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Neatz Notso
Joined August 2014

Neatz Notso’s Tweets

Lachlan is missing. The 15-year-old was last seen on 1 December in Reservoir. He was last seen wearing black trackies and a black hoodie. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is urged to contact Heidelberg Police Station on (03) 9450 8000. #220366624
Is this the kind of country we want, where environmental activists face jail time for peaceful protests? This isn't what democracy looks like.
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Violet Coco is not alone: the climate activists facing jail
Comrades: tomorrow evening, a family-friendly drag event in St Kilda is being targeted by NSN degenerates and other associated parasites like Proud Boys. They are at least all posting about it on Telegram & encouraging attendance. NEED YOUSE TO HEAD DOWN AND PROTECT IT PLEASE.
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Tomorrow Thursday 8th December, Victorian Pride Centre are holding a community event in St Kilda at 6.30pm. We’re aware this event is being threatened by Nazis and Proud Boys. The organisers, performers and council are also aware of these threats.
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This is completely heartbreaking. No child should be treated like they are. To prefer to be at Risdon over Ashley youth detention centre says a lot about Ashley and none of it's good. Tasmania gov should be so ashamed. So. Fucked. Up.
Today has been full of such bullshit and here's another. 8 months for blocking one lane of traffic in protest against climate inaction, this is so much bullshit. I really hope the appeal process is quick and successful! You have so much support Violet, this is so cray.
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We are devastated by the 8 month jail term handed to our client, climate activist Violet Coco. Appeal has been filed. Appeals bail will be sought as soon as possible at the District Court. Hang in there ⁦@VioletCoCo5
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Even writing this has been somewhat cathartic. I don't normally share like this on social media but I needed to ask for help and im glad I did. So thank you for all the kind words, great articles and people for me to look up. If you also read this whole thread, thank you.
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So yes, lots of confusing feelings, hate is much easier if the person's alive somewhere, thought I'd let things go during the yrs, so I could cont to co parent, but I'm remembering so many more that I'd forgotten. Like a movie you can't turn off.
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I'm glad he's finally at peace, he spent a lot of time being scared and confused, esp during hospital times. Imagine knowing nothing. Terrifying. Now its our time, hardest for son who's lost any hope for future change. He deserved so much better. It hurts my heart.
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He always shocked me with his behaviour, he always managed to do something worse, so was fitting he would die in front of me. I am glad I was there, that he wasn't alone. He was finally gone from my life, I thought i was done. Then he just had to get sick and was back.
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Last sat i went without son. Was with his beautiful mum for hr next to her son, then she went home. I sat with him for few hrs,he was big like a bear at end and sounded like one, then he breathed out and never took another breath. It was all over.
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It was like talking to someone on acid, but told son he loved him, had hugs, we didn't know at time he was dying but felt heavy like we knew. Next visit we knew he was dying, they were keeping him sedated because he was getting agitated. Said our goodbyes.
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That was always bad. I cared for him a few times. It was all strange, tragic, sometimes funny. Few times I tried to talk of bad times, he wld shrug like none mattered. Same with son. He almost died few more times. 2 wks ago got a brain infection. Me + son saw him while lucid.
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He had long term memory, but wld change often, sometimes within minutes, 2012 then 2018. Son just finished school, he was asked how school was, would tell him he finished, some days that was the loop, over and over. He slightly improved, knew sometimes there was something wrong.
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His mum cared for him, he was most independent person i knew, he would have hated had he known. Wierd thing was he was nicer, always happy to see me (so strange). So hard for our son + he was back in my life. You could leave rm for minute then return + he would say hello again.
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Yr later we were sitting next to him in icu. He got Manengitis, almost died, coma. He lived but had permanent brain damage, lost short term memory, was awful. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. He then spent the next 5 yrs living his own worst nightmare, Mr independence lost it all.
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We shared a house in 2015, long story, but the last 3 mths he stopped talking to us, except to yell, he left without saying goodbye to our son. Still don't know why. Son was almost 16 which was a relief, decided I never had to see the dad again, co parenting was over.
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I just wanted to quickly thank everyone for the helpful replies. I also want to clear any confusion, its not grieving end of relationship, he died 8 days ago, its grieving him. Ironic thing is it was me who was with him when he took his last breath. I'll add more after work.
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Wondering if anyone has any resources to help grieve for a toxic, abusive ex who you've coparented with since you were 21, our son is now 22. I've tried looking but its all about coparenting with a toxic ex or how to grieve a toxic parent. This is hard shit.
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Volunteers also find massive trees in Victoria in proposed coupes, and very soon these people that we rely on to find not only massive trees but also threatened species will be able to be fined up to 21g and 12 mths jail. Is this progressive?
The mainstream media has been complicit in the forced disappearances of Aboriginal women. This is because they do not centre Aboriginal women who have died, and because of this, do not show the devastating waves of racist violence perpetrated against them in life and death
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The only way to save our native species is to stop the destruction. As long as Labor continues to open up new coal and gas mines, we will have habitat clearing and more climate fueled fires and floods. We need an end to new coal & gas and native forest logging once and for all.
This needs to end. These peeps are amazing but they should be able to just enjoy the forest by now without having to blockade.
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BREAKING! Forest blockade established on Gunnai Country Swifts Creek. Brave person is occupying a tree-sit 30m off the ground. We will not allow this senseless destruction by the @DanielAndrewsMP gov to continue. We will take a stand for our communities, wildlife & forests.
Supposedly I no longer need to be in quarantine. I think that I will not go shopping, or go anywhere with people. Bike rides, night time dog walks etc. I don't want to infect anyone, my son is pretty much asymptomatic and if I don't feel ill and pass it on? Nope.
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