Victorian Weather

Current Warnings

Victoria Forecast

  • Monday Fog then sunny, cool-to-cold in SW. Showers clearing, cool-to-cold in SE. Mostly sunny, cool-to-cold in NW. Fog then sunny, cool-to-cold in NE.

  • Tuesday Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the south. Sunny, cool-to-mild in NW. Fog then sunny, cool-to-cold in NE.

  • Wednesday Clearing shower, cold in the south. Mostly sunny, cool-to-cold in NW. Clearing shower, cool-to-cold in NE.

  • Thursday Showers/storms, cold in W. Mostly sunny, cool-to-cold in E. Showers/storms, cold in NW. Late shower, cold in NE. Snow Alps.

Vic Extremes and Records

Extremes and Records
Current Extremes   Last 3 Days Extremes Extremes This Month
Fri 03/05 Sat 04/05 Sun 05/05


Gabo Island
Avg: Rec:


Bairnsdale Ap
Avg: Rec:


Avg: Rec:


Wangaratta Ap
Avg: Rec:


Avg: Rec:


Falls Creek
Avg: Rec:


Mt Buller
Avg: Rec:


Mt Buller
Avg: Rec:


Mt Buller
Avg: Rec:

SSE 48km/h

Mt Hotham


Wilsons Promontory


Wilsons Promontory


Mt Hotham
no rain last hr Wettest


Wilsons Promontory
Avg: Rec:


Mt Baw Baw
Avg: Rec:


Rocky Valley
Avg: Rec:
Victoria's Records for May
Max Min Rain
Highest 35.6°C at
Mildura in 1892
Lowest -5.6°C at
Mt Hotham in 2000
Highest 21.6°C at
Heathcote in 1972
Lowest -7.8°C at
Omeo in 1967
Highest 536.6mm at
Orbost in 2017

Victoria Weather Forecasts

(ungroup by district)
Forecast Min Max Chance of rain Rain amount Frost risk 9am 3pm
Wind RH Wind RH
°C °C km/h % km/h %
Clearing shower
12 17 40% < 1mm Nil SW 6 76 SW 11 63
Mostly sunny
5 19 5% < 1mm Slight S 9 82 SW 5 44
Fog then sunny
5 17 10% < 1mm Slight S 10 90 SW 11 53
Mostly sunny
6 18 5% < 1mm Nil SSW 12 76 SW 11 49
Mostly sunny
7 17 5% < 1mm Nil SSW 14 78 SSW 19 51
Increasing sunshine
0 6 10% < 1mm High S 27 91 SW 18 79
3 19 5% < 1mm Moderate S 4 75 WSW 14 45
Mostly sunny
7 14 20% < 1mm Nil SSW 17 94 SSW 16 62
Fog then sunny
7 17 10% < 1mm Nil W 11 92 WSW 18 57
Showers easing
10 15 70% < 1mm Nil W 11 91 WSW 13 78
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