Atentado incendiario a bus del transantiago y ataque armado a policías + Reivindicacion de la “Coordinadora Informal-Grupúsculo Iconoclasta” (Chile)

May 6th, 2019

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

El 18 de abril de 1989 los jóvenes Ivan Palacios (19) y Erick Rodriguez (20) tras participar activamente en un grupo de acción y resistencia a la dictadura que se encontraba infiltrado desde sus comienzos, se disponen a colocar una carga explosiva en un transformador de luz ubicado en Avenida San Pablo con Radal, en las cercanías de la población Simon Bolivar.

La acción estaba avisada a efectivos de la CNI (Central Nacional de Inteligencia) quienes prepararon una emboscada donde acribillaron a ambos jóvenes miristas.

Desde entonces en la población Simón Bolívar se recuerda esa fecha con actividades, velatones, manifestaciones y enfrentamientos con la policía. Read the rest of this entry »

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Propaganda en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales, a 10 años de su muerte en acción (Chile)

May 6th, 2019


La madrugada del 22 de mayo de 2009 muere en axión el compañero Mauricio Morales, tras la detonación anticipada del artefacto explosivo con el que pretendía atacar la Escuela de Gendarmería, fábrica de miserables carceleros.

Recordamos la vida del Punki Mauri, la vida que eligió vivir, sus ideas y acciones, las decisiones que lo llevaron a transitar el camino anárquico, con corazón y convicción. Desde la kalle procuramos que siga viva la anarquía, en cada gesto de memoria activa y confrontacional, sin victimismo ni docilidad, haciendo en el acto y la palabra un elemento peligroso para el orden social de los poderosos.


por la expansión del caos…

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Indonesia: Post-May Day Update and Call for International Solidarity

May 4th, 2019

Palang Hitam / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia has temporarily ceased activity due to problems with a former member who misused international donations. At present there is no anarchist organization supporting those facing repression, so support is being provided spontaneously and individually. Here is an update about the situation in several cities.

In Bandung, there was a peaceful action by a group of anarchists almost 1000 strong. It even consisted of mothers, children and teenage girls. Police attacked them and broke the bloc into two groups. They were then chased, beaten and arrested. The pretext for this was ‘vandalism’, some spray-painted graffiti. Many of those who were arrested were stripped and had their heads shaved. Some were spray-painted on their faces and bodies as well. Many were forced to crawl along the road in their underwear. In total 619 anarchists were arrested, of these, 3 still remain in custody for destruction of property. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity to imprisoned comrade Anahi Salcedo, wounded after the detonation of an explosive device (Argentina)

May 3rd, 2019

Note from Anarquia: As mentioned in November 2018, Anahí Salcedo detonated an explosive device in the region of Argentina. Since then this individual has been in prison and has been denied medical attention. We do not want to give more information at the request of the support group and affinities. The situation has not changed, but in front of the scenario that this individual is living, its diffusion is necessary.

Three months after being transferred to Ezeiza prison from the Fernández hospital, Anahí was taken out for studies, kinesiology and general medical consultations, some inside the prison and others in different hospitals, with secret shifts and transfers guarded by anti-“terrorist” special forces. Although we know that the Terrorist is the State.

It was not due to the humane treatment of the Federal Penitentiary Service or to the will of Judge Ercolini or due to the Courts 1 and 2 of Lomas de Zamora, who delayed all this time denying Anahi the exits, so impeding the treatment, kicking habeas corpus from one court to another; (one presented collectively, that not only claimed for the medical attention but also for the nefarious conditions of the module suffered by Anahí and the compañeras) doing its fundamental part of the work for this system of torture. Read the rest of this entry »

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May Day Anti-Gentrification Actions in Philadelphia (USA)

May 3rd, 2019

For May Day we claim responsibility for the following actions:

-Deflating the tires and painting the windshield of a yuppie housing shuttle bus.
-Throwing paint at the facade of two OCF properties.
-Smashing glass and cutting all non-hydraulic cables of at least four construction machines at the site of a development project intending to manicure a once wild place.

All of our targets are part of the ongoing gentrification of the city.

Solidarity with the comrades in Italy facing repression.

On May Day anarchists aren’t sleeping!

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Radek is free! New court date announced (Netherlands)

May 3rd, 2019

April 30: Today was the pro forma hearing for the court case of Radek, a Polish worker who had been in custody for over six months in the detention centre in Alphen aan den Rijn. 15 comrades, of who some from Poland were there today to show solidarity.

Radek is suspected to have walked in to the Polish embassy and pour gasoline over himself, drawing attention to the inhumane situation that Polish employees in the Netherlands find themselves trapped in.

During the court case today, Radek spoke briefly about the situation he and other Polish employees in the Netherlands find themselves in. They are structurally underpaid. There is a constant threat from the employment agency to lose their job and home. Even if they cannot work due to sickness, these threats are hanging over their heads. Read the rest of this entry »

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April 30th, 2019

Por tercer año consecutivo tendrá lugar en el CSOA La Gatonera (C/Valentín Llaguno, 32) el Encuentro anarquista contra el sistema tecnoindustrial. Este encuentro surge debido a la necesidad de generar
un discurso contra el sistema de dominación en el que nos hayamos, dicho sistema impregna el mundo que nos rodea bajo una lógica tecnocientífica donde todo es medible, cuantificable y por tanto, está sujeto a un control. Dicho desarrollo se basa en la sustitución de los procesos naturales por procesos técnicos sometiendo así a los individuos, animales y el ecosistema a la mega máquina. Cómo anarquistas consideramos que la lucha debe integrar la necesidad de proteger nuestro medio y recuperar la autonomía que este sistema nos ha arrebatado. Read the rest of this entry »

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THREE DAYS AGAINST THE TECNO-SCIENCES 26-27-28 JULY 2019 Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

April 30th, 2019

The program will come soon
Today more than ever, we feel the necessity to organize a meeting involving comrades from different countries already engaged in a critique and in opposition to developments of techno-sciences. An important moment to exchange and share analyses, reflections and experiences, to reinforce criticism and refine one’s thinking even more in confrontation with other groups and individualities that have been pursuing for a long time paths of opposition to the developments of techno-sciences.

In the face of the aridity and degeneration of contemporary thought and the lack of awareness of the pervasive, totalizing and above all irreversible nature of techno-sciences, a lucid analysis of the present is needed on the reality that transforms itself and transforms us. Read the rest of this entry »

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Italy : Text by Anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma: Miserable wretches!

April 28th, 2019

Everything was ready from the morning: journalists and live TV on the national channel…
A miserable judge in Turin, Roberto Sparagna, left no stone unturned in putting pressure on a gang of equally miserable individuals (jury led by judge Alessandra Salvadori).
A poor madman in search of fame after having moved from the anti-mafia prosecution to the terrorism one, he succeeded where other miserable colleagues of his had failed for decades: subversive association for the purposes of terrorism.

Already I see him in a few days’ time sitting on the Vespa armchairs in “Porta a Porta” [long-standing populist TV news show], along with some failed criminologist spouting off about anarchism and how it is divided into groups, smaller groups, good and bad and his heroic deeds against the F.A.I.-F.R.I. Read the rest of this entry »

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[$hile] Feria por la memoria anticarcelaria, en recuerdo del compañero Mauricio Morales

April 28th, 2019

Compañerxs, lxs invitamos a hacerse parte de la Feria por la Memoria Anticarcelaria en recuerdo de Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados por el Estado, el próximo domingo 5 de mayo, desde las 16 hrs, frente a la cárcel de San Miguel. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hérésie 3

April 25th, 2019

Hérésie 3

Ceci est le troisième numéro d’Hérésie. Pour simplifier, le sous-titre est “réflexions individualistes”, mais la revue n’est pas enfermée dans cette définition, et de temps en temps les différents textes publiés peuvent même se contredire entre eux. La raison d’être d’Hérésie est de contribuer à des débats parmi les anarchistes, de ressortir des oubliettes des vieux textes qui n’ont pas perdu du sens aujourd’hui, et de traduire des textes qui selon moi méritent d’être diffusées dans l’aire francophone. Read the rest of this entry »

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Italy: Operation Scripta Manent Sentences

April 25th, 2019


Anarchist comrades sentenced:

Alfredo Cospito to 20 years,
Anna Beniamino to 17 years,
Nicola Gai to 9 years,
Alessandro Mercogliano and Marco Bisesti to 5 years each.
The other accused were acquitted.



via actforfree:

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10 Years: International call for agitation and action – For an offensive memory and a black May in memory of Mauricio Morales

April 24th, 2019

“I will seek at the risk of my life, the best, the authentic freedom …”
Mauricio Morales

Ten years ago, on May 22, 2009, an explosive device transported by anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales accidentally exploded before it could be installed in the Gendarmerie School in Santiago, Chile, making itself felt in black hearts. He made that institution and those who compose it visible as an objective to attack, thus generating a close relationship of solidarity between prisoners and action. But at that time the enemy did not receive a blow, this time the roar did not shake the jailers’ infrastructure; at that time the powerful explosion took Mauri’s life during that early morning.

Quickly the vultures of the different police, prosecutors, journalists and ministers came to scavenge and feast on the blood and body of Mauri. On this occasion, the death of an anarchist was the excuse to develop new thrusts in hunts against anti-authoritarian environments. Read the rest of this entry »

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Kalinov Most #4 – Publicación Anarquista Internacional / Abril 2019

April 22nd, 2019



*Sobre la necesidad de continuar la lucha dentro de la cárcel: Prisiones, opciones y trayectoria subversiva en la región chilena.

*Estrategias y particularidades del control al interior de las cárceles en el Estado Español.

*Autoatentados, montajes y sospechas: Cuando la teoria del Estado entra en nuestras cabezas.

*La peste de la cripto-democracia (o cómo lo autoritario se nos colo a base de falsas oposiciones y errados conceptos.

(Aportes externos)

*Breve reporte informativo del Estado del tiempo.

*Pólvora y tinta. Reflexiones sueltas…Sin separar teoría-acción, contra toda especialización.


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