The Public Voice coalition was established in 1996 to promote public participation in decisions concerning the future of the Internet. The Public Voice has pursued issues ranging from privacy and freedom of expression to consumer protection and Internet governance.

AI Universal Guidelines

The AI Universal Guidelines inform and improve the design and use of AI. The Guidelines are intended to maximize the benefits of AI, to minimize the risk, and to ensure the protection of human rights. Learn More»

AI, Ethics, and Fundamental Rights: 23 Oct 2018

This Public Voice event will review the impacts on AI, from debates on human rights, consumer protection, competition; on how to enforce existing laws in the age of AI; on the relationship between ethics and the law and more. 23 Oct 2018. More information»

January 28th: International Privacy Day

January 28th is International Privacy Day, which commemorates the Jan. 28, 1981, signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection.