Divya Kumar SotiOvěřený účet


National Security Affairs Analyst, Columnist, Lawyer. Trying to figure out solutions: National Security, Geo-Strategy, Comparative Law, History. RT≠Endorsement

Připojil se listopad 2009


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    2. 1. 2020

    Doctrine of equality says that equal treatment to unequals only enhances inequality. In Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, Islam alone is protected by the State. So, CAA including muslims from these three Islamic countries would have violated Art 14. My column

  2. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 16 hodinami

    Vir Das loving fireworks on America's Independence day. Vir Das hates fireworks during Ganpati Festival.

  3. před 3 hodinami

    Sources: ED people are looking for the image of Allah he publicly claimed to have in his prayer room.

  4. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 20 hodinami

    भोजपुरी और मगही से झारखंड का 'बिहारीकरण', तो उर्दू से क्या 'इस्लामीकरण' की तैयारी!: via

  5. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 15 hodinami

    In a significant decision, has decided to withdraw all cases registered against farmers on the charges of burning paddy straw (Parali). ACS (Home) has issued orders to district administrations in this regard.

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    15. 9.

    अयोध्या के इस गाँव वाले यादवों की मांग है कि अगर अखिलेश मथुरा में मंदिर बनवा दे तो उनके साथ हो जाएंगे। तभी पता होगा कि यदुवंशी है।

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  7. před 16 hodinami

    The notion that our constitution enshrines equality is wrong. It is biased towards minorities and discriminates against the majority in matters of education and management of religious institutions which facilitates conversion- must read by

  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 21 hodinami

    Japan's Defense Minister announces that the two ballistic missiles launched from NK did land in Japan's EEZ.

  9. Retweetnuto uživatelem

    Why did this not qualify as contempt of court?

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    15. 9.

    - समाज सेवा की आड़ में साजिश, मतांतरण के गंदे धंधे में विदेशी चंदे पर जरूरी है प्रहार

  11. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 21 hodinami

    जी की लेखनी इतनी पैनी है कि पढ़कर मजा आ जाता है।

  12. před 20 hodinami

    This is how leftist outlets like Scroll used Shanti Bhushan's sealed cover allegedly containing allegations against 8 ex-CJIs when contempt proceedings against Prashant Bhushan were sub judice. Proceedings ended with ₹1 fine on PB.

  13. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 20 hodinami

    | I can say this proudly that after the China crisis the products which we used to import are now being manufactured by these small industries. : WATCH LIVE:

  14. před 20 hodinami

    सही कह रहे हैं राहुल बाबा। बस मनु बेन की डायरी पढ़े बिना कह रहे हैं।

  15. před 21 hodinami
  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    15. 9.

    My Op-Ed in today on the implications of crisis on domestic politics of India in view of the coming and situation in .

  17. 15. 9.

    Isn't it surprising that no brainwashed law school libbie student approached the Attorney General of India asking for contempt proceedings against Mr. Bhushan to uphold the dignity of the highest judicial office of the land?

  18. 15. 9.

    In 2010, ex-Law Minister Shanti Bhushan reportedly filed a sealed cover in the Supreme Court terming 8 CJIs as "definitely corrupt" and then leaked their names. Were any contempt proceedings initiated against him? What is the status of that sealed cover?

  19. Retweetnuto uživatelem

    Tales of Attorney General Venugopal...

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  20. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    15. 9.

    More and more legal reporters need to understand that their job is simply to communicate facts from the courtroom in news stories. If your audience wanted to read an opinion, they'd go to the "Opinion" or "Articles" columns. Colouring legal news stories is criminal.

  21. 15. 9.

    Hi, I want to see that Allah you have in your prayer room. Kindly oblige.


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