It’s Jack Off Time!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Fucken Boab! Yet another one for the list and what a little peach this is. Perpetually pubescent neo-Nazi Jack Renshaw has been exposed as a predatory sex offender and convicted of four counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. He got a feeble 18 months, a lenient sentence he would have complained about if it had been anyone else. Renshaw was a prominent member of the BNP and the physically unimpressive National Action Men, a fascist fantasy gang who were legally proscribed then fell apart in a mess of grassing and court cases. Of course Renshaw isn’t the 1st NA ‘nonce:’ original member Ryan Fleming had been done TWICE for sexual offences which the neo-Nazi gang tried to keep quiet about.

National Action’s Ryan Fleming

We had heard about Renshaw’s seedy predilections from Hope Not Hate before Christmas but couldn’t blog about it until the case was done. When we said we felt ‘a bit sorry’ for him, 1 HnH associate put us proper right by saying that he was a vicious homophobic racist and anti-Semite who deserves no sympathy at all. Eek! Fair enough.

Jack Renshaw: Not Smiling But Drowning!

Renshaw is 23, a schoolboy Nazi who was living with his mum and loved his earlier notoriety which he now surely regrets: a self-hating homophobe; a ‘nonce’ hating groomer; and a neo-Nazi with no ‘racial comrades.’ Renshaw’s next few years in the majesties priz will be dangerous: he will be targeted by other prisoners for being a fascist and targeted by fascists for being a sex offender. And he is an easy target, too: he is small, weak, and looks half his age. He will be on the ‘nonce wing’ where vulnerable prisoners are placed but even then, he can still be attacked by other prisoners looking to improve their criminal reputations.

Renshaw: Wide Eyed & Friendless! 

Normally, all of this stuff would justify an enormous slab of Schadenfreude with squirty cream and a fancy hat but we have identified so many convicted sex offenders within the UK far right that it’s just depressing. Their ‘anti-grooming gang’ protests seem more like a massive subconscious deflection from the behaviour of dozens within their ranks who criticise others for the same crimes they are guilty of.

We have now updated our Far Right Sex Offenders List:

Please pass it around to remind people how depraved and degenerate the UK far right are.

Be Seeing You!

PS: we apologise to all our regular readers for not updating the blog given the recent rise in far right activities. We appreciate all of your support.


About malatesta32

Malatesta aka M. Testa, undercover anti-fascist blogger, has analyzed the changing fortunes of the British far right for nearly a decade. He has given lectures on anti-fascism, published articles in Anarchist Studies and Freedom magazine and wrote Militant Anti-Fascism: 100 Years Of Resistance (AK Press 2015) which the Morning Star called a '‘Potent Primer On Europe’s Anti-Fascist Struggle … a useful source of information about the fight against fascism.’
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