting at their fishermen and anyone else who dared approach Gaza.
One of the most amazing things about Labour's 'antisemitism' campaign is how Luke Akehurst, a prominent Labour Rightwinger justifies Israel's war crimes without any penalty being imposed
The thousands of ordinary Palestinians mobilised despite the wishes of Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose movement Israel originally helped create as a bulwark against secular Palestinian nationalism.  Israeli lies about Hamas's orchestration of the protests are a conspiracy theory beloved of the Zionists and racists. It is a denial of Palestinian agency.
The Guardian banned this cartoon from Steve Bell
The Great Return march expressed the hope of all Palestinians that they would one day return to their lands . As such it touched a raw nerve among the Zionists.  Israel is founded on the dispossession of the Palestinians and that means there is no Return for the indigenous population. Return is only allowed for Jewish people who have never been there in the first place. It is strange how some people can pretend that this is not racism.
Brighton PSC Street Theatre  recreates what has happened in the past year in Gaza
Forget the lies and dissembling about Palestinian refugees voluntarily leaving in 1948.  Israel could not have been formed but for the expulsion of the Palestinians.  Israel did not want to be like Apartheid South Africa.  It didn’t want to exploit the labour power of the Palestinians so much as to replace it.  South Africa Apartheid was exploitative, Zionist Apartheid was exclusionary.
The Israeli military have lost no time in trying to denigrate Razan's reputation
The threat to return to their lands posed a challenge to the very foundations of Zionism. Forget the lies about a threat to the lives of Israelis.  The real threat was to the idea that Israel is a Jewish majority state. Whilst Israel can entertain unlimited numbers of Jewish immigrants it does its best to eliminate and reduce the numbers of Palestinians and non-Jews.
The Board of Deputies supported Israel's murder of unarmed Palestinians
As Netanyahu exclaimed in respect of Israel’s 40,000 African refugees, ‘This phenomenon is very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity."  The very thought that Palestinians from Gaza would cross the fences that imprison them was too much  for the racists of Tel Aviv. One of the virtues of Netanyahu is that he is an open racist and doesn’t hide behind euphemisms, unlike Labour Zionism.
That was why, despite posing no physical danger to Israel, hundreds of snipers were placed on earthworks and given the order to mow down demonstrators.  Over 200 Palestinians have been murdered, four only last Friday. They included 21 year old medic, Razan al-Najar. Thousands more have been injured.
The injuries of those who were wounded are extremely severe since Israel has been using dum dum explosive bullets, outlawed by international law. Many are crippled for life. However Israel does not recognise international law and sees Gaza as a testing ground for its weaponry.
This is the racism that lies behind the murders in Gaza
Raza al-Najar was murdered tending the wounded.  She was shot quite deliberately. Israeli snipers have deliberately targeted medics in the same way as they have targeted journalists.
Contrary to the lies of the Zionists Hamas have not been compelling people to attend the demonstrations.  Quite the reverse.  Israel has made the most of Hamas’s idiot spokesman Salah al-Bardaweel who claimed that 50 of the first 58 murdered by Israel were Hamas members. The reasons Salah made this claim was a sectarian one – he wanted Hamas to be seen to be leading the Palestinian masses. It was a crude attempt by a reactionary Islamic group to bolster its own image in the eyes of its Arab funders. However his statement was a lie which was food for the Zionist PR machine and their supporters in the Western media.
However even if the demonstrators were members of Hamas their deaths would have been completely unjustified.  To mow down unarmed demonstrators, whatever organisation and none they are a member of, is a war crime.
Labour Friends of Israel were forced to retract this tweet because of the uproar
Israel’s supporters in this country, like prominent Labour right-winger Luke Akehurst, have been to the forefront in justifying Israel’s murder.  Labour Friends of Israel and the Board of Deputies have also supported Israel’s murder of Palestinians. However the New York Times, quite exceptionally for it, conducted a forensic examination of what did happen on the day that Razan was murdered and conclusively found that Israeli snipers had deliberately targeted a group of medics and demonstrators, none of whom posed any threat to it. See New York Times Article Demonstrates Beyond Any Doubt that Israeli Snipers Deliberately Targeted Palestinian Medics and The Martyrdom of Razan al-Najar – Israel’s Callous Murder of a Young Woman
It has according to the Times of Israel forced Israel’s military to conduct an investigation although it is highly unlikely that this will be anything other than an attempt to discredit the NYT investigation. Israel has already created a doctored video of Raza including doctored quotes.
Razan in her death has become a symbol of Israel’s infinite cruelty and wanton disregard of Palestinian life.  There will undoubtedly be more Razans before Zionism is eventually defeated.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Murder in Gaza – UN film of Israeli War Crimes that were applauded by Labour Friends of Israel and Luke Akehurst

Why has Chris Williamson been suspended whilst Luke Akehurst is a full member? Is support 4 war crimes not a disciplinary offence?

This is a film which was shown at the UN Human Rights Council, a body which Israel, not surprisingly boycotts (there are some boycotts that Israel does support). We can clearly see that young people who pose no conceivable threat to Israel’s racist fear of Arabs crossing the fence (there is no border between Israel and Gaza), who were participating in a lively but peaceful demonstration, who were orchestrated and controlled by no one, were shot down as they protested against the intolerable and inhuman conditions in Gaza where 95% of the water is unfit to drink, where unemployment is 60% and which has been subject to an 11 year long blockade by Israel for the ‘crime’ of voting for the wrong party, Hamas instead of Fatah. 
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a wholly Zionist organisation, which has been in the forefront of the fake 'anti-Semitism' campaign here defending Israeli war crimes 
Most British Jews opposed Israeli war crimes in Gaza but not the Israeli Embassy's front group, Labour Friends of Israel
What is intolerable is that whilst Chris Williamson MP has been suspended because of the blackmail threats issued by Tom Watson MP, namely that more right-wing Labour MPs will resign (to which most of us would respond, bring it on) Luke Akehurst and members of Labour Friends of Israel, including Ruth Smeeth and Louise Ellman, SUPPORTED Israel’s murder of innocent civilians.  As did the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which has been prominent in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on Corbyn.
Labour Friends of Israel support mass murder in Gaza
Why is it that support for war crimes is not an offence under Labour’s disciplinary code but opposition to the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of people like John Mann and Wes Streeting is an offence?
The same tabloid press that is so concerned about Labour's 'anti-Semitism' employs Katie Hopkins, a vile racist
Instead of John McDonnell, the rapidly moving rightwards Shadow Chancellor expressing his ‘despair’ at ‘anti-Semitism’ and accepting that these allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are genuine, he might take time out to question the bona fides of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. He might ask himself why is it that the press isn’t interested in the Tories alliance with anti-Semites in the European Parliament but is interested in demonising Chris Williamson?  Or why the racist tabloid press that employed Katie Hopkins, who described migrants as cockroaches’ is so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’? Or why it is that the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign only started when Jeremy Corbyn was seen as likely to win the Labour leadership?  The answers are not hard to find but McDonnell, Lansman and the other turncoats don’t seem to have figured it out.
There is no greater admirer of Israel than Katie Hopkins (& Tommy Robinson)
Being a Zionist and a Racist go hand in hand
And why has Corbyn and McDonnell, to say nothing of Momentum nationally, not called for the expulsion of the execrable Luke Akehurst and those associated with Labour Friends of Israel?  Cowardice? Or just plain stupidity? Corbyn and McDonnell should learn some lessons from the 1930’s.  When you appease your political enemies, because that is what the Labour Right is, they only increase their demands. Paying danegeld to the Dane is never a good idea!
Tony Greenstein

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Joan Ryan Resigns from Labour – Xmas Comes Early for Corbyn

Goodbye to a Symbol of Parliamentary Corruption – Say Hello to the New Politics

Yesterday I put Joan Ryan at the top of my list of MPs who I hoped would join their fellow rats. Today she has done more in one day than she has done in the rest of her miserable, soon to be terminated, parliamentary career.
However it would be wrong and churlish of me not to look back at some of the highlights of Ms Ryan’s career.  But before I do, it is well to remember that she is the Chair of Labour Friends of Apartheid I mean Israel. There is no act of savagery or barbarity that Ryan couldn’t be counted on to support.  It is with a great sense of relief that we can look forward to this corrupt and obnoxious woman soon having to seek gainful employment.
Expenses Scandal
Joan Ryan is part of the Progress faction.  She was an MP until 2010 when she was defeated at the General Election.  Unfortunately she came back in 2015 Her entry in Wikipedia is extremely revealing.
The Evening Standard reported that in 2005/6 she made the second highest expense claim of any MP.  In 2006/7 she did even better, achieving first place with a total of £173, 691.
Ryan was by all accounts delighted to have won the coveted ‘Snout in the Trough Award of the Year.’ It was no wonder that her electors rejected her in 2010. Unfortunately her CLP was stupid enough to allow her back in 2015.
In May 2009 Ryan claimed more than £4,500 under the Additional Costs Allowance for work on a house she had designated as her second home.[Telegraph 17.5.09.] In February 2010 Ryan was asked to repay £5,121 mortgage interest which she had corruptly claimed.  [Evening Standard 4.2.10.]
Not surprisingly Ryan found her greed somewhat embarrassing and unhelpful when she was trying to get back into Parliament. The Independent of 9th March 2012 reported that:
"[a]t least 10 attempts have been made from computers in Parliament to remove information about [Ryan's] expenses claims and a further 20 efforts to delete the information, some from her constituency of Enfield North, have also been recorded in Wikipedia's logs."
The Telegraph reported that:
The entire section about expenses on Joan Ryan’s page was deleted. Ms Ryan spent thousands on repairs and decorations at her Enfield home before ‘flipping’ it to another property.
Ryan’s Wikipedia entry reports that to this present day ‘similar edits to hide Ryan's record continue to be made.' [Telegraph 26.5.15]
The efforts were successful and all mention of expenses claims were removed and instead replaced with a paragraph about edits to Wikipedia.
During the 2015 general election, The Daily Telegraph returned to this issue. In Ryan's case, the entire expenses section was deleted, including information on repairs and decorations on her home paid for out of her MP's expenses; the edits were made while Ryan was not an MP, and according to the Telegraph she denied involvement, though it’s difficult to think who, apart from her Zionist friends, would be interested in cleaning up her record.
Joan Ryan is a devoted servant of the Israeli state.
Not Israel whose troops opened fire but those who were killed ('Hamas') 'must accept responsibility'
Last summer Israel began firing on unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, the worlds largest open air prison, who were part of the Great Return march.  The demonstrators were entirely peaceful and were deliberately mowed down.  Over 300 have been murdered and thousands have been injured by explosive bullets designed to cause maximum casualties.

This despicable woman is still Chair of Labour Friends of Israel which put out a tweet supporting Israel’s callous murderers.  And when that was greeted by a storm of protest, they substituted an almost equally offensive tweet.  Why?  Because LFI are just a front group for the Israeli Embassy.

Ryan is, by any measure, one of the most self-seeking and greedy MPs. However this all pales into comparison compared to the £1 million slush fund that the Israeli Embassy agent Shai Masot arranged to be paid for her and which was captured in the Al Jazeera programme
Ryan was also caught on camera making a false allegation of anti-Semitism against a Labour Party member, Jean Fitzpatrick, at the 2016 Labour Party Conference.
 When put under pressure to explain exactly what Labour Friends of Israel were doing to achieve their supposed objective of a 2 state solution Ryan preferred to concoct an allegation of anti-Semitism.
In August 2016 Richard Burgon MP, the Shadow Justice Minister, described Zionism as an enemy of peace. Ryan leapt into action to defend the world’s only apartheid state. In response I penned an Open Letter.
When Kate Osamor MP, who is both a member of the Shadow Cabinet and a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee tweeted her support for the campaign for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Ryan once again issued an Open Letter.
We should bring out the champagne and drink a toast at the departure of Joan Ryan and let us hope that Ian Austen and Tom Watson also do the decent thing by the time the night is out.
Tony Greenstein