7 May 2019

White House to push ahead on new tariff threats against China

By Nick Beams, 7 May 2019

Trump’s announcement of a tariff hike on Sunday brought a sharp reaction on global markets with the Shanghai index finishing down almost 6 percent yesterday after its worst day for more than three years.

On eve of trade talks in Washington
Trump threatens new tariffs against China

Betraying my principles is “a much worse prison than the government can construct”
After nearly two months in jail, Chelsea Manning submits powerful appeal for release

By Niles Niemuth, 7 May 2019

Manning has been detained for contempt of court after she refused to testify before a grand jury impaneled to bring frame-up charges against WikiLeaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange.

The sentencing of Julian Assange: A legal travesty

Democrats line up behind Trump’s war on immigrants
NY Times demands: “Give Trump his border money”

By Kevin Martinez, 7 May 2019

With death and misery mounting along the southern US border,the Democratic party is signaling its support for further repression.

In wake of Venezuela coup fiasco, US military threats mount

By Bill Van Auken, 7 May 2019

Both Secretary of State Pompeo and US puppet Juan Guaidó say that “military options” are under consideration.

Media lies in service of war for regime change in Venezuela

Hands off Venezuela!

Conflicts flare between Trump and House Democrats

By Patrick Martin, 7 May 2019

On a range of issues, the Trump administration is refusing to provide documents and witnesses subpoenaed by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.

Washington political warfare intensifies with lawsuits, looming contempt charges

US attorney general refuses to testify before House Judiciary Committee

More on the Trump presidency »

UK: Renewed Brexit talks deepen splits in both Conservatives and Labour

By Robert Stevens, 7 May 2019

After the Tories lost more than 1,300 council seats last week and Labour also made smaller losses, May and Corbyn stressed that the electorate want Brexit to be implemented.

Germany: FDP Congress tacks to the right

By Peter Schwarz, 7 May 2019

The central message of the Congress was unmistakable: the Free Democrats advocate aggressive international expansion, more corporate deregulation and austerity for the working class.

”The UAW sold us down the river”
Fiat Chrysler uses robocall to announce more layoffs at Belvidere, Illinois, plant

By Marcus Day and George Marlowe, 7 May 2019

On Monday, the auto giant announced more layoffs in addition to the shift it has already eliminated.

New Orleans Times-Picayune lays off its entire staff

By Aaron Murch, 7 May 2019

The mass layoff was the first action of the new owners after Baton Rouge-based the Advocate bought the New Orleans daily.

Thousands of jobs threatened at Bombardier plants in Belfast and Casablanca

By Steve James, 7 May 2019

Bombardier’s move is the next phase of a global restructuring necessitated by ferocious competition in the world airline industry.

After Matamoros strikes, Mexican government enacts bill for “democratic unions”

By Alex González, 7 May 2019

The bill is a response to the resurgence of the class struggle and a demand for the passage of the USMCA.

Labor leader makes phony populist pitch at Australian election launch

By Oscar Grenfell, 7 May 2019

Labor is absurdly claiming that paltry funding on health and a miniscule increase in tax collected from multinational corporations, will resolve the deepening social crisis.

New in Portuguese

Centrais sindicais brasileiras defendem reacionária “reforma” da previdência em ato de 1˚ de Maio

Miguel Andrade, 7 maio 2019

Com os mais recentes dados mostrando nenhum sinal de recuperação econômica, o PT e a centrais sindicais brasileiras estão trabalhando para impedir qualquer movimento da classe trabalhadora contra o governo Bolsonaro.

New in Turkish

İsrail’in Gazze’yi vurması istila korkularını canlandırıyor

Jean Shaoul, 7 Mayıs 2019

Netanyahu, Filistinlilere yönelik bu son acımasız saldırısıyla, aşırı sağcı müttefiklerine, kendisinin, İsrail’in güvenliğinin en ateşli savunucusu olduğunu göstermek istiyor.

New in Spanish

El “socialismo” nacionalista de Bernie Sanders

Patrick Martin, 7 mayo 2019

Sanders presentó a los trabajadores chinos, el mayor contingente de la clase obrera internacional, como el enemigo de los trabajadores estadounidenses.

Trama del Gobierno de Macron sobre ataque de “chalecos amarillos” en París fracasa

Will Morrow, 7 mayo 2019

La falsificación cruda del Gobierno buscaba pintar las protestas de los “Chalecos amarillos” como criminales y moralmente condenables, así como justificar la violencia policial-estatal.

Facebook aumenta la censura en las redes sociales con el cierre de cuentas de extrema derecha

Kevin Reed, 7 mayo 2019

Mientras que la extrema derecha tiene el apoyo de facciones poderosas del Estado y la clase dirigente, las acciones de Facebook crean el precedente para la censura abierta de organizaciones izquierdistas.

Despido de ministro de Defensa británico profundiza crisis de conservadores ante mayores tensiones entre Reino Unido y Estados Unidos

Robert Stevens, 7 mayo 2019

Williamson fue despedido después de una investigación sobre quién filtró las deliberaciones de una reunión del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional en la que se aprobó la participación del gigante de telecomunicaciones chino, Huawei, en la red de datos de 5G en el país.

Other Languages


US threatens Iran with war

7 May 2019

The reckless and criminal character of Washington’s actions cannot be exaggerated. A US attack on Iran threatens to ignite a Mideast-wide war and rapidly draw in the other imperialist and great powers.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the opening report to the 2019 International Online May Day Rally delivered by David North.

Speech to Online International May Day Rally
The persecution of Assange and Manning is an attack on the working class

By Oscar Grenfell, 7 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 Online International May Day Rally delivered by Oscar Grenfell.

Speech to Online International May Day Rally
Greetings to Chinese workers and youth on the centenary of the May 4 movement

By Peter Symonds, 7 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 Online International May Day Rally delivered by Peter Symonds.

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.

May Day 2019: The resurgence of the class struggle and the fight for socialism

Free Assange and Manning

Video: At Sydney rally Assange’s father demands Australian government secure son’s release

7 May 2019

Two days after Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail, protesters rallied in Sydney’s Martin Place.

Britain: National Union of Journalists World Press Freedom Day event ignores Julian Assange

By Paul Mitchell, 7 May 2019

At the NUJ’s World Press Freedom Day event, there was not a single mention of Assange by any of the speakers on the platform, all of whom claimed to be champions of press freedom.

The imperialist “lie in the soul”
Politicians celebrate “World Press Freedom Day” as Julian Assange languishes in prison

By David Walsh, 4 May 2019

Attend Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meeting in London
Free Julian Assange, Free Chelsea Manning!

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »


The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders

By Patrick Martin, 6 May 2019

Israel pounds Gaza, stoking fears of invasion

By Jean Shaoul, 6 May 2019

The German ruling class fears the spectre of socialism

By Johannes Stern, 6 May 2019

More on US militarism »

An assembly of political bankrupts: Historical Materialism and Jacobin host “Socialism in Our Time” conference

By Joseph Kishore, 16 April 2019

Who funded the ISO? An analysis of the financial basis of pseudo-left politics

Factional provocation, middle-class hysteria, and the collapse of the International Socialist Organization

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

SEP election meetings in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Brisbane
Vote Socialist Equality Party! No to War and Austerity! For Socialism and Internationalism!

7 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party has placed at the very centre of its election campaign the demand that the Australia government immediately repatriate publisher and journalist, Julian Assange and courageous whistleblower, Chelsea Manning

The Labor Party tries to “save capitalism”

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 3 May 2019

Victorian Socialists’ fake-left election campaign

By Patrick O'Connor, 2 May 2019

Join the fight for international socialism!
To halt climate change, capitalism must be abolished

By Tessa Pietsch: SEP Senate candidate for Victoria, 2 May 2019

Liberal and Labor compete in stoking anti-refugee scare-mongering

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 1 May 2019


One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part One

By Peter Symonds, 4 May 2019

One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part Two

New York Times column falsifies legacy of Eugene Debs

By Tom Mackaman, 30 April 2019

Arts Review

Red Joan: A British spy story skirts some issues

By Fred Mazelis, 6 May 2019

Documentary about the brutal 2014 disappearance of teachers’ college students
The 43: A state massacre and cover-up in Mexico

By Rafael Azul and Don Knowland, 4 May 2019

25 years ago: Channel Tunnel opens, connecting Britain and France

On May 6, 1994, the Channel Tunnel officially opened, connecting for the first time the United Kingdom with the European mainland from Kent, England, to Pas-de-Calais, France.

More »

50 years ago: Battle of Hamburger Hill

On May 10 US forces in Vietnam began a 10-day assault on Hill 937, which was heavily defended by the North Vietnam’s People’s Army of Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: Soviet offensive clears Axis forces from Crimea

During this week in 1944, Soviet military forces completed the destruction of the Axis bastion in Crimea, capturing the key port city of Sevastopol on May 12, 1944.

More »

100 years ago: Race riots and martial law in Charleston, South Carolina

On May 10, 1919, hundreds of white sailors serving in the US Navy rioted in the port of Charleston, South Carolina, attacking African-Americans and destroying property.

More »

Workers Struggles

Fuel tanker drivers threaten new strike in Portugal

By Paul Mitchell, 4 May 2019

Brazilian unions defend reactionary pension “reform” at May Day rally

By Miguel Andrade, 3 May 2019

May Day: Police rampage in Paris as hundreds of thousands march in France

May Day 2019 in Germany: Trade unions call for support for the European Union

UK rail union calls off strikes against driver-only-operated trains

By Michael Barnes, 3 May 2019

Up to 400,000 jobs threatened as US sanctions deepen crisis of Russian auto industry

By Clara Weiss, 2 May 2019

Tea plantation workers need a global strategy

By Saman Gunadasa, 1 May 2019

Featured Report

UK: Liverpool man dies after being declared fit for work and denied benefits

By Barry Mason, 30 April 2019

“He should never have been found fit to work in a million years!”
UK advice worker Terry Craven speaks on the terrible death of Stephen Smith

European elections

“Join the fight for a united socialist Europe!”
Socialist Equality Party (SGP) publishes campaign video for European Elections

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 April 2019

The European elections and the revival of class struggle

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

”Dictatorships as alternative political orders?”—We say no!
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jörg Baberowski’s right-wing think tank

By the IYSSE at the Humboldt University, 30 April 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

Neo-Nazi networks exposed across US military

By Jacob Crosse, 4 May 2019

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It
North and Vandreier conclude US tour at New York University

By our reporters, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

Book Review

Assembly by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: A compendium of pseudo-left and anti-Marxist politics

By Emanuele Saccarelli, 22 April 2019

Assembly is saturated with reactionary postmodern conceptions, recycles worn-out anarchist recipes as innovative and progressive experiments and endorses virtually every political dead end of the recent and not-so-recent past.

Yabu Bilyana

Twenty years since the death of Australian Trotskyist and Aboriginal worker, Comrade Yabu Bilyana

Message of condolence from David North
“He based his life on the ideals of justice, equality and human solidarity”

Yabu Bilyana addresses ICFI World Conference: “Genocide of indigenous peoples is still practiced throughout Australia”

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018