
This website is built and maintained purely by volunteers and costs are paid for out of our own pockets. If you like what you find here and want to see the project continue to grow please consider donating.

The money you donate will be used to keep the site in working order (paying bandwidth costs etc.). As our traffic continues to grow, our hosting costs continue to grow so please do consider making a donation to enable us to continue our work. You can do so in the following ways:

Become a supporter
If you can spare any cash to help us out please support us on patreon here:

While you shop
We are not encouraging you to do so - and readers should be aware that there have been attempts to organise boycotts of Amazon to push them to pay a living wage - but if you do shop online with Amazon anyway we can earn a small cut of what you pay for your shopping. This is at no extra cost for you. All you have to do is use this link to enter Amazon when you plan to buy.?

Bank Transfer
Direct debit/standing order/bank transfer - please email us for our details.

Cheque by post
You can post us a cheque, email us for our details.

Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far - you are helping this site become a better place! With our supporters' consent we may well start listing people who have donated here for the world to see.


Nov 4 2010 11:58

Out of interest how much does libcom cost to run a year?

Dec 24 2010 20:06
gypsytimetraveller wrote:
Out of interest how much does libcom cost to run a year?

Ya, I'd like to know this one as well.

Dec 24 2010 20:18

It works out about £110 per month at present I believe, although we would like to upgrade our hosting to get a faster server, which would be more. We also have occasional one-off costs like purchasing additional server space during upgrades.

Dec 25 2010 08:50

Could you please put the amazon link inline so I can save it as a bookmark? When I click those I go right to the amazon homepage, so if I bookmark that I don't think it'll help.

Dec 25 2010 10:37


Dec 25 2010 14:15

it still seems to go straight to, it's been doing this a while
does libcom still have money coming in from that link?

Dec 25 2010 22:25

The link does take you straight to, but it does work and give us money! We have a slow but steady trickle of money from that all year

Dec 25 2010 22:28

sound, i always use it but was afraid as the link url was disappearing!

Apr 5 2011 22:17

I'll use the link from now on, plus I'll ask friends to.

Chilli Sauce
May 15 2011 16:59

How much money has come from the link? How did y'all get that set up, anyway?

May 15 2011 18:11
Chilli Sauce wrote:
How much money has come from the link? How did y'all get that set up, anyway?

not a huge amount, but it is significant. About £60-£80 per year I think, or at least it was early on, it might be less now as may be fewer people use it (I don't use Amazon myself anymore really). To get on it, just Google Amazon associates

Nov 25 2014 20:44

is all this still operates? the amazon thing too?

Nov 26 2014 17:02

petey wrote:

is all this still operates? the amazon thing too?


Dec 8 2015 18:34

Bump, if anyone is doing any Christmas shopping on please go through our link! (N.b. we are not encouraging you to do so, this is just for if you are going to be doing that anyway)

Jun 6 2016 10:53

you should share the Amazon thing on Facebook a few times a year, I suspect most of the people who follow the page would be perfectly happy to use it, but I doubt most even know about it.

Jun 7 2016 09:38

Craftwork wrote:

you should share the Amazon thing on Facebook a few times a year, I suspect most of the people who follow the page would be perfectly happy to use it, but I doubt most even know about it.

thanks, we might share it once or twice, however we don't want to make too big a deal of it so as not to encourage people to shop on Amazon

Jun 19 2016 12:13

In the event of my death which many people have volunteered to speed up over the years

Jun 19 2016 12:15

I would like to donate all my books and pamphlets to Libcom.How do I do this?

Jun 19 2016 13:16

Or if they cannot be usefully scanned you could donate them later (or sooner) to a physical library maybe to Nottingham at or Glasgows 'Spirit of Revolt' or the London 'May Day Rooms'?

Jun 19 2016 17:51

Thanks Spikymike

Jun 19 2016 17:53

Where are the MayDay Rooms?

Jun 19 2016 18:01

MayDay Rooms, 88 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1DH hosts radical meetings and materials but I haven't been along there as yet.

Jun 19 2016 21:59

Cheers mate

Feb 3 2018 04:59

Updated to include a link to our new patreon account where people can support us on a regular basis to help fund big improvements to the site, fix broken things and help us make the project sustainable into the future:

Lucky Black Cat
Sep 1 2018 16:40

Hey, I'm wondering if the amazon thing works if you're using or rather than And if so, do we need a different link?

Sep 3 2018 19:34

Hey, unfortunately that doesn't work, it only works with the UK one. To work with the others, we would need bank accounts in the US and Canada as well

Lucky Black Cat
Sep 8 2018 17:32

Aww, too bad. Shipping stuff all the way from the UK would make the shipping cost much higher. But hey... I can still buy kindle books through the UK site. smile

Sep 8 2018 19:39

Lucky Black Cat wrote:

Aww, too bad. Shipping stuff all the way from the UK would make the shipping cost much higher. But hey... I can still buy kindle books through the UK site. smile

yeah of course, we wouldn't expect you to do that! Maybe you can buy kindle books though, although you should make sure that they will still go to your Kindle (I know in some cases if your Kindle is registered in one country, you have to purchase all your books from that country's Amazon site)

Lucky Black Cat
Sep 9 2018 03:48

You can refund a Kindle book within... I think it's 24 hours of purchasing? I forget the time limit but I've done it before. But in any case, if a UK purchase didn't go to my Kindle, I could just refund it, so it's at least worth a try.