Afraid of the Dentist? We’ve Got You Covered

Going to the dentist fishkill isn’t exactly something that most people consider enjoyable. The bright lights, the poking and prodding; going to the dentist isn’t exactly fun. However, while it may not be something to look forward to, most people don’t have any issue with going to the dentist because they know how important dental visits are for their oral hygiene. But for some people, the idea of going to the east fishkill dentist is downright scary. The very thought of visiting a dentist invokes fear and anxiety. If you’re one of those people, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve been putting off a dental exam – and you’re not alone. It’s estimated that up to 15% of American adults aren’t receiving the dental care they need because they suffer from dental phobia.

If you are afraid of the dentist, read on to learn more about dental phobia and how a reputable dentist can help you overcome your fear.

Dental Phobia Explained

Phobias are extreme and unreasonable fears. They aren’t uncommon; in fact, some of the most common phobias include claustrophobia (the fear of enclosed spaces), aviophobia (the fear of flying), and acrophobia (the fear of heights). However, there’s one phobia that may be more common than any other: dental phobia – an intense fear of going to the brewster dentist.

There are a lot of reasons why a person can become dental phobic. Some reasons may include:

  • A bad dental experience in the past.
  • Being afraid of any type of pain.
  • Feeling helpless or out of control.
  • Bright lights being shined in their face.
  • Not knowing what’s going to happen.
  • Fear of needles.

These fears can lead to feelings of extreme uneasiness. For example, the very idea of going to the dentist may induce physical pain or trigger a severe anxiety attack.

The Effects of Dental Phobia

Those who suffer from dental phobia avoid going to the dentist at all costs so that they don’t have to face their fears. However, while not having dental exams may prevent intense anxiety and panic, it can lead to serious issues. For example, those who are dental phobic have a higher risk of developing gum disease and tooth loss. Infections are also more likely to develop, which can lead to serious health complications, such as cardiovascular disease and infections in the lungs, which could decrease life expectancy. Furthermore, not going to the dentist can impact a person’s appearance and self-esteem.

Needless to say, putting off going to the dentist certainly isn’t a wise idea, no matter how afraid you may be.

Overcoming Your Fears

If you suffer from dental phobia, it’s far better to face your fear than it is to keep putting off getting the dental healthcare you need to avoid your phobia. As they say, the key to getting over anything you may be afraid of is by confronting it head-on.

Dentists are highly trained and understand that their patients can be fearful of dental exams and procedures. If your phobia has been preventing you from making an appointment with your dentist, here are some tips that can help you put your fears at ease:

  • Speak to your dentist. Make sure that you speak to your dentist to let him or her know about your phobia. A reputable dentist will be more than willing to talk to you before your appointment, discuss your fears, and figure out a way to help you overcome them. Something as simple as taking a tour of the office and knowing exactly what is going to happen during the appointment may be enough to put your fears to rest.
  • Listen to music. Before you head to your appointment, make a playlist of soothing music to listen to during your examination, cleaning, and/or procedure. The music will help to drown out any noises that you find distressing; plus, music has an incredibly calming effect and will give you something else to focus on.
  • Take your time. If your dental phobic, talk to your dentist about taking things slow. For instance, you may want to take a few minutes to get yourself acclimated in the chair before the exam begins.
  • Consider sedation. If your dental phobia is severe, you may want to consider sedation. A highly skilled dentist will have board certified anesthesiologists on-staff who can sedate you before the exam, cleaning, or procedure begins. You’ll sleep through the entire experience and have no recollection of what happened.

No matter how intense your dental phobia may be, putting off going to the poughkeepsie dentist is not the solution. Our certified, licensed, and highly experienced dentist will work with you every step of the way to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible. Your oral health directly impacts your overall health and well-being. Stop putting off going to the dentist and call us to schedule an appointment today. We promise you that you’ll receive the most caring and compassionate care possible.

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