Tag Archives: Anti-Fascism

Panic In The House Of Trump!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! If we actually had a real job we would have been fired already cos we have spent 24 hours a day watching CNN and MSNBC online (especially Rachel Maddow) covering Donald Trump’s rapidly collapsing … Continue reading

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Tommy Robinson Is Not Innocent!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit’s going on? The Free Tommy Robinson campaign is not only futile but based on a collective delusion  because HE ADMITTED HE WAS WRONG IN COURT HE PLEADED GUILTY & THEREFORE ACCEPTED THE CONSEQUENCES. But … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain First, C18, Charlie Sargeant, Combat 18, Coppin, david coppin, Eddie Stampton, EDL, Fat Lisa, foreign wife, Jayda Fransen, March For England, Paul Golding, Rob Gray, Shane Calvert is going to prison ha ha ha! | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Generation Tedium

Identity Europa: Flag? Or Just Pants? Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit’s going on with that over-privileged bunch, the Identitarian Movement (IM). The Economist recently ran an article called ‘White, Right & Pretentious’ (31/3 – 6/4/18) which discussed IM … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Coppin, david coppin, Eddie Stampton, EDL, foreign wife | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

2017: Far Right Low Expectations Achieved!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! 2017 is drawing to a close so it’s time to see which fuck-bugling far right jizz spigots and serial onanists have been making absolute toolbags of themselves this year. As usual we have a wealth of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain First, Coppin, david coppin, Eddie Stampton, EDL, foreign wife, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding, Shane Calvert, Shane Calvert is going to prison ha ha ha!, Uncategorized | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Paul Golding In Big Face Horror!

Jobless anti-fascist bloggers managed to get up this morning to reveal the shocking secret of Britain First leader Paul Golding: his massive face is out of control and can change from gormless and pudgy to pasty and engorged in seconds. … Continue reading

Posted in Britain First, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment