Personalized Onboarding

Your Friends at Pressable connect you to a personalize on-boarding specialist that can helps set up your account, provision a new site or move an existing one. Whether you want to ask our amazing support team to do it for you or bootstrap it with our Knowledge Base, your on-boarding specialist can answer questions and be your ongoing, consistent point of contact.

Hosting should be simple, but there are a lot of hosting providers that make it seem like moving hosts is a technological nightmare (especially for our friends that just aren’t technically proficient).  Yes the server architecture matters, security matters, and important features like CDN, caching, and backups matter.  The thing is that all hosts know this.

The majority of hosting providers and certainly most managed WordPress host companies all offer you some version of these standard features and technologies that makes hosting your site work. So when you are shopping for a host the differences are about the relationships, the affordability, and whether or not solutions scale to meet the most demanding site traffic needs.

We’d like to think we’ve got all that covered.

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