You can run but ...
Prolly shouldn't've said that eh.

After months and years of consideration, I've finally decided to jump on the crowdfunding bandwagon by way of patreon. If you like what you read & would like to see more ...

'Since 2015, and the emergence of 'Reclaim Australia', the 'United Patriots Front' and allied groups, but especially since the election of Trump in the United States and the re-emergence of movements of the far right in many other countries, a lot more people are paying attention to fascism and the far ri...ght and my work has begun to reach a wider audience. Unfortunately, monitoring and analysing these ideologies and movements is both very time-consuming and completely unrewarding financially, so while to date I've not asked for any form of financial support, it's now gotten to the stage that, without some form of subsidy, I'll have to stop doing this work and do something else to pay the rent. So ... if you've found what I've had to contribute to political discussions over the past few years to be of value, and you'd like to see me continue to do so, please consider making a donation.'

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* The fact that the Job Network is a corrupt, billion-dollar rort which has made a very small number of people very rich, while further immiserating millions of vulnerable workers, was predictable and indeed predicted at the time that the Commonwealth Employment Service was privatised in the 1990s.…/punished-by-the-lucrative-wel…
The outlook for the most disadvantaged jobseekers is bleak: only a quarter will find work each year. The privatised system is leaving them behind