- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 113500
Saas, SAAS, or SaaS may refer to:
Software as a service (SaaS; pronounced /sæs/) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software". SaaS is typically accessed by users using a thin client via a web browser. SaaS has become a common delivery model for many business applications, including office and messaging software, payroll processing software, DBMS software, management software, CAD software, development software, gamification, virtualization,accounting, collaboration, customer relationship management (CRM), management information systems (MIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), invoicing, human resource management (HRM), talent acquisition, content management (CM), antivirus software, and service desk management. SaaS has been incorporated into the strategy of all leading enterprise software companies."IBM cloud strategy". One of the biggest selling points for these companies is the potential to reduce IT support costs by outsourcing hardware and software maintenance and support to the SaaS provider.
Cloud computing, also known as 'on-demand computing', is a kind of Internet-based computing, where shared resources, data and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centers. It relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort.
David's Mighty Warriors (also known as David's Mighty Men or the Gibborim) are a group of men in the Bible who were singled out by an appendix of the Books of Samuel. The text (2 Samuel 23:8–39) divides them into the "Three", of which there are three, and "Thirty", of which there are more than thirty. The text explicitly states that there are 37 individuals in all, but it is unclear whether this refers to The Thirty, which may or may not contain The Three, or the combined total of both groups. The text refers to The Three and The Thirty as though they were both important entities, and not just an arbitrary list of three or 30-plus significant men.
Some textual scholars regard the passages referring to The Three and The Thirty as having come from either a source distinct to the main sources in the Books of Samuel, or being otherwise out of place. Since parts of the text have distinct stylistic differences from other portions—appearing as a list, as a series of character introductions, or as a flowing narrative—Some suspect that the passages may themselves be compiled from multiple source documents. Further, as 2 Samuel 23:23–24 reads "...David put him in command of his bodyguard. Asahel, brother of Joab. Among the thirty were...", the text is regarded as corrupted, and the middle of verse 23:24 (between the words Joab and Among) is generally presumed to have been lost (some translations move Among the thirty were to be before Asahel, which smooths over the issue).
SaaS Introduction (Software as a Service)
SAAS Model - Software As A Service
Understanding Cloud - IaaS PaaS SaaS
What is SaaS?
YOUTUBE KACKE - Hilf Mir! Saas am Heizungsrohr
IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS
Software as a Service(SAAS) Explained with simple examples
Succeeding with SaaS: Four Hot Tips for Start-ups
Siyasi saas
12 Key Levers of SaaS Success
Daniel Bader - Building and Launching a SaaS Product with Python in 2 Weeks
The Three Ways to Cloud Compute
Youtube Kacke - Wie entsteht Saas?
Cloud Computing Services Models - IaaS PaaS SaaS Explained
What Is SAAS And How Do You Sell It? With Dan Smith | Salesman Podcast
YouTube Kacke: MACH DICH SAAS (Kurzversion)
How To Build A SaaS Business (Software as a Service)
Building a SaaS - Part 1: Setting Up an Express Server
The 5 C's of SaaS Metrics | Dan Martell
YOUTUBE KACKE - Hilf mir! Mein Saas soost mich
Actors: Robert Guédiguian (writer), Alexandre Desplat (composer), Virginie Ledoyen (actress), Horatiu Malaele (actor), Robert Guédiguian (director), Marc Leroyer (miscellaneous crew), Ariane Ascaride (actress), Serge Avedikian (actor), Lucas Belvaux (actor), Patrick Bonnel (actor), Simon Abkarian (actor), Jean-Pierre Darroussin (actor), Gilles Taurand (writer), Gilles Taurand (writer), Bernard Sasia (editor),
Plot: The poet Missak Manouchian leads a mixed bag of youngsters and immigrants in a clandestine battle against the Nazi occupation. Twenty-two men and one woman fighting for an ideal and for freedom. News of their daring attacks, including the assassination of an SS general, eventually reaches Berlin.
Keywords: 1940s, anti-communism, armenian, assassination, assassination-plot, bare-breasts, camp-drancy, circumcision, clandestine-activity, collaboration-with-nazisThis class explains what SaaS (Software as a Service) is and why both vendors and customers are embracing it. We also discuss the decision making process for choosing a SaaS provider. For Classes, Class Notes and Blog Posts: http://www.EliTheComputerGuy.com Join the Conversation at Our Online Community: http://ETCGNetwork.com Visit the Vlog YouTube Channel at: http://www.YouTube.com/EliComputerGuyLive Follow us on Facebook at: http://www.Facebook.com/EliComputerGuy Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.Twitter.com/EliComputerGuy
http://www.mavidea.com/it-management-services/cloud-computing-services/ An overview of cloud computing and the SAAS model, or software as a service given by Jamie Mathy of Mavidea Technology Group.
In this session we discuss the core cloud computing models, use cases, and positioning.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new software deployment model. Traditionally software applications are hosted on your hardware within your premise. You are then saddled with maintenance of hardware and software. There are continuous upgrades, patch releases, disaster recovery testing and software license management to contend with. With SaaS, you can: (1) Save on upfront hardware software costs (2) Eliminate upgrade and maintenance costs (3) Pay only what you need (4) Enjoy the service at anytime and anywhere
Er Soost sie am Heizungsrohr!!! Was wird Saas dagegen tun? Sehr wichtig: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000TGGNEM/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1638&creative;=6742&creativeASIN;=B000TGGNEM&linkCode;=as2&tag;=esisobimha-21 Achja! Wir sind jetzt auch auf Twitter! http://adf.ly/1kDLcR Viel Spaßsaas mit dem neuem Video! Immer schön Snansen! Handyklingelton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrZ8tvJYJP0 Edit by TwiXAE
Cloud services are typically offered in three variations: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, or Software as a Service. A business can utilize these individually or as a hybrid combination. The model that works best for you will be dictated by your goals and requirements. The common thread in each service is outsourcing your in-house load of responsibility. When you utilize the cloud, you lift the burden of managing your own software.
Software as a Service(SAAS) Explained with examples
For more videos LIKE & SUBSCRIBE, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8iZc56OYSsHkvGVX09bDog LIKE us on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/KhaandaniSiyaset/ JOIN us on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/129730700977357/
David Skok, General Partner at Matrix Partners, provides a simple model to understand a SaaS businesses, as well as the key levers founders can leverage to drive SaaS success at the SaaStr Annual 2017. Get tickets to our next event at saastrannual.com
The story of how I used Python + Django to build and launch a tiny paid SaaS app in two weeks and how you can do the same. The goal of my talk is to show you how to use the Shopify app store as a test bed for your own Python SaaS apps and to help you avoid the mistakes I made. We will cover the general logistics of a project like that and how you can leverage your Python skills to either gain experience building and launching software products, or to get exposure for your consulting services. Intended audience: * Intermediate (and above) Python developers * Beginning entrepreneurs You can read more about the app that I built for this experiment here: https://apps.shopify.com/nearby-store-notification Please note that this talk is *not* an advertisement for the app that I built or the ...
This cloud computing video explains SaaS, PaaS and Iaas -- otherwise known as "software as a service", "platform as a service" and "infrastructure as a service". It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, author of ExplainingComputers.com and "A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing" (Robinson, 2010), and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School. For more information on cloud computing please see ExplainingComputers.com/cloud You can now download the first 34 pages of my book as a free sampler via http://tinyurl.com/2ck352o (34Mb pdf).
https://ecoursereview.com/cloud-computing-pros-and-cons-for-business-it/ 3 Types of Cloud Computing Services: IaaS PaaS SaaS Explained You Might Wonder – What Is Cloud Computer: #Cloudcomputing is a set of forms that contain certain elements that allows for on-demand, network access, scalability, and shared resources. It's a platform for managing, storing, and processing data online through the internet. Some of the cloud computing features include the following: - On-Demand Services – Available when you need it - Network Access – When using the internet as your medium - Shared Resources – All resources are gathered together and used by multiple customers - Scalability - The ability of a computer system to adapt to increasing demands The Three Delivery Models: Cloud computing provi...
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: http://Salesman.Red/iTunes Subscribe to the Youtube channel: http://Salesman.Red/Youtube Dan Smith is a SAAS sales expert and on today’s show we cover both what SAAS is, why it’s taking over the world of both B2B and B2C and the best approaches to sell it. "what does saas stand for" - It stands for software as a service although the same sales approach covers both software and physical products. Dan shares how to increase saas sales and what is saas sales model in this video. The saas sales process is different to what we'd consider the traditional sales model in a number of ways and Winningbydesign.com saas sales training is probably the best way to learn more after watching this interview.
Re-Upload als Kurzversion, das Lied am Ende musste ich leider wegen Copyright rausschneiden. Den Poop in voller Länger gibt es unter: https://vid.me/Sq1I Ein paar Videos wurden auf YT gesperrt, die könnt ihr euch hier anschauen: https://vid.me/Soosenbinder
http://landers.pauljames.com/youre-own-saas-business/ | Want to build your very own SaaS (Software as a Service) Business? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hellopauljames Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hellopauljames
In part one of our Building a SaaS Startup series, we will cover installing Node, MongoDB, and Express. We will start our first server up! More details can be found on the original post at http://slatepeak.com/guides/building-a-software-as-a-service-saas-startup/ The code can be found in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/joshuaslate/saas-tutorial/tree/fcec9207286d130ea95174b09e43386df8b5a37f
Do you know what metrics to care about when growing your software company? In this video, I share the top 5 metrics you should pay close attention to and how to calculate them to see the truth. Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here: http://www.danmartell.com/newsletter + Join me on FB: http://FB.com/DanMartell + Connect w/ me live: http://periscope.tv/danmartell + Tweet me: http://twitter.com/danmartell + Instagram awesomeness: http://instagram.com/danmartell Are you a SaaS entrepreneur? If not, probably best to skip this video... ... but don’t worry, next week I’m going to share a killer strategy on how ANY business owner can grow their company by “drafting” on other people’s hard work. Simple strategy, but powerful results. However, if you ARE a SaaS entrep...
Sie wird von ihren saas gesoost, kann Marcel da noch helfen oder ist die situation aussichtslos? soos Das brauch timmy: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3831032580/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1638&creative;=6742&creativeASIN;=3831032580&linkCode;=as2&tag;=esisobimha-21 Twitter: http://adf.ly/1kDLcR Originalfolge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFkEdRRWExA Edit by: BaaYZe Cut with : Premiere CC
This class explains what SaaS (Software as a Service) is and why both vendors and customers are embracing it. We also discuss the decision making process for choosing a SaaS provider. For Classes, Class Notes and Blog Posts: http://www.EliTheComputerGuy.com Join the Conversation at Our Online Community: http://ETCGNetwork.com Visit the Vlog YouTube Channel at: http://www.YouTube.com/EliComputerGuyLive Follow us on Facebook at: http://www.Facebook.com/EliComputerGuy Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.Twitter.com/EliComputerGuy
David Skok, General Partner at Matrix Partners, provides a simple model to understand a SaaS businesses, as well as the key levers founders can leverage to drive SaaS success at the SaaStr Annual 2017. Get tickets to our next event at saastrannual.com
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: http://Salesman.Red/iTunes Subscribe to the Youtube channel: http://Salesman.Red/Youtube Dan Smith is a SAAS sales expert and on today’s show we cover both what SAAS is, why it’s taking over the world of both B2B and B2C and the best approaches to sell it. "what does saas stand for" - It stands for software as a service although the same sales approach covers both software and physical products. Dan shares how to increase saas sales and what is saas sales model in this video. The saas sales process is different to what we'd consider the traditional sales model in a number of ways and Winningbydesign.com saas sales training is probably the best way to learn more after watching this interview.
The story of how I used Python + Django to build and launch a tiny paid SaaS app in two weeks and how you can do the same. The goal of my talk is to show you how to use the Shopify app store as a test bed for your own Python SaaS apps and to help you avoid the mistakes I made. We will cover the general logistics of a project like that and how you can leverage your Python skills to either gain experience building and launching software products, or to get exposure for your consulting services. Intended audience: * Intermediate (and above) Python developers * Beginning entrepreneurs You can read more about the app that I built for this experiment here: https://apps.shopify.com/nearby-store-notification Please note that this talk is *not* an advertisement for the app that I built or the ...
Jason sits down with the "Godfather of Saas," Jason Lemkin, to discuss everything from the SaaS (software as a service) industry to angel investing criteria, from Lemkin's current venture Saastr, to what the field has in store. We learn about the history of SaaS, why we owe a huge debt to Salesforce, and why so few enterprise customers “try before they buy.” The two Jasons further discuss Microsoft’s foray into SaaS, why “lockin” is a myth, the successes of -- and differences -- between Slack and HipChat, Lemkin’s SaaS investments (including Talkdesk, Algolia), why founders don’t make great VCs, Lemkin’s criteria for an investment (hint: the founder has to be better than him) and Lemkin’s advice on lifetime value to budding SaaS startups. Finally, the Jasons posit what would happen if Goog...
Philippe Botteri, VC at Accel Partners
Orion Startups Talks presents Patrick Campbell, Co-founder and CEO of PriceIntelligently.com, who talks about methods to set and define the price of your software as a service. Join the talk!
Level up: http://close.io/free-sales-course?utm_campaign=yt_description&utm;_medium=video&utm;_source=youtube | Steli speaking at MicroConf 2015. For downloadable MP3 & full transcript, check → http://blog.close.io/microconf2015?utm_campaign=yt_description&utm;_medium=video&utm;_source=youtube Want more videos? Subscribe ►http://bit.ly/subcloseio CONNECT WITH US Blog: http://blog.close.io Twitter: https://twitter.com/closeio Facebook: https://facebook.com/closeio Instagram: http://instagram.com/close.io Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/elastic-inc- ABOUT CLOSE.IO The sales CRM sales people love - no more manual data entry. Customer management with built-in calling and email synchronization. Make and receive calls while taking notes tied to each address book contact -- all with...
Sergio Saas - És Meu Herói 2004 01 - Bendita Segurança - 04:04 02 - Jerusalém - 04:52 Feat. Ton Carfi 03 - Poder De Deus - 03:39 04 - Vigiar e Orar - 04:09 05 - És Meu Herói - 04:45 06 - Posso Confiar - 04:23 07 - Meu Senhor - 03:44 08 - Posso Ver Tua Glória - 04:44 09 - Quando Ele Voltar - 04:05 10 - Mãe - 06:40 https://www.facebook.com/Somente-Capa-De-CD-820186208106935/ https://www.facebook.com/O-Melhor-Da-M%C3%BAsica-Gospel-7-417866848327208/
Guillermo Sanchez is the co-founder and CEO of Publitas.com, the easiest way to turn your print catalogs and magazines into interactive, shoppable publications on all devices. Guillermo has bootstrapped the business since it was founded in 2006 and currently Publitas.com has over 600 customers including many leading retail companies. http://www.conversionaid.com/podcast/guillermo-sanchez-publitas/
"Tua Graça Me Basta" é um álbum de estúdio do cantor Sergio Saas, lançado em 2007. 1. Tua Graça 00:00 2. A Minha Vitória 03:31 3. Deus 07:52 4. Não Mudou 11:27 5. Pedro 15:54 6. Nasci Pra Te Adorar 21:44 7. Quem Não Merece 25:40 8. Vivi Sin Tí 29:47 9. Oh Glória, Aleluia 34:20 10. Medley I 38:07 11. Medley II 42:44
SaaS Girişimcileri için İpuçları Cem Hürtürk (Sendloop) Webrazzi Online: SaaS
Topic Title: Building SaaS With WordPress Talk Description: “Building SaaS With WordPress” will cover the process of building a WordPress Software as a Service product. We will discuss the power of WordPress Multisite, existing solutions for leveraging the membership capabilities of a network, handling payments and creating a viable business on top of WordPress. The session will target developers and business owners interested in building a SaaS on top of WordPress. Why do you want to speak at #wcbg: I’m passionate about WordPress and I’d be happy to share my experience with the local community – both during my presentation, and the other networking events. Twitter: @no_fear_inc Website: http://devwp.eu/
AWS provides a broad array of services, tools, and constructs that can be used to design, operate, and deliver SaaS applications. In this session, Tod Golding, the AWS Partner Solutions Architect, shares the wisdom and lessons learned from working with dozens of customers and partners building SaaS solutions on AWS. We discuss key architectural strategies and patterns that are used to deliver multi-tenant SaaS models on AWS and dive into the full spectrum of SaaS design and architecture considerations, including tenant isolation models, tenant identity management, serverless SaaS, and multi-tenant storage strategies. This session connects the dots between general SaaS best practices and what it means to realize these patterns on AWS, weighing the architectural tradeoffs of each model and ...
What does it take to grow from 0 to 500 MRR in the world of AgoraPulse? Pain, many sleepless nights, and no or minimum wage salary for many months. In this honest talk, recorded at the Paris stop of Saastock on Tour, the co-founder of AgoraPulse, Emeric Ernoult talks about the dark 3 years it took the company to have a lift off, the lessons learned and how they actually got to profitability.
Welcome to our first SunFish ERP SaaS demo. The video uses a story of low sales to demonstrate main business processes in Sales, Inventory, Purchase and Finance; and shows how they are linked with each other. It also touches general features such as customized dashboards, workflows, analytics, and how different functions help to speed up task completion.
Check out the best sales tool for SaaS teams: http://close.io?utm_campaign=yt_description&utm;_medium=video&utm;_source=youtube FREE 30 DAY STARTUP SALES EMAIL COURSE: http://close.io/free-sales-course/?utm_campaign=yt_description&utm;_medium=video&utm;_source=youtube Steli Efti, CEO/Co-Founder of ElasticSales and Close.io gives a free 1h Webinar on the most successful SaaS Sales Strategies he learned by working with over 150 venture backed startups.
Raj Nijjer, GoDaddy Designing SaaS Products for the Small Business Owner Presented at the Seattle Interactive Conference 2013 - Who is the Small Business Owner? - What do they need and most important, what do they don't need? - How Godaddy had to change to serve the needs of SMB's? - Results of speaking the same language as the SMB.
Assistez gratuitement au prochain workshop ici : http://www.meetup.com/StartupWorkshop/ Présentation d'Oussama Ammar sur les métriques essentiels à mesurer et suivre lorsqu'on développe une enterprise SaaS. Entreprendre n’est pas inné et 80% des erreurs peuvent être évitées. Ne perds pas de temps, offre-toi Koudetat : http://bit.ly/koudetat-youtube
Mets-toi tout nu, si t'es un homme.
Histoire de voir où nous en sommes.
Qu'on me donne un primate.
Sans cravate.
Un Zorro.
Sans rien sur le dos...
t'es bien plus beau comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans artifice.
Où est le vice...
enlève la tenue.
Si t'es un homme.
Qui peut le plus.
Peut le minimum.
Et comme ça.
Tu restes la faiblesse.
De mon for intérieur.
Et moi, maîtresse.
En ta demeure...
t'es bien plus mâle comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans dessus, ni dessous.
Et puis c'est tout.
Et c'est comme ça...
gageons que tes états sauvages.
Feront moins de ravages.
Que tes plumes de paon.
Quand toi Tarzan.
Moi j'aime.
Quand tu tiens d'Adam.
Moi je tiens à toi.
t'es bien plus beau comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi...
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans rien du tout.
Sans rien que toi.